Stage Select


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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. You say that, but remember that Ryu started as nothing, gained Fire, then switched to Lightning. If anything, Sagat is more cool and collected than ever.
  2. I assume the information came from something though. Weird thing to just make up.
  3. There was some source once way back that described what everyone's projectile "feels" like, and the Tiger Shot was described as feeling freezing cold.
  4. To be honest, I don't think any of those explanations are the literal reasons why those characters have elemental powers, they're just the origins for the mindsets that cause those characters to figure out how to manipulate their own Ki. Like, I don't think there's a literal wind ghost that Lily talks to that gives her her wind powers. I think it's just a matter of her being in touch with her own spirituality, and that expresses itself through her ki in the form of wind. I don't think Blanka literally generates electricity the same bioorganic way that eels do. I think interacting with eels inspired him to want to generate electricity, and that manifested itself in him being able to transform his ki into electricity. The only real exception to that would be someone like Viper, who is actually using tech to generate fire and electricity.
  5. Lol, you guys are way overthinking this. Ryu isn't charging particles and Ken isn't rapidly oxidating fuel when they use lighting and fire. Some characters can just transform their Ki into different elements. It's Naruto/Hunter x Hunter style.
  6. Easily. No reason why they couldn't. G is more lava than earth. No different than the airbenders we already have. It's all just ki transformation and manipulation. Hydromancy.
  7. NO. It's because it's genuinely not as good. I don't give a shit if it's new or not. Marisa and Kimberly's themes are decent. But they're new. Manon's is dogshit. Cause it's dogshit, not cause it's new. I think what I need is a returning character who's old theme sucks. Then their new theme won't be competing with an iconic classic. I need Ed. SF4. It's always SF4. Ooh, except Ibuki and Rose. Then it's SF5. Yes, provided I could set it so characters actually USE said tracks. Currently, you can't. Which is like having retro outfits in the game, and not being able to wear them.
  8. I mean, I also don't like 3S's music. Too many of it's songs feel like they're just an intro to a song that repeats over and over and never gets to the hook. Nnno. It's because the change is rarely an improvement. The problem for them much of SF's music is, like, the best music in all of video games. So the chances of you replacing something like that with something that's actually BETTER, is almost nonexistant. And Rashid's theme was probably the best piece of music in SF5. The new song doesn't even compare.
  9. The problem with trying to tell the main story of SF6 through WTM, even if a lot more gets added later, is it's always going to be difficult to make the story feel like it matters, when you're always going to be playing it as a character that doesn't. Even if WTM eventually comes to a huge ASF climax in later seasons, you're always going to be experiencing that story from the perspective of a bystander in the SF story.
  10. The fact that it's subpar in the area that matters most to me, makes it untrue, to me.
  11. Because I'm responding to the video and the video was literally like "The best fighting game single player mode". Then I will say it's good when it actually gets good. Not before.
  12. I suppose that true, but that doesn't actually make it good. WTM is the best FIGHTING GAME single player mode. It's still a pretty mediocre video game single player mode. It's like a worse version of Yakuza. Mediocre gameplay mode + bad story doesn't earn any awards from me.
  13. I'm not sure I agree. It's very neat, but the story kinda sucks. And story is why I play single player.
  14. That depends when WTM has him show up. He might not show up until the tournament is over, but he could also be there from the moment you arrive in Nayshall. Since so many of the characters are already side quests, and not linked to the main plot, Rashid isn't required to be tied to the main plot either. Every Nayshalleses' favorite charity. "Shoeprints for trains".
  15. Finished my project. Though it's really just an update to an old project. Thanks again to @CESTUS IIIfor the image help!
  16. No game needs charge! Other than in WTM, because it's a new set of inputs the stupid game will actually let you set Specials to... But that, in and of itself would be a new stage. Because there's currently no Nayshall Caves stage. When Capcom says "new stage" I assume that just means a new stage on the stage select. Not necessarily an entirely new separate area of WTM.
  17. The scene with Rashid parkouring on the trains is obviously his WTM introduction. His fight intro is the shot later of him setting up the camera. I think AKI will actually use the Tian Hong Yuan stage. As it doesn't actually show up in WTM, since all the Chinese characters are hanging out in Metro City instead.
  18. He looks amazing! It's clearer this time that his wind powers aren't tech related. I hope Lily is his Rival. New theme is garbage compared to his SF5 expected.
  19. I don't mind all the thugs wearing masks, but I wish only, like, one gang did the box thing. It's stupid that they all do it. Hell, some of The Crows even HAVE crow masks. But a lot of them still wear boxes.
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