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Everything posted by DarthEnderX

  1. I mean...the SW design is literally just his FF1 design with an added overshirt. I dunno, maybe the art style of the pic isn't helping. It's Smalt Raven's time!
  2. I disagree. Don't get me wrong, convict Cody sucks, but the guy who doesn't care about anything but fighting becoming mayor makes even less sense. Especially POST convict Cody. Who's voting for him?! Cody should have become the Terry Bogard of SF. The prisoner gimmick should have gone to Joe like originally planned. Post prison though, I think Streetwise Cody is way better than mayor Cody. It's a great blend of his FF and Alpha designs. It's implied that Marlowe is Jessica in disguise. WHO VOTED FOR HIM?! A violent convict that REPEATEDLY broke out of prison! How did that campaign work? Who the fuck did he run against? Sodom?! How is he even free? Breaking out of prison adds a TON of time to your sentence!
  3. Okay, suit Blanka is neat, but you people saying it should be his new default need to calm the fuck down. It doesn't fit his character. Just like stupid mayor Cody.
  4. My preference would be her standard look's bottom combined with that alt's top and hair.
  5. Okay, well, clones are just a really DUMB story conceit then. We have too many already. Should never have had any to begin with. And if we ever get another in the future, it should only be a physical body for Kage.
  6. As other's have said, Retsu doesn't use Karate at all. He uses Shorinji Kempo. Which is a Japanese adaptation of Shaolin Kung Fu.
  7. The other plot I want to see: The UN forms an anti-martial arts crime bullshit task force finally. Governments assign agents to it. Guile - US Military Viper - CIA Chun Li - Interpol Cammy - MI6 Abel - Brought in by Guile as freelancer
  8. Ryu wants to test the results of his training. He gets his friend Ken to pay for a tournament. It's a tag team tournament. Everyone is there. Some for the tournament. Some for secret organization bullshit in the background. The end.
  9. If this is the same Vergeben, he made a bunch of correct predictions with Smash Ultimate, then made some incorrect ones during DLC.
  10. Ideally, for some of the sweatier combos, Capcom would actually make new characters to form better teams. Example: I'd actually prefer if Luke and Alex were a team. But that leaves Remy without a suitable partner. It would be great if they actually made Elizabeth a character to team with him. I'm also not a huge fan of Nash+Gen. Being dead is the only thing they have in common. Give me Gen's disciple(male). Then give me a new character that fits with Able(or Guile) so I can stick Nash with Guile(or Abel).
  11. Sodom and Eagle should be way sooner, and S5 needs to not exist. Anyway, here's MY SF6 roster: First 22 characters are launch. After that, 6 characters per DLC season. Will only take 10 years to reach the end!
  12. Wait, there are people that actually think Neo Shadaloo is cool? Then who's gonna be Necro's tag team partner?!
  13. A beard that doesn't cover your chin looks STUPID. A better implementation of the same concept is Augus from Asura's Wrath.
  14. Everything about Necalli sucks. From the fact that he's a goddamn Aztec martian, to his lack of a personality, to his complete inconsequentialness to the story. Very trashy of them to use Akuma's terrible cowardly lion design in crossovers...
  15. I WOULD have preferred Stingray to Fuerte, but since we already got Fuerte, I have no interest in getting any more luchadores.
  16. Nah. It does have a FEW varieties, but even those are mostly represented already. Lucha, Puroresu, Super heavyweight, technical grappler, etc. Especially since we're specifically dealing with "Pro Wrestlers" and not just "wrestlers".
  17. The problem with Slam Masters characters is they all use the same martial art. And it's one that's already well represented in SF.
  18. You know what? That's a good point. Fewer newcomers means more returnees. Forget I complained! The South American team was great! The China Team and Special Invite team were lame. Well, I really wanted Vice, Mature and Yamazaki to form Team Earthly Kings. But Yamazaki is on Team Southtown. I'll accept Vice, Mature and Gaidel though. I thought Omega Rugal was just a form that he could turn on and off.
  19. They should have made regular Rugal, Vice and Mature a DLC team, and then Omega Rugal should have just been the unplayable boss version. And least it GOT newcomers. KoF15, despite it's massive roster, has, like, 2 newcomers.
  20. Not me. I'll take better overall visuals over costume options. I hate 90% of the alts in SF5 anyway.
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