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Everything posted by ToreyBeans

  1. Xian and Mike Ross are a blessed team and they're producing quality content. I was entertained by every second of that clip lol
  2. Just a heads up for everyone who likes looking up Japanese things - DeepL has officially impressed me. It was able to translate シャドルinto Shadaloo with no problems! Definitely has helped make sense outta Google's translation messes.
  3. I'm not sure about Udon reprinting their work, but I found it here on a discount:
  4. Yeah man... I stopped playing once I got to Diamond. The fatigue really started to set after we got SF6 footage. My mind's been training me to want the new hotness and not the old busted joint. Shoot, I occasionally fire up SFIV and after about five minutes I realize that was a mistake. Lately I've been messing with Final Fantasy VII Remake, but not nearly enough to make a dent in my progress. Still a newlywed so I'm spending plenty of time watching Bleach with Wiferena and eating good lol.
  5. So I've been comparing the animations for Ryu and Ken for the moves that they have in common. I honestly thought they had identical animations for their standing light punch, heavy lunch, and light kicks, but there are actually slight variations between the attacks. The distinction was much more visible in SFV than in SF6's current state. I was pretty surprised that Capcom didn't cut and paste Ryu's animations directly onto Ken! Come to also learn their Tatsus have different start up animations and hand positioning. I inspected the Hadoken and Shoryuken animations too but I didn't notice any distinctions between them. Check em out!
  6. Dr. Frankenstein of dat PC master race strikes again. One day maybe PC will be viable, but until then - console life all de time! I'm tryna figure out how many TOs will legitimately throw likely hundreds of dollars together for the set ups. I respectfully get what Sabin is tryna do... Maybe the man is ahead of his time?
  7. The theme sounds similar to President of the World, but yeah it's not that theme. It has a similar progression, but the instrumentation and pretty much everything else says "new theme" from my perspective.
  8. I'll be honest enough to admit that during the beta, I was pressing HP+HK to do v-trigger to make my moves safe and bulldoze with a nice comeback lol. But yeah, no can't do that! Had to play actual footsies and even though I was a Five Star Silver Ryu, my footsie game could certainly use a boost. I'm just grateful for the progress I made and I'm not gonna let the learning curve trip me up. I had fun with SFIV and SFV and I'll be dawggone to request changes built into the ecosystem of the game. I'mma git gud or I won't - no excuses necessary.
  9. I really don't understand his take about why folk won't join PC master race... He shouldn't be speaking for everyone, cuz straight up, I like my PS5 and tryna build a PC doesn't make sense for my budget. That's some serious propaganda fake news that man's believing
  10. Here are the move reference videos! I got most of the moves for everyone captured, with few exceptions like the Denjin Charge version of the Hashogeki Hope y’all enjoy!!
  11. Here are the move reference videos! I got most of the moves for everyone captured, with few exceptions like the Denjin Charge version of the Hashogeki Hope y’all enjoy!!
  12. I mentioned this in the main thread, but if anyone’s interested, for posterity’s sake and reference, I’ve recorded all the moves in the beta and I’ll have all of them available hopefully sometime today
  13. If anyone’s interested, for posterity’s sake and reference, I’ve recorded all the moves in the beta and I’ll have all of them available hopefully sometime today
  14. Someone is upset because their favorite Street Fighter II music hasn’t been remixed for the 754579064th time. We’ve had amazing music that hasn’t fit the “mold” like the MVC series, the EX series, Street Fighter III, etc…
  15. And just like that the beta is over. Admittedly, I wasn't expecting to enjoy playing with Ryu like I did! Maybe I might git gud with him? I needs gimmicks lol (shamone Kim~!!!) Whatever the case I'm very motivated to try out everyone and see who's best for me. Hoping we get an open beta very soon!
  16. I might mention something controversial here, so here goes.... After listening to both Hiroki Takahashi and Kyle Hebert lend their voices for Ryu, admittedly for the first time since SFIV, I think Kyle Herbert did a better job with it. Helps a lot that the English voices are now synced with the characters' lip movements, which is wonderful by itself!
  17. Coming off of playing with Birdie for the past 6 years, I thought I'd try out Kimberly. Man... I had no idea how much I missed out on not having a quicker walk speed. I am suck with Kim, but man is it satisfying to shimmy folks while they're in the corner. It's a beautiful thing.
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!! Ugly Ken is not supposed to exist in this game!!!! What the actual heck is that second picture of a carryover from SFV is that supposed to be?! Must be all the stress from everyone thinking Ken was divorced, strung out, a drug lord, tryna get the kids back, brainwashed by Dictator, and too violent for everyone. At least he doesn't have a head full of bananas.
  19. Man, I feel kinda bad for the guy I just fought. The user name really was "iPayed4This :(" lol
  20. Actually!!! The option is in the game! If you go up options, under language there's "character specific settings". It's just grayed out during the beta. Vocal mixing is back y'all!!!!!
  21. I need a gimmicky character like my Birdie. Ryu is the most fun in most recent SF games, but Ryu is still Ryu lol. I was fortunate to land in Bronze in my rank evaluation. Having a great time with it!!
  22. I like the song! That actually sounds a bit like Dee Jay. I wonder if that's him singing...?
  23. Lemme stop waiting then! I'm wondering if I should wake up the wife or just let her sleep.... Edit: the sandman done got her. Flying solo it is
  24. I think Bison will drop with the rest of the Shitennoh in May. Only a hunch~!
  25. And before the beta drops too? Capcom should've released the Ken theme, so at least for now we got his theme with bad audio cues. This is the stuff that happens when they leave us emaciated for news. It's cool tho... LESS THAN 2 HOURS LEFT!!!!!!!!
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