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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. Imaginary Friends, I have a confession to make. The Persona 5 video I teased a few weeks ago was actually a red herring. The truth is, I've been working on a much bigger and better project behind the scenes. I wanted to conceal the hype because frankly, it blows all of our previous projects out of the water, but I can't hold it in any longer! Our next video will be... "How POWERFUL is LARRY BOY?"
  2. Nothing, some poor idiot rambling on about shit no one cares about.
  3. That actually does not say much, Bars can be classified as private establishments
  4. You need evidence enough to convince a Judge to sign off on a warrant. Shit a Taxi driver says isn't enough for a Judge. Taxi drivers talk alot of shit, most of it is made up. There only so much you can get from tailing someone At this point, it's harder than you think. You probably need for someone to go under cover and go in, and then you are risking a life to take down a fight club.
  5. Because hearsay isn't enough in court, you need actual physical evidence.
  6. Because it was an April Fools post I did on FB 7 years ago Game of Thrones Fans loved it, Walking Dead fans screamed Heresy as I dare mention Daryl dying. But Honestly I would of killed Daryl off in the most brutalist fashion. But we know how soft Walking Dead fans are when they outrage when Negan killed Glenn and the shows ratings dropped off. It was also an unpopular scene from the Walking Dead comic, where afterwards readership fell off as well. What Walking Dead really needs is the Treatment GoT got season 7.
  7. Here an old one What if we got George RR Martin to write next season of the Walking dead, Daryl died in the first 5 minuets of the new episode.
  8. Yes this is a Repost, but it fits here
  9. The First Two Rules The Rules of Fight Club You do not talk about Fight Club. You do not talk about Fight Club. Someone yells "Stop!", goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. Only two guys to a fight. One fight at a time, fellas. No shirts, no shoes. Fights will go on as long as they have to. If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight.
  10. Well here is a sample of his post history on MEGA SHOCK How many of you actually wear underwear? I've never understood why we wear it or even own more than one. One of my posts was deleted. Why? I demand an explanation. UwU Every so called "insult" has to involve either a cock getting sucked or fucking some guys ass. Can't you be like us theists, in where cocks are either getting castrated and asses are getting boots shoved up instead? I am sick and tired of feeling my testicles die off every time I accidentally run in to another one of your diary like posts I suggest you call him out right now; use whatever remaining man juice you have left Sounds pretty much like a soft girly man to me
  12. I agree, there zero reason to make a single player game online only. I know why they did it, it's a form of DRM. But it only hurts the consumer not the pirates, who just find a way around it anyways. Unless the game runs on the cloud, which would be some grade A bullshit. Only games that should require online connectivity are MMOs, as that's with in the nature of the game.
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