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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. Hilarious that fortnight runs sub optimally on the Switch. Yes Witcher 3 also runs on the sub optimally with lower resolution than fortnight. But squeezing Witcher 3 into a Switch game card was a miracle in itself
  2. I wanted to see how bucky did after end game
  3. Funny you say that as I hate Inuyasha. Well we started off with the most hated female from Naruto, and she has the female sex appeal of a bean pole. Let's not go there.
  4. Alison Matthews does the voices for both characters in the English Dubs I meet her and the composer for Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Yoko Kanno
  5. Even the last two years of MtG makes more sense than Yuigoh's choices
  6. Best anime female is Benten from Urusei Yatsura Here she is with everyone's favorite Oni Lum
  7. Why were you even reading what Alpha Charlie ever have to say. His angry "how starwars is ruined" rants run longer than all the star wars and star trek media put together, films, shows, cartoons, tv specials, books, comics, video games, crossovers, everything. Then he wants to link us to watch stupid angry video rants from a doom wannabee who's videos are 10 times longer than the media he wanted to mock. He also payed only double the MSRP for a NES classic, then he did it again for the shit European version.
  8. Sounds like a Magegg move, comparing X-men Apocalypse to The Dark Knight
  9. Key differences is Yugioh don't use any R&D or play-test their cards and the card concepts came out before they ever thought of the rules and the whole game pays for it harshly. Magic has an extensive R&D section of their card creation process, Yugioh also usually you required to pull cards from multiple sets, some many years old to make a functional set. Magic on the other hand you can make fully functional decks from a single block (which are 2/3 next to each other in releases sets), quite often you can make a functional and comparative deck from a single set. Magic also has a core set which allows reprints of "Staple" cards. Magic's ban list makes sense, it does not change very often, cards are banned if they ether break the game or no longer make the game fun. Yugioh's logic to banning cards is throwing darts at a board and it will change every 3 to 6 months, and bannings and unbannings makes little sense. As for art, Magic's card art often start as huge oil paintings on canvas, yugioh uses ether digital or manga art.
  10. The fuck are you talking about. That was not me.
  11. Honestly you aren't missing out on much. Cool ability to climb over buildings and such, but near endless fetch quests pad out the game that reminiscent of the N64 fetch platformers. Later games are so buggy they make Cyber Punk 2077 and Fallout New Vegas look stable.
  12. Majority of the DC movies are such ass, including anything Snyder has touched. Let them have this piece of mediocrity, this is like refusing to give starving homeless children food only because it's McDonalds instead of a proper meal
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