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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. The fuck are you talking about. That was not me.
  2. Honestly you aren't missing out on much. Cool ability to climb over buildings and such, but near endless fetch quests pad out the game that reminiscent of the N64 fetch platformers. Later games are so buggy they make Cyber Punk 2077 and Fallout New Vegas look stable.
  3. Majority of the DC movies are such ass, including anything Snyder has touched. Let them have this piece of mediocrity, this is like refusing to give starving homeless children food only because it's McDonalds instead of a proper meal
  4. Cherry anything is disgusting Only thing worst than Cherry Coke is Cherry Pepsi. And Cherry Soda's taste like Cherry medicine
  5. You can't, as it's already been done. Its called Peeps x Pepsi.
  6. FUCK YEAH !!!!
  7. Ikumi Nakamura is too good for Beth anyways. I wish her great success in her new endeavors.
  8. That shit is this? I am glad the new generation got videos on the internet to figure stuff out in a fighting game. Its a far cry from scrounging gaming magazines at the supermarket, looking to find player guides in the bargain bin hoping to find something, if not you are asking other kids on the school yard. Kids always spend too much time reading about video games and watching videos instead of school work, this was around since video games hit the scene in the 70s. And before Video Games it was something else. This has always been the case. Ever since competitive video games were a thing, you acting like this shit is new and kids are spoiled. Hell the thing you are trying to accuse the new generation of players of doing has been a thing since February 14, 1962.
  9. Is PS5 Adding PS3, PS2, and PS1 Backward Compatibility? New Sony Patent Has PlayStation Fans Speculating
  10. Everything from eshops shutting down, to cloud computing to your console bricking it self due to age.
  12. And now the circle is complete All 6 Star Wars Movies are finally on Disney Plus.
  13. Too bad Venture brothers got canceled, Hank is actually becoming a competent human begin
  14. The thing is artificial Vanilla sucks, its the most blandest, most boring of flavors. Real Vanilla is rich, deep, but not heavy, it has subtle notes that you only notice in good vanilla.
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