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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. Today's dose of Camila Banus, my current #1...apparently she's signed on for a renewed contract on Days of Our Lives...
  2. Y'know, one thing I find irritating is how guys always get the blame for not being a big hit with the ladies... like anything and everything bad is always "eh that's YOUR fault, dude.."....yeahhhhh go suck a thousand HIV-infested dicks. Flip that around--let's say I'm trying to recommend a certain female friend to someone...on paper she has it all going in terms of everything EXCEPT the very critical issue of looks...she's smart and has a winning personality, she has a stable job making some nice money; all around she's good....annnd then I tell ya she weighs 278 lbs....or I say she looks like Craig Mack with a wig. Naturally she's going to be friend-zoned at best...maybe even laughed at to her face. Now--- doesn't it sound at least a bit silly to say it's always her fault things don't work out? No---she isn't considered attractive by most and that's just it. Perhaps weight isn't a good example because you can work out and lose some pounds....but when people simply are not attracted to ya....I don't see that as being the fault of that person. There is nothing you could have done or said to significantly change that situation if they genuinely are not attracted. Think about that for a second---is there anything that Gabby Siddebe could do to suddenly make you think of her as someone that is on Salma Hayek's level? Nope. But whatever, everything bad is always the guy's fault, right? Sure. Women have quite the enviable position in the modern western world---they hold the golden power of veto in this man/woman thing... they hold all the cards... they call the shots....and they have a long list of demands yet are NOT expected to bring anything to the table themselves.....and they are never blamed for anything...and they can do outright evil shit and always be given the benefit of doubt, always be forgiven, or treated with kid-gloves in court, they can destroy lives based on the power of their words alone (even if it's well over a decade later), literally get away with murder, etc. etc. In various tv shows and commercials, they get to be represented as the know-it-all character that cannot possibly be wrong for even 2 seconds about anything (while the man is portrayed to be the dumb, lesser creature that probably wouldn't survive without her help) *Think about it this way and you may get an even clearer view of my feelings on these kinda things---imagine back to your days in elementary school... let's say that for no apparent reason, the teacher is nice to only the kids on that other side of the room. She hates you and the other kids on this side of the room. Other side gets all the special treatment, they aren't expected to do any hard classwork/homework... and they can do the same shit your side does but they never get in trouble for it. Hell, they don't even have to show up for class if they don't want to....or if they show up 45 minutes late that's ok too. They can also get violent with you and that's perfectly fine with the Teacher. There's never any logical explanation for why the other side of the room gets this special treatment, it's just the way it is and you're supposed to "deal wit it, bruh."---- you even get shouted down or insulted whenever you bring it up any aspect of this absurd situation.
  3. man, I don't think the Witch Trials V in Bayonetta 2 ever gets "easy" at any point, man... from the beginning it's enemies that are throwing out non-stop attacks every second from every possible direction...and a LOT of the hits are near instantaneous shit with little to no startup animation. I'd find it hard to believe anyone claiming they can consistently dodge all of the foolishness going on in that particular one....maybe if you have Speedforce-enhanced reaction time like Flash, then I might believe ya....possibly. One thing that adds to the difficulty here--- that dreaded shit that happens in a lot of action games... some of these attacks WILL hit you from off-screen....which of course means there was absolutely no way possible you could've defended against that, other than constantly be dodging and hope to be lucky in dodging random shit.
  4. ohoooo yeah...I forgot to mention earlier that the mysterious Phantom Shitter struck yet again today at work.... I heard about it from one of the cleaning service people... I just hate that I haven't actually seen the shit personally. Yeah, it would make it even funnier to me if I saw it. Apparently I didn't notice or had just missed it, since I went to that floor early in the morning and notice the HR Administrator and 2 other "VIPs" in the hallway talking... that's probably why they were over there. ...there's so many questions.... like now I'm wondering if it's done out of anger, or if it's just someone that happens to have the same nasty, admittedly childish sense of humor I have...actually, it would be quite the challenge to actually be one of those VIPs standing there trying to sort this out with HR...because the whole time I'd be trying not to crack up laughing. 🤣
  5. sheeeeit, Saturn had one of the greatest controllers of all time---PERFECT 6-button layout and comfortable design. Good shit coming up--- I got Wizard of Legend to look forward to (May 15) and of course Vampyr (^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author )on June 5. Wizard of Legend twitter-->( Meanwhile: Bayonetta 2--- I'd love a more randomized fight mode in stylish action games like this... the downside of the Witch Trials is that it's the same pattern of enemies each time....Bloody Palace in DMC4 was the same deal--- it would be even better if they had modes like that where it is random what kind of enemies are going to show up, then you could get some crazy enemy combinations out of that would be the shit.
  6. ^HELL YEAH I need THAT!!!! I think I said it before but Blitzwing was one of my favorites, and one of the only Transformers I still have. I was also hyped to see him as a boss fight in that Transformers Devastation game (*THE game for fans of classic Transformers designs, not the modern Bay-era trash.) Sheeeeit, just talking about it makes me want to play that game again... I just realized the Originals AfterShow is still a thing... I actually forgot about the Afterbuzz channel and haven't checked it in months (and oh yes the lovely Roxy Striar is back hosting.. I'd eat)
  7. Ohhh if they're going to dig into THAT, then perhaps I will give Krypton a chance...that could be something. *the latest episode of Flash--- Devo, bruh... such a shame...that FINE ass wife is clearly thrilled that he was able to morph into his former appearance again and now very clearly wants to get RAVAGED. You could practically smell the freshly moistened panties... but he's so wrapped up in his plans for the world that he no longer cares about tappin' that.... this is a tragic neglect of seriously gorgeous ass that is ready and willing. She even got out the "favorite dress", dolled herself up and everything.
  8. oh lordy YESSSSSSS... Melissa B. is PRIME TIME white meat yes yes... and doing the ASMR thing in this vid?! Hell yeah it's like a Christmas present out of nowhere to me....I might need to save that to The Collection asap. She could have it her way like Burger King, any time, any place. ohh and look at that gorgeous smile... woo yes that girl is somethin' else 😓
  9. I have a facebook page but I've grown to hate that garbage.... only logging in at this point to keep tabs on certain cute celebs or game companies I care about (like the devs of Vampyr, and that company behind Gears still posts stuff about Gears 4 on theirs) As I've mentioned before, I hate it when I or anyone else has to be censored...which is precisely the problem with FB. To be generally safe in today's social/political climate... people have no choice but to pretend to be a Mr. Rogers "perfect person"....only making "safe" and acceptable comments about a very narrow range of topics and posts... I don't have an instagram page myself...but I still use it to keep tabs of various hot celebs there....kinda odd and annoying that there's a special thing you have to do to save pics there unlike any other site. (*either screenshot it or "view page source" and go to the actual .jpg link) I use Twitter to keep tabs on certain things too, but less often. ...the other social media apps/sites....are straight up trash or just seemingly pointless, imo. Why use those when that trinity of FB/Twitter/Instagram basically has everything covered already? ah, Double Toasted has their thoughts on the Venom trailer here... (bonus appearance by the lovely Danielle! Yeah I'd pounce that without hesitation..something is off with that new hairdo though; normally she looks better)
  10. oh look they managed to take someone like him alive...and totally unharmed......oh what a very, very surprising I really don't like siding with the people that always throw down the "race card" but.... well there ya go.
  11. cheh, I was checking out the latest from Soma Julius.... Phil doing terrible at Bloodborne as expected... It really is fascinating to me that someone could be that bad at *most* games... despite playing games just about all day every day for a living....for at least the past 10 years or so. It's amazing that a person like that has not developed some godlike skills at this point.
  12. the odd thing ---I keep forgetting why guns aren't a thing anymore in that world... in a post apocalyptic world, it's not like the human race would collectively forget about how far weapons technology this show it's like a world where that simply wasn't invented yet, somehow. I'm not sure how that works if it's still a thing but somehow just outlawed/banned everywhere....whatever, I know they really just want the focus of the action to be cool fight scene martial arts action. Anyway, in terms of the fighting/action scenes, no other show right now can fuck with it. ...and my baby Emily Beecham looked incredible as usual on the premiere.... seriously one of the finest redheads out there today. I'd ravage all day.
  13. I have very plain taste when it comes to a lot of foods... no spicy or "unusual" flavors for me.... Doritos? = regular version only, nothing else. any brand potato chips = regular. The only exception is lately I will occasionally get the "mesquite bbq" version of the Lays Stax (*Lays' version of Pringles style canned chips)...that mesquite bbq flavor is the shit, man. My aforementioned "Bugles" = regular only....none of that "cool ranch" or other shit, hell naw. The thing that is even more strange to most people is when I mention being this way with burgers too... at least when I was a kid. I'd only go for a plain cheeseburger....not 1 condiment was allowed on it....especially pickles or mustard; the shit was absolutely ruined for me if it had either of those vile things on there. Towards the end of high school and in college years, I finally got less strict on this now I'll get lettuce and tomato (but only 1, maybe 2 slices at the most)...and onion and ketchup is allowable too. Pickles are still disgusting to me though....but at least now I will just pick that shit off and still eat the burger....when I was a kid, if the pickle slice was on there, I no longer wanted the burger. Mustard is the same deal--- now I will just wipe that nonsense off and still eat the burger. edit--and bacon too... that Wendy's Baconator is THE SHIT, man (excluding the mayo). Chicken = spicy hot is also some nonsense to me... I only accept mild/regular.
  14. ...I absolutely could not stand that damn shit... Funyons are THE worst-smelling junk-food I've ever encountered. The girls that went to the same church with me back in the day would usually go get some funyons between Sunday School and the regular 11 am service....and you could immediately smell that stank once they opened the bag. My hatred for that particular snack food was strong. I had to endure the stench for the rest of church service on so many occasions....unable to move to another seat since I feared there would be something "rude" about how that looked...yeah I cared way too much of what other folks thought... surely they and everyone else would be thinking "hmm...why'd he suddenly move over there..?" (*this is on top of it already being kinda frowned upon to just get up and walk around while certain things in church are going on, like when the pastor is speaking or prayer is going on, etc.) The only other person I've seen that eats them is one woman at work now...and instantly when I saw that bag I was thinking "...oh no..." Fritos-- those actually are ok with me; I ate them back when I was a kid...not often at all now though. heh, there was one rare one I haven't seen in a while that just came to mind-- BUGLES. I loved that shit when I was a kid...just the regular ones though. It's like a corn-chip kinda thing...
  15. Interesting... doing a bit more "research" (aka e-stalking) on some folks I knew from way back... and it turns out one girl went the transgender route! She shortened her name to the masculine version as well (*went from "Maxine" to "Max"). Just about everyone who knew her back then figured she was gay...always "one of the guys", but I didn't know she went THAT far with things. It's funny how women can usually transition much more convincingly than men... because to see a pic of this person now... if I didn't know what the deal was I would never guess this person wasn't always a dude....he has a mustache and goatee too.....haha almost looking as macho as a dude from Gears of War. Y'know, it's a shame there can never be a real and honest discussion about these things, since that alphabet soup community loves to be offended over any perceived slight, no matter how minor the shit never takes long for their (or their "allies") feelings to be all "hurt" and they start shouting you down or start insulting you since they cannot handle any form of criticism or even analytical discussion of their "condition", preference or whatever you want to call it.
  16. what in the hell?! I'm not even that deep into this vid and I'm already crackin' up... holy shit it's a shame I missed this CNN interview live...bruh he actually started off the interview hitting a little bell ohoooo it just keeps getting better...this is gold, man...
  17. yeah I definitely enjoyed it... I think playing through Judgement was a mistake... that's like the "Dragonball GT" of Gears, man...haha people just pretend that bullshit never happened. But yeah-- the story was the good ol' "mega action star movie material" I expect out of the franchise for sure.....and similar to parts 2 and 3, there's some surprisingly emotional moments in there that will likely get to most people. .and as usual the game is absolutely gorgeous... one of the best-looking games I've seen of this gen, easily....and I'm just playing "regular" Xb1 on a "regular" ol' 1080p television. I have mixed feelings on Horde in this one though.... on one hand I always love it simply because it's Gears Horde mode... even if it is just halfway decent I'll play that shit. However, it doesn't have the great variety that you got with the Horde mode from part 3.....BUT I love that in this new Horde you can move the fortifications around nearly wherever you want, which really opens up a lot of interesting strategic ideas there, obviously. I also enjoy that there is a character class system now where you have different skills and bonuses depending on your role.... but then of course that opens up some frustration when people aren't playing their roles correctly. (*biggest frustration as Scout is when other people who are NOT Scouts are running around picking up the damn power, which ultimately just handicaps the squad's financial situation... the Scout has a huge bonus on the pickups; like currently I have that +50% going on)
  18. hell yeah I'm back in the saddle again on GEARS 4, man, since this new Griffin challenge got me.... sheeeeeit, in Horde mode my Scout just hit level 5 so I can equip 3 cards I'm rolling with this setup: Deposit Bonus level 5 = +50% bonus on the fabricator deposits Health boost level 3 = +60% health Shotgun Damage level 3 which is +60% damage there.... though I'd probably swap out on occasion for increased radius on power pickups or that card that grants increased power from executed enemies. Oh yes, my Scout is indeed The Shit.
  19. yeah the only thing missing is the large # of users... this place has been way better, imo... more reactions and bigger avs, and a better layout visually. Back to the girls... another one I've been keeping tabs on for years, ever since seeing her on G4 doing some guest-hosting... the adorably sexy Tiffany Smith.... oh yeah I'd eat...
  20. ^ha, every time I've seen that picture it makes me laugh...with that outfit and what looks like a horrible wig, she looks like a cheap prostitute standing on a corner. I guarantee you that one picture has absolutely murdered whatever potential that had. I went to laugh at how low Phil's views are for the God of War vids...but surprisingly he's got a good # of views on at least the first 10 or 11 parts that were into the thousands and they were all posted yesterday. I'm actually surprised with that. Usually a "good" number of views for him is way below that on each vid.
  21. Well, apparently in GEARS 4--- starting today through probably the rest of the weekend... you can unlock "Griffin" (that character from part 3 that was voiced by Ice-T) by getting 750 kills in Horde and/or Versus. I keep tabs on their facebook page and this was hyped hell yeah I might have to try that over the weekend. I'd rather they do things this way from now on instead of everything being tied to the damn "packs" (aka Gears' lootbox system)...since like the usual lootbox deal... the stuff you get is random. Here it's something that is finally guaranteed if you do a certain thing in the game. this dude mentions it here
  22. ohooooo I forgot about TESS! She was one of the finest redheads on television. I'd eat that for sure. Anyway, she later appeared as a vamp on Vampire Diaries or Originals in a recent season... I forgot which one, actually. ...such gorgeous girls on that show Smallville though... from "Tess", to Alli Mack and later Erica Durance (*who is naked in a House of the Dead movie, if I recall), this girl named Emmanuel Vaugier (she was Lex's girlfriend for a while; early seasons) and even frail little Kristin Kreuk...who got better looking on the later CW version of Beauty & the Beast....and of course there was some fine ass on that show too.....anhyway, Allison is one of the higher tier legends to me... I had a dream or two about her, actually...she was that perfect combo of "cute" and raw hot sex appeal. I'd ravage all damn day. CW is just unstoppable when it comes to hotness.... it is just the undisputed champion.
  23. oh yeah this season has been disappointing for me too... I'm just enjoying the villain who also has the appeal of not being another speedster for a change. I didn't like that they swung wayyyy in the other direction in terms of general tone for this season... perhaps to get away from how dark previous events were, they went light and goofy for most of this season, which is unfortunate. There's only been 2 or 3 episodes out of this entire season that were mostly serious. *edit--actually it IS amusing though that Barry's frustration with Ralph's constant joking around has mirrored my own sentiments of this season...and other superhero shows/movies that eventually become a big comedy show. (yeah, I have that concern for the upcoming Avengers Infinity War too... there is a cosmic-level villain that is a threat to the existence of everything...I don't want constant 1-liners and smirks and silliness while they're having to deal with shit that is on that level..a sarcastic 1-liner every now and then is fine... I just hate the trend of *everything* being geared towards "comedy routine!" shit non-stop.)
  24. I was thinking it was season finale time for Flash but apparently not...good stuff as usual in this late part of the season... my honeys Caitlin and Iris looking incredible as usual... Dr. DeVoe's wife is a hot one too; I can't get enough of accents like that. Anyway, she got to show off her Swordmaster Style in this episode! As a main villain, Thinker has been one consistently good/quality point of this season. It makes sense that someone like that isn't easily defeated. The dude is literally several times more intelligent than anyone else on the planet...plans ahead for just about every possible scenario.....AND has other powers on top of that at this point.
  25. Today's dose of The Legend.... Camila Banus.... lawd have mercy...
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