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Everything posted by Miðgarðsorm

  1. It's all SPLENDID. Gief has his suplexes back. Lily is "clumsy" Hawk. Love her. CAMMY HAS HER MOVE FROM THE ANIMATED MOVIE, FINALLY.
  2. Honestly, if DHALSIM got a crouching throw, it would be pretty stupid if the grapplers didn't. Honda as well, as sumō has many cool throws from a crouching position. A good izori would be awesome.
  3. Now I remember the leaked comment about Zangief having "more throws than ever" and I'm drooling at the idea he could've gotten his old crouching throws back. 🤤
  4. The first blue one is the commentator: "A match where we didn't know who was going to win until the end! Both contestants deserve an applause!" Then, Marisa: "I wanted a more satisfying fight, though." She seems slightly disappointed. Love that she carries away her opponent after the win. There's also Manon's quote to Dee Jay. Ryoredcyclone notes that she seems to be posting on Instagram. "Well, my dear followers! I'm going to post this match too!"
  5. In the original Japanese, "Departure" is ヴィハート Vihaato, from the Russian выход vychod, "exit, departure". Fun callback to Zangief's stage in SF2...
  6. Considering a created character was seen doing Kimberly's standard Bunshinryū combo LP-MP-HP-HK, you ABSOLUTELY can. It would make no sense otherwise.
  7. You know the answer but you still can't accept it. Considering how feathers and warpaint ARE a touchy subject for ACTUAL Native Americans, trust me, they've done well.
  8. Shout out to @Phantom_Miriafor his ceaseless persecution of Eventhubs morons who whine because Marisa is supposedly some woke agenda ruining THEIR games. I'm still laughing. 😂
  9. He's absolutely right. In Naoki Urasawa's Yawara! (1986), Belkins is the Belgian top model who ALSO is a jūdōka. She retires after Yawara soundly beats her, to dedicate herself only to modeling. Fujiko Itō is one of Yawara's friends, who is tall and practices ballet, which influences her movements. Lastly, the medal's ostentation recalls Sayaka, Yawara's rich, spoiled and ambitious rival, a classic drama queen who craves the limelight. While Manon doesn't seem so exaggerated, the inspirations are clear as crystal. Yawara is still a fountain of inspirations after more than 30 years...
  10. With the white of the snow, it could indeed work. Anyway, we'll see... I wonder if Capcom is going to give Zangief a more active role in the story, considering that the major villain is supposedly a fellow countryman.
  11. On a more serious note, I wonder if China is going to protest somehow. You know, basing Nayshall on TIBET could be... problematic. Sure, the stage is a total mashup of everything "north of India", so Capcom could simply say "It's absolutely NEPAL/BHUTAN/UTTARAKHAND/SIKKIM/ANYTHING BUT NOT TIBET WE SWEAR" and be safe. The imagery is interesting. Besides the obviously hexagonal mosaics (fitting for SF6), there's the buddhist trident triśūla, commonly found everywhere in the Asian Southeast. They also distorted the Dharma wheel to fit an hexagon, but if you look closely the wheel's spokes are still EIGHT as in the traditional Dharma wheel. The blue and red drapes could suggest otherwise, but that could be a simple red herring... We'll see about that. Fun fact: apparently¹, the Hindi name नैशाल NAISHAL means "Mountain". It's indeed a mountainous country. ¹ "Apparently" as in "various baby names dictionaries on the net", which I don't trust much when it comes to etymology. They're prone to say any BS, so this fact still needs a proper research.
  12. Just ask Sagat. Or Gief's sponsors, for that matter. 😂 I think Marisa is VERY rich from her job as master jeweller, so she just rented the Coliseum to suit her dreams, complete with lions and 300's cosplayers. Notice their shields: they have the Spartans' lambda Λ, but modified to resemble Marisa's necklace pendant (which in turn resembles a Roman gladius). That's GENIUS DESIGN.
  13. Friendly reminder that Menat is a freaking walking Ancient Egyptian cosplayer with actual magic powers. Just to provide CONTEXT. 😛 Anyway, that wouldn't be much of a hassle even in actual Rome, since outside the Coliseum there is a prolific business (although legally and morally questionable) of Ancient Roman cosplayers who sell photos with them.
  14. I'm honestly surprised @CESTUS III, of all people, DIDN'T notice THIS GUY. (just joking, it's more likely they wanted to reference 300's Dilios. Even though Cestus's Demetrios would be a fitting comparison, because he's Greek as well, knows pankration and acts as Nero's personal bodyguard) After all, it's not the first time Capcom referenced 300. Even HONDA in SFV paraphrased "This is Spartaaaa" during his CA... 😂
  15. It shouldn't bug you because Marisa herself says she considers the rightful heir of the warriors of Ancient Greece, so... On the other hand, the Romans took so much after the Greeks that they were somewhat "grecised" even if they factually conquered Greece. Greek slaves were customarily employed as tutors for the wealthy Roman kids because they were considered the most cultured. The Romans harboured so deep an envy for the perceived Greek cultural superiority that they ("they" = "Vergil") created a whole epic work just to make themselves pass as the direct descendants of the Trojans whom the Greeks once defeated, because that's what the Aeneids really is. So, even if I notice Spartans hoplites in the Coliseum, I just laugh. We already had a mostly-Venice mashup sold as Genoa, so it isn't the first time. Just wait until Capcom reveals the names of her normals (obviously only in the Japanese version, because they never bothered to do the same with the International editions) and they name them exactly like that. I mean, Falke's normals were PLANT NAMES IN GERMAN because they... I don't know, I suppose they just sounded cool. That's interesting. What did you say, and where? Because I don't think they took out the war clubs, just the warpaint...
  16. No Good Organisation, no doubt. I KNEW IT. That's like Giant Gram 2000's Create a Wrestler Mode. You start with basic moves and can learn the moves of your opponent by taking them a number of times, discarding the moves you don't want or if their execution overlaps with the motion of a move you want. IT'S A DREAM COME TRUE. 🤩 And then Zangief brings in his bear who farts on them both. I LOVE the notes. Dee Jay finally feels like a character that FITS SF, if only because of the urban theme.
  17. ROTFL I hope that's Segata Sanshiro's exploding throw, Ryu's face and pose is killing me 😂
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