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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. Um how concerned should we be about federal employees possibly striking over this mandate? Like we're talking SO many aspects of everyday life getting fucked. Air travel, government assistance such as EBT, etc.
  2. That's one way to look at it. That's valid. Way I see it though? He shut it down to make sure he could collect himself and come correct, and not respond off emotion again. Thus the video I linked. He gathered himself and set the record straight about what happened with Heavenly, made it clear why he stood by him. And gave apologies that were waranted. Because that video chat wasn't in good fun. He understood he legit hurt people's feelings with that.
  3. He didn't back down though. He addressed it and stood his ground. It's not like he caved into pressure and did a 180 on his stance.
  4. My bad for glossing over that. Griffey was wrong for that. Hence his apology towards actual victims of sexual assault and harassment. As for what led up to the accusation against Heavenly Controller? It's literally Anzi Ansari all over again. Chick sees dude with clout and status. Wants to kick it with him and makes it clear she wants to smash. Dude however lacks game and is socially awkward. She gets turned off and leaves. Things escalate with him canceling her return flight home. Petty but not illegal. She however goes nuclear with the accussation. That. Is. Some. Bullshit!
  5. And that's why Griffey reacted the way he did with that vid. And shit like this strikes a nerve for me because my older brother went through this shit back in the 2000s. A simple bad date or regret after the act can't just be that. No they gotta spin it into a sexual assault claim and cry rape so that they look like the victim. And not promiscuous or opportunistic.
  6. Griffey talked his shit and stood on it. He ain't back away. You can skip to 37 minute mark for when he really goes in and clears things up. TLDW. Chick told Heavenly he was gonna get some. Heavenly flew her out. She changed up and went to see another dude. Heavenly cancels her return flight home. She retaliated by making the accusation. Griffey knowing the details because he was there and has the DMs which he posted on Twitter. Decided to stand up for what he believed was right. But made a vid out of an emotional response in poor taste. Apoligiezes to ACTUAL victims of sexual assault and harassment. But makes no apologies for defending a man that did nothing wrong in the eyes of the law.
  7. Can't believe The Wire is the only thing he gets props for. Dude was just as epic as Chalky White in Boardwalk empire. If anything he was better in that role. That's some of the most boss shit I've ever seem on TV. Dude over stepped. And Chalky just does a roll call of every other man in that cell. First and last names and accounts of generous acts that earned him their loyalty. Thus letting him know he done fucked with the wrong one.
  8. For those that still want a wife but worried about the possibility of getting rekt in divorce. Peep game. This was an eye opener
  9. Damn a whole rig? Probably gonna be worse than the BP oil spill back in the 2000s.
  10. She slim, but she got some nice cheeks for her size, blessed in the chest. Beautiful face, and overall beautiful figure. I'd like her with a few more pounds on her. But yeah straight 10. That's the kind of beauty and grace that turns heads.
  11. When I think mobile Alabama. I also think of deep south stereotypes.
  12. "I see what you tried to do there. But this is what you ended up doing"
  13. Well if you want your asshole destroyed. It's a much cheaper alternative to LGBT dating apps I'd assume.
  14. That's the beauty of AMC and GME. These are short squeeze plays. So when bad things happen in the market. These stocks do good. And if a full on correction or even crash happens. Thus forcing several margin calls. That could very well trigger the squeeze
  15. Ya know you could always buy a couple of shares of AMC or GME stock. We're ripping again. Shot up 20% back into the 40s. Short squeeze could be imenent. This is my lotto ticket.
  16. Imagine getting strangled by what looks like a garden hose length dick.....
  17. To those that were kids or teens during the early 90s. How hype was this song?
  18. Bruh you really underestimating how much of a X factor real world fighting experience is. Preach not only regularly practices MMA. He has worked as a bouncer and likely has tussled with guys Myron's size numerous times. When you're getting into physical situations often. You develop certain fighting instincts, your body reacts to certain stimuli before you even think, and you develop and hone techniques that just sparring with buddies won't develop.
  19. I'd say the best ones are those who teach self improvement first and foremost. Not just money or status wise, but improving yourself as a person. As the old saying goes, if you build it they will come. Build yourself into someone women want to be around and that's half the battle won. Because Halo effect is a very real thing. What comes off as cringe or creepy, can also come off as charmingly awkward or bold. And the difference is that initial attraction that comes from your appearance and vibe. I'd also say the worst advice. Comes from those who either treat women like a monithic group. Thus try to provide cookie cutter one size fits all solutions to attract women. Or those who try to tell you, you are the prize. That last one is the worst. No one is the prize. We all eat, shit and sleep just line the next person. Have our flaws, and what not. No one should be seen as the prize. Because that implies you or them are the valuable one in the relationship or interaction. Thus creates a power dynamic that hurts the one that views themselves as "lucky" to be around the other person.
  20. Usually I'd say men should settle disputes with words. Settling disputes with fist is for boys. But insulting ones wife is fighting words. A line that is not to be crossed unless you're looking for a fight. Which FaF challenged Preach to after insulting his wife. They wanna double down on such blatant disrespect? Then he'll yeah Preach should give them all the smoke they're asking for. Cuz like Preach said. Win or lose. Some battles you just gotta fight. Certain things cannot go unanswered. Lastly. I was a viewer of FaF. But I've been watching Aba And Preach way longer. This whole things just shows the difference between grown men who truly experienced life and all its ups and downs. And are humbled and matured by the experiences. Vs Young men who are just feeling themselves because they're having a breakout year. And think their money and clout commands respect. And maybe it does to the kind of women they have on their show. But not to real as dudes like Aba and Preach. They didn't even attempt to actual argue the points Aba and Preach brought up. They went straight to juvenile high school shit "We get more bitches, we got more views, yo wife a whale, etc" Because they know they don't want a battle of wits with them.
  21. Weren't the Afghan military trained up by our forces? Why did they just fold like this?
  22. I love that Dave is still rocking with his hommie Ashy Larry.
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