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Everything posted by Jurassic

  1. Got into pixel art for the past year.
  2. I understand being a content creator takes dedication to be unique.... but holy shit wouldn't having a real job be easier than making a college semester of lectures around video games? Also I was skimming through this video and thought this segment was funny:
  3. Stumbled upon the Harley Quinn Animated Series comic book while doing holiday shopping for family. It is a short series acting as a gap between season 2 and 3 of the Harley Quinn cartoon. Overall it was fine as an extension to the show, strictly focusing on Harley and Ivy with the same humor. I thought it was well drawn, with very expressive facial detail closely matching the show.
  4. I will wait until next weekend for more reviews to come out, this is likely the last movie I plan to see for the rest of the year.
  5. Finished reading Masters of Doom, the book about how id software first got started up through to the development of Doom III. It was a great book, although there is some fluff in the beginning (Wolfenstein 3-D isn't brought up until almost 100 pages in). Overall it was well worth reading through on how id software created games and explaining the rift between Carmack and Romero.
  6. An interesting article revolving around Daniel Pesina, a martial artist that was digitized for Mortal Kombat I and II, an excerpt from an upcoming book coming out about MK behind the scenes. I didn't know about the situation with the actors, or how delusional Pesina has become.
  7. I'm trying to download the pre-install patch for Overwatch 2 and it is going slower than shit. I cannot imagine day 1 or even the first week will be easy to login and play.
  8. I always think community managers as the part-time office worker that took on the role because it gave them an excuse to horse around on twitter during work hours. I almost forgot that Overwatch 2 will be out next week. I haven't heard a lot of positive stuff about it this week, but I will give it a chance. Anyone else plan to play it?
  9. Starting next year, Steam will be dropping the Lunar New Year Sale and replacing it with a seasonal Spring sale as a way to spread out sale events throughout the year. So the upcoming Steam sale calendar will be: Autumn Sale: November 22-29 Winter Sale: December 22-January 5 Spring Sale: March 16-23
  10. Establishing a base roster for a fighting game is tricky, IMO SF6 has a great balance of new and old characters while showing progression in the story.
  11. Insanity. I checked the historical MSRP at launch for previous models: GTX 1080 - $700 RTX 2080 - $700 RTX 3080 - $700 RTX 4080 - $900 <- Fuck that
  12. It makes me wonder if they will continue to use a male stunt double when masked up.
  13. September always bums me out, mainly because it means I will be using my grill less and less. 🥲
  14. With Ono no longer around, I'm not certain what Capcom's approach will be for fighting games. I just think it would be best to have Capcom develop CvS because: -SNK announced Garou 2 (Something I have high hopes for) -SNK has been flexible with working with other companies over the years (Baiken in Samurai Shodown, KOF characters in DOA) -Unique game design (having CvS be distinct from KOF)
  15. If there is talk about CvS3, then I hope Capcom is the one to develop it. They can manage SF6 and be able to work on a second game. SNK has set a clear pattern to releasing their fighting games in roughly three year intervals: KOF 14 - 2016 Samurai Shodown - 2019 KOF 15 - 2022 Garou 2 - ??? I think that pattern is within SNK's development budget, where Capcom is most likely fishing for the next fighting game project to take on. IMO CvS3 seems like a more realistic objective than another Marvel vs game.
  16. It is unfortunate, especially since Capcom has been releasing so many collections and that shitty arcade rom nonsense for many years now. Heck, if they just released a BOF 1+2 bundle that would be enough for me. They are on the Switch's SNES library at least.
  17. I'm surprised Capcom has not made a Breath of Fire collection yet. VGM Friday
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