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Everything posted by GreyFoxx

  1. I collected most of Death Note/Hyper Police and recently snagged Gundam Thunderbolt and Dance in the Vampire Bud. Sadly most of my Death Notes got damaged in basement flood so i need to replace those down the road.
  2. LOL. Yeah this chick has been the typical got to post those inspirational posts or posts of locations that would be awesome to go with a significant other. Maybe take a step back and see what your doing wrong no one said ever to her.
  3. Gets on FB of course the single female who has struck out on many relationships claims "Why is it so hard to find a committed relationship in this Hook_up culture?" Goes on a rant about it and echo chamber of those who are in the same boat and claim they are Demi.
  4. I been binging the hell out of Fireforce S2 and the fights are pretty clean. Also Arrow...she THICC under all that baggy clothes.
  5. Also has NSFW figures so beware. Also I might need to cop this statue.
  6. So from the legends side of things what is your favorite story? I do like the Rule of 2 and the stories around that era.
  7. Saw that the new Season of AOT is out so i got caught up and man stuff is about too pop off!!!
  8. Dude this ep rocked on many lvls. I look forward to what S3 takes us!
  9. It's 2020. Folks have to find something to complain about and honestly playing the game on my rig for a few hours with barely any issues or crashes i think it's a great game. Not saying that CDPR should be excused but folks have to blow something up for this year to finish off.
  10. Support this man if you can. Popcorn he makes for the FGC is top tier so good!!!
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