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Everything posted by BornWinner

  1. I know we talked about this before, but this is insane. The titular character was the fourth lead? What were they cooking in there? Not to mention this would be a complete waste of Ali.
  2. Video Game journalism at its finest Context: It’s made very clear before release and in-game that Nabbit is easy mode. The post got so much negative attention that they actually deleted it.
  3. Just like a white woman to use their telekinetic powers to harm someone than season their food.
  4. Wendee’s deleting her replies now. All she had to do was not say anything and everyone that said this was a racist decision would be the ones looking stupid, not her.
  5. I remember Hecatom talking about it, but it’s a lot lamer when you see it. Cmon Insomniac.
  6. This has been in the works for a while. A horror RPG inspired by HP Lovecraft and Junji Ito. Available on Steam today and will be out on consoles next week. Perfect for the month.
  7. Police rushes to scene and attempts to run down suspect; hits fellow officer instead.
  8. The story around this game just keeps getting better. Here is said letter.
  9. Trailer for the final character in KOF XV’s season 2 will be shown tomorrow.
  10. I saw zombie apocalypse was trending on Twitter. It’s times like this where I realize I seriously undervalue the sanity I have.
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