Stage Select


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Everything posted by Volt

  1. That Man is not a brand-new character. Dude has been a key player ever since the first GG. He was a boss in GG2 too. Yes, it's as obnoxious as it looks. Why do y'all think I want him? 🤣
  2. If they adjust air dashes to be a bit stronger again, we'll get some good stuff. The air offense wasn't really a problem in OB1, the problem was lack of defense, which was obviously fixed when they made 6P's do 6P things again. I still think that dedicated AAs like them should be Air Unblockable like P4A had them, but it could be worse. The lobbies sound fire, ngl. Online training and training while waiting for your turn is a great feature for tournaments and the like.
  3. Dev backyard out, Online Training Mode confirmed!!!
  4. Dev backyard out, Online Training Mode confirmed!!!
  5. Ironically, the new gatlings made it a lot harder for new players to understand the absolute basics quickly. At this point, I don't think they're "dumbing down the game for casuals" like a couple of other games tried and failed to. They're truly striving for something new. It's way too soon to say whether or not it'll work, but on the other hand, barring the excess course correction in OB2, it looks like a great game. I honestly think it'll work out in the long run.
  6. You're setting the bar as low as my SFV rank.
  7. He played so much GG that his thoughts on GGST are probably skewed. GG Boomers spitting the same hoe babble they spat about BB and Xrd. 🤣
  8. Literally a "Shit Game" in Japanese. Take that as you will. 🤣
  9. Just in case some of y'all missed it for any reason, Steam is giving out some free games.
  10. I'd be hype for Agents team, hopefully with Seth instead of Ramon so I can get 2 of my favorites back on one swoop.
  11. You can just pick my future Strive replays and put a text on bottom saying "Don't do that." As long as people do the opposite of what I do, they'll be great! 🤣
  12. We're only counting real FGs. Party games and Arena fighters have to stay at the door. Also, Blue Mary not on Women's Team?
  13. NRS Stans damn near having meltdowns. 🤣
  14. I'm surprised no one went with the Lionel Ritchie "Hello? Is it me you're looking for?" Montage yet.
  15. I wanna know when tf is the Rugal trailer. I know he's in. I know it!!!
  16. Blazblue not on 09'er? 🤔 Now that's tough...
  17. Pls? Edit: Bruh. I know I spoilered it for size constraints, but the image didn't have to do me like that tho. 🤣 Edit 2: Black and light blue like the Fatal Fury stage theme would be fire.
  18. You had some songs with an instrumental and a vocal version, for example Sky Should Be High, the Arcade Boss theme. The default of that one was instrumental, but you can set the vocal version in a match. Most of Xrd's themes are only instrumental tho. And most of the vocal ones have no instrumental option. There's no such thing as "Baiken Stage" theme. It's her character theme and unlocked by default. You can unlock her XX theme. Xrd has a fire selection because most of the old themes are in it and the Xrd ones are pretty good.
  19. Straight up facts. Speaking of things that were made wrong... What the fuck is this soundtrack? 🤢 There better be an option for instrumental versions as default or I'm modding the hell out of that. This is BASURA.
  20. Juri players are more interested in the thumbnail than the actual content.
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