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Everything posted by Volt

  1. I was wondering what you meant by that, but I noticed it later. Malice goop straight up ate Link's arm.
  2. What pushed me to get mine was Prime 4 being announced. Honestly, I don't regret it, it's a very nice handheld that you can plug in a TV. Library is pretty good too. It was desperately needing a Metroid game on it. Btw, there were TWO Dread sessions on the Treehouse. Turns out I missed the 2nd. Gonna link the vids in the OP too.
  3. It looks like a mix of Fusion and Samus Returns. And real talk, the atmosphere looks fantastic. Fusion had people shook, this might be even better.
  4. Most bosses being Ganonblights was lame, the Divine Beasts are underwhelming dungeons. And uhhhh... The memories are not in order in the Sheikah Slate. That's really just it. Coming from a guy who rips into anything you can imagine like a goddamn L4D Witch, me only managing to point this is kind of a lot. And most importantly, can we talk about what BotW does right? You'll need at least 4 hours tho. 🤣
  5. Nintendo dropped so much fire it saved E3 and made me post in GD again. I'm seriously impressed.
  6. TRAILER DROPS: We got playable Guardians up in here, that's gonna be sick. Harder difficulty level too, "Apocalyptic". But that's really just the appetizer... There's SO MUCH to talk about in this trailer, but I'll let y'all get involved first, what do you think?
  7. @M A R T I A Nand whoever is a Metroid fan. This game looks really good. Honestly can't wait. What do y'all expect out of it?
  8. Edit: Treehouse now with both parts. Good vibes only brehs, greatness will be on our Switches on Oct. 8th, 2021. Before the Dread Trailer reveal, it was mentioned that they're still working hard on Prime 4.
  9. Meanwhile, I see you pressing that long ass 2HS and I'm mashing Heavy Mob... And SOMEHOW I get Tyrant Rave from fullscreen on some absolute clown shit. Gotta grind my inputs out, SFV ruined me.
  10. That is true, you got that shit down bro. I thought the yolo Ky Foudre Arcs would at least let me steal a game and you had the super punish on point. All I could hear was: I legit dunno how you could do that shit on reaction that consistently. 🤣
  11. I actually think the opposite. Having this much daily activity *without* going off-topic is much more impressive.
  12. Clip cut right before they talked about netcode and this glue-eating imbecile is talking like Harada dropped a hot take like "Absorb Delay >>> Rollback." This is nothing but hoe babble. I truly despise Twitter.
  13. I thought there was a set of combo trials, that sucks. At least Custom Trials are coming later I guess. There's also Dustloop Wiki if you need some samples.
  14. Dust got changed, there's like, a dedicated finisher if you press a button twice, I think. It's hella wack. I didn't like that change at all, gotta check it on Mission Mode later.
  15. But that doesn't make a good Twitter Clip, now does it? 👀
  16. The invul. Homeboy passed through that note like UI Goku. I wonder how viable it is on wakeup vs Projectile Oki...
  17. May players... 🤣 I was actually surprised you gotta go out of your way to pick the music by pressing Start. It's nice that it gets saved too. Once you get past the lobbies, the game is crazy fast to get you into the action, and you don't even need to get into them because of the quick match thing. Just sit in training mode and get it rolling. Obviously that's not optimal because you lose out on judging people for having suboptimal drip. But the trade-off is kinda nice.
  18. Strive's netcode is so good that people will give it looks every once in a while. They're working on that Crossplay too, so it'll be SFV-tier popular at worst. Let's see if the server maintenance produces some results. If we can set up good lobbies, I can see people playing this for a long time.
  19. Probably. I saw someone on the Strive subreddit asking for people to do it on combo vids. That's true. I was almost getting the timing to whack you with Sol's 6S. The range is still kinda absurd tho, and iirc, higher blood levels raise speed and range. Shame I got a ton of stuff to do today, I wanted to try out Mission mode.
  20. Don't forget the Ol Reliable. 2D xx 236H Oki. Make people wake up into a big fireball. You get it off 5K. Route is 5K > 2D > 236H.
  21. Find us in Middle East Park 3. Player lobbies are messed up. I'm hopping back in.
  22. Yeah, I got dropped. Match was playable, where are you again? Also, fuck Heavy Mob. I swear, these inputs are too lenient, I keep getting Tyrant Rave.
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