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Everything posted by Volt

  1. It's almost like they shouldn't make big ass characters if they can't make the hurtbox as big as them. Also, DBFZ hilariously made DBZ Broly work. Just takes a little bit of effort and brains. But Abi players have neither of those, so they wouldn't understand even if you explained it to them. 🙃
  2. That wasn't an auto-parry... dude deadass did the parry manually off EX Run.
  3. Didn't expect you of all people to be out there labeling sauce. 🤣
  4. My PC finna catch on fire if I try to run this. 🤣 Edit: Wait, I just realized. It's on PC now. People finally will get their hands on Lady Dummythicc's model.
  5. Counter-point. The taunt input is really stupid in this game.
  6. That Sagat "Show more respect to the fight!" Taunt is definitely one of the best out there in all FGs.
  7. My biggest problem with XIII was visual clarity. I couldn't see shit in half of the stages. They kinda overdid it with the shading on the characters, they blend in too much. Extremely high-quality otherwise.
  8. This game. 🤣
  9. Was out there expecting that BBCF Rollback announcement and got a literal meme game. (Seriously, look at that name. 🤣) Goddamnit ArcSys.
  10. Did that three times and no dice. But thanks anyway. 👍
  11. It's still art. You know people will find ways to steal and fake that shit (They're already trying 🤣) and inevitably, people will use it to launder copious amounts of money.
  12. WTF are those cursed smiles? Did Shinkiro work on Chun's model? Also, I still can't decisively tell whether or not Chris is a dude. Still looks like an asshole with the teleporting BS that's going to be utterly unreactable in rollback tho. Good work I guess.
  13. Iirc, it's for *any* air action, like double jumping or air-dashing, which is honestly fine, you shouldn't be able to just empty IAD on people for 0 consequence imo.
  14. Seeing the deranged hive mind at work is truly disturbing, yet fascinating. What could possibly make them do this?
  15. Pretty much entirely different tools tbh. That definitely does make a lot of difference. But yeah, from the looks of it, Illusion is definitely the good old VT Robbery Meta trigger.
  16. Yeah, that's ultimately the worst thing about the whole deal for Rose tbh. Now that's the first I've ever heard of that. In terms of defense, Falke actually has it rough. No 3f, a fairly slow DP (EX is 12f)... Her VR is pretty good hitbox-wise, but it's still 17f, dunno about Shift because I haven't played S5. What Falke actually has is a pretty nice array of pokes, a pretty nice low shot, and an underrated air game. It's really hard to AA Falke because she got a divekick, an air fireball, and just a bunch of big buttons. So basically, her zoning is also not that reliant on chucking plasma.
  17. That was a great post fam, a thumbs up doesn't do it justice... So have several more. 🙃 👍
  18. Well, crap. Now we gotta hope he gets possessed by Orochi with the quickness again. 🤣
  19. Buff Pot. Make Heat Knuckle an AA grab again. 😤
  20. BIG facts. Game got more ports than RE4 too, whatever you had probably had it and it's still a fun game.
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