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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Sorry, I missed that post, was having lunch. Yeah, sure. Need to take my mind off things.
  2. @ me when you're up. I'm free the whole day. (Even more than usual) I'll be hanging around playing some random jank if anyone wants games. If possible, @ me on Discord, it'll be easier for me to notice because my phone flares up. Edit: Actually, I'll need 2 hours or so. Something interesting came up. Huh. So they actually know that when playing online, it's Grid or bust. Interesting. Hopefully that mess gets fixed on SF6.
  3. @Mattatsu @GetTheTablesand I are going to play some +R today, still haven't ran the calcs on the timezone, but at least I can guarantee it'll be playable. If you or anyone else want in, @ me either here or on Discord. Preferably on Discord so I can dust off my shit talking skills on voice chat. 🤣
  4. Well, well... Never thought I'd actually approve of Resetera malding over a thicc character. 🤔 Great news! Glad to hear it. Precisely. There's only one solution to Twitter...
  5. Just use VS2 and rain Claps on these fools. 🙃
  6. Good to know, I low key need something like that because 13's story was pretty much unplayable. Seriously, if you pressed a button, you skipped the entire dialogue. Wack af.
  7. Wow, that's actually huge. Congratulations!
  8. You seen how busted they made Rose? That was 100% intentional. She'll be taking people's souls out in Ranked. 🤣
  9. Capcom didn't reveal the 5th character yet because they scrapped whoever it was and are currently working overtime to find a way to make Lady Dimitrescu work in SFV. Expect a swimsuit costume.
  10. Repeated offense means you get the full villain work.
  11. Prob not. It's more likely from Menat's Lootbox Fortune Telling.
  12. Argument blows up when you can't find horny fiends drooling at K.Rool's gut, ain't it? 🙃 It's so, sooooo satisfying to see them scrambling like fools. 🤣 Laura and Mika got scoops. Or aren't you talking about Core Values? 🤣
  13. Weirdos. Got half a mind to pop in there and ask them for the same energy for Urien, Gief and Gill. Ironically enough, they objectify the characters even more than the horny people. Ask BB Makoto fans, there's more than just a bunch of eye candy in those. Orochi team coming back has legit story implications in KoF but these wackos ain't talking about that. 🤷‍♂️
  14. Damn, they really launched her with a swimsuit. Print that money Capcom. 👀 💦
  15. Yeah, probably. Took me a minute to even figure out who you were talking about because Poison has a horrible haircut to begin with. 🤔
  16. *Looks at her VT1.* Goddamn, they really stole Nash's VT, made it better, and slapped it on Rose. And it's not even her best VT because she's out there doing Zero shit. 🤣
  17. Precisely. Where Tubb sees "monstrosity", R34 sees "tentacles". Lady D definitely will have at least 3 or 4 whole doujins. I gotta go.
  18. They gonna look at how much the swimsuit costumes sold and say "idgaf about these gaijins, print that money!"
  19. Been telling people this ever since Benimaru was confirmed to not be in Kyo's team and confirmed it when Chizuru dropped. The moment Mature and Vice show up, the cat's out of the bag. I actually hope they have the common sense of showing Rugal first. (Or at least a somewhat convincing fake out like Adelheid.)
  20. Fingers too feminine... That doesn't rule things out at all, now does it?
  21. Normally I'd advocate for barrier block/FD, but the problem is that the extra pushback would make offense pretty much unviable... What about some kind of instant block? Time it right and you get a bit extra meter and no chip. No frame data or pushback changes like in ArcSys games. They bleeped the swear words but not the N-Word? 🤣 Ah yes, loketests. The great equalizer. Now PC and PS players unite in the struggle watching JP arcade players getting a "beta" before us. Edit: English.
  22. That's a pretty safe bet, especially now that we know Yashiro is in. The weird shape definitely looks more like fingers now that I zoomed in. Yeah, it's probably Shermie.
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