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Everything posted by Volt

  1. I thought it was already ruined before. What's so bad about it?
  2. They really picked Society over Colors as the music trailer, SMH.
  3. Iirc, it's -4, so it should be safe when spaced. The actual countering part takes like, 8f to kick in tho. Just sock him in the mouth on startup.
  4. What the... King is on the AoF team. Holy shit. Also, who is that on the Women's team? Could it be May Lee? Orochi team confirmed, no way that's not Chris.
  5. @KingTubbStreaming RE5 on the Discord now, finally made it work.
  6. Looping specials with a shadow mimic super, huh? Rose really out there doing Zero stuff. 🤣 Also, congrats to Twin for her getting a Blonde color.
  7. At least there's training mode... I guess?
  8. Who really wanted that anyway? Was it @KingTubb?
  9. Holy shit, so we're STILL not getting past SF3 in the timeline!? 🤣 Not really. Think about it. Some Muay Thai dude decided to throw a random tournament to see who's the best martial artist in the world. Why would the big dogs like Delta Red and Shadaloo give even a single damn about it? It's also why the entire tournament was irrelevant outside of Ryu mashing DP on wake-up.
  10. 🤔 Oh btw, that "Cogelo" thing? Zombies out there literally yelling and chanting "Fuck him" whenever they see Leon. 🤣
  11. I still don't get why they got vampires and werewolves in that, but whatever I guess. Umbrella logo on the weird table in the trailer like they were really out there making those. 🤣 Beyond that, I expect someone to make RE4 voice mods for the lycans to cuss at you in Spanish because this game really is "RE4 and RE7 had a baby and she's a 4m tall extra thicc vampire lady."
  12. I got half a mind to use this as a Sig. 🤣
  13. Now that's weird. Could it be hardware-related? Just to play it safe, try to set the bigger monitor as your main, and the resolution as the same you're trying to run the game in.
  14. Set the other monitor as your main, it's probably the easiest solution. Also, before tinkering with resolution, make sure stuff like shadows and particles are low. Iirc, you only got an old laptop, so you might need to lower a lot of stuff.
  15. Yeah, definitely some projectile invul on that. Because fuck Sagat I guess.
  16. People gonna lose their shit if EX Spiral is legit invul. 🤣 Got a timestamp? I'm legit curious.
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