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Everything posted by KingTubb

  1. the way that man is holding the axe at 0:54.... Homie's gonna end up chopping his own dick off like that
  2. To stop myself from incessantly checking the news, I picked up dragon quest on my phone. This iOS port is actually pretty great. They updated the music, and redrew everything so the portraits are pretty darn nice. And unlike a lot of SquareEnix ports, the aspect ration actually fills the whole screen. I think it's like $2.99. Highly recommend
  3. Did that once right before an 8 hour drive. Had to make emergency stops for ass explosions twice. Met a really nice old cat at one of the rest stops tho, so it wasn't that bad.
  4. So afterward, I got a bunch of "trends for you" videos coming up, it was all big booby ladies. Is it showing your suggested videos, Angel? I don't have a tiktok and I'm pretty sure this is the first one I've ever watched on this computer🤔 Maybe it just knows
  5. I don't mean to jump to conclusions, but I get the feeling Charlie's robbed a couple joints with fence climbing skills like those 👀
  6. decriminalization is a good move imho. You'll still get in trouble for having it, and you can't legally sell or distribute it, but if you get caught with a small amount (most likely for immediate use) you get hit with a misdemeanor instead of a felony. Keeps people that were just trying to get high out of prison. You usually will either pay a fine and have to go through 24 hours of substance abuse school or whatever Edit: It ends up working like under age drinking works in the states. No 19 year old kid gets thrown into jail for drinking a beer. Everyone agrees that totally insane. Alcohol is illegal to buy as a minor and illegal to sell to a minor.
  7. Stages are different sizes in 3S? Can you give me the rundown? Can't find anything about it online. Is Gill's stage bigger or something?
  8. I don’t want the gastrointestinal distress that would cause. I don’t need that smoke. I’ve thought about doing it for French onion soup or whitecastle. I’d only do whitecastle cause it would give me the shits no matter what 🤷🏻‍♀️
  9. I agree, but I like how sticks look. I know it’s just vanity, but it’s important. that’s why I still have a couple sticks laying around. That and for beat-em-ups and some other games here and there
  10. Holy shit man... My wife is obsessed with "fake meat stuff" but it doesn't do anything for me. I like them good ol fashioned veggies 🤤
  11. I was gonna say this. Sometimes people skimp on the flavor cause they think the meat can carry a dish.
  12. If he doesn't, I sure as hell would, that sandwich looks amazing.
  13. Where's the meat? Where's the mayonnaise? This looks like one of them dirty hippy liberal sandwiches. Where I come from, sandwiches are MEAT VESSELS FOR MEAT AND MAYO
  14. The man grew up in Chicago and has lived in New York his whole adult life. Chances of him being an asshole to people he doesn't know is 100%. (sorry all you big-city folk, but I'd be the same way after years of dealing with clinically insane people on the subway)
  15. It's cause we're fat, old, and wash our hands too much/use too much hand sanitizer 🤷‍♀️ Buddy sent me an article last night that said that India has a CFR considerably lower than the US because people there have a better immune system due to lack of infrastructure in the lower working classes to support hygiene. Population density and the fact that they aren't all fat helps too. But all this stuff are mostly hypotheses in the early stages
  16. Good point. I heard that Jeff Davis isn't a fan either
  17. Most comedians are to a degree, but he's one of the best stand-ups working today imho. The only comedian that I think seems genuinely like a non-doucher is Dave Chappelle.
  18. you told me 8 maaaaaan. I wanted to swing by but it was my bedtime. Wait... Are you west coast? I thought you were in the South🤔 Edit: I might be getting you and HD-man mixed up. The mans, man. making my head hurt
  19. He's already spider-pig and he's not as handsome as Ryan Reynolds or Chris Evans, so he only gets one superhero role
  20. I havn’t played MTG in legitimately 17 years. So To me, you’ll be a GAWD
  21. read this as "herpes" and thought, "How did Chad get herpes TWICE? That shit's forever after ONCE!"
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