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Everything posted by KingTubb

  1. I don't really see it like that, paint is the tool you use to make the art, it's not the art itself. Everything is a remix of what came before. Nobody has a truly original thought, and, like Picasso said: "Good artists copy; great artist steal" I'm saying that this looks like a copy to me. It looks like someone was trying to imitate Giger's work, which is cool, I like Giger, but it's pigeonholing itself imho. Instead of stealing elements to make it something "new" it just copies his style pretty hard.
  2. I figured as much. Still kinda grimy, cause it's obviously heavily influenced to the point of imitation. I love H.R. Giger's art style tho, so I'll play it. I have no shame
  3. Maaaaaan I have this dilemma in every fighting game. There's the character I want to play, and the one that actually works. Seriously, the only reason I like 3S is because I can win a game or two with Chun because she's so incredibly top tier and she's still a cool character. Deep down, tho, I really wish I could win with Hugo😭 This is why every game needs Honda. To make my life easier
  4. Sorry man, it's racist too😭
  5. Spin might have a point here... George Washington Carver invented it, it's amazing food (one of my favorites).... Wait, hold on... FUCK!!!
  6. And coffee, for that matter:
  7. So candy corn and candy canes are racist?? Looks like I'm going back to the least racist food, which everyone knows is..... *checks notes* salt. just plain table salt. everything else is racist.
  8. It's synergistic, I swear. I fucking LOVE peanuts, and do not like candy corn on its own. Together, they truly make something better then the sum of each half
  9. Y'all aren't listening, mix it with peanuts. I don't work for The Earl Corn of Candy. I personally think that on it's own, candy corn is only useful for finding cavities and gluing on hand turkeys your kid draws for a beak. But with peanuts, it's a damn fine treat.
  10. Does Scorn have H.R. Giger's name on it in some way? I know he passed away 6 years ago, but the art direction of this game rips him off so hard that they better throw his estate a few bucks at least.
  11. Look man, I’m really working on being a positive person, especially considering the dooms day hellscape that 2020 has become, but circus peanuts are kinda wack. They somehow are a peep but sadder.
  12. There’s worse things than blue balls man. Ever had a partner that THINKS they’re a sex god, but they fuck like Gargamel from the Smurfs probably does? the cringe alone is a fate I don’t wish on anyone
  13. Yeah, but candy falls into the same category as pizza and sex: Even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good. (I’ve actually had horrible pizza and sex in my life, so I don’t really believe in this, but you get my point.)
  14. Don’t knock it till you try it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve converted lots of people to the candy corn with peanuts train. Candy corn is just chewy sugar. It’s sickeningly sweet on it’s own, but with some salt and nuttiness it’s pretty darn good.
  15. I might be way off, but I think he's a foreign national (UAE/Pakistan, right spin?) so he might actually be legally tied down regarding financial aid and loans. I don't really know about any of that tho
  16. Dafuq kinda school you going to?? My school was so poor they took away the buses, told motherfucker WALK YO ASS TO SCHOOL
  17. They give you that with you're tuition, right? I know they do that here. We care man! You're our homie
  18. Go Gophers! A 28 should be enough to get you in there. And you're GPA looks high enough to me. Having that many letters is wild, so you're doing great. I'm sure that they'd be happy to have you. The student loans thing sucks. College is outrageous, so not being able to get financial aid is going to make things hard. Going to an annex campus or spreading it out over 6 years so you can work while you're going to school is an option. Na homie. It's a whole new ball game. You gotta remember that it isn't just a change in academic environment, but you're entire environment. Even if you're living at home, they way that classes are conducted, how responsible you are for yourself, and what is expected of you is completely different. And if you go to Minnesota, you're going to be one of 10's of thousands of students. There's no truant officers or teachers that will give a single shit if you're in class. No one will give you any concession like they do in high school. You'd be surprised the amount of people in and around school who are just trying to get you a degree by any means necessary. They give no fucks if you graduate in college. If you can't handle it, they'll take your money and slap you on your ass as they push you out the door. You're a really smart kid, and I have no doubts you'll do great in college, but I don't want you going into school thinking its going to be the cakewalk that American high school is.
  19. I'd never, I don't need heat in my life . But for real, mix em with peanuts. It's some grade A stuff. Don't eat them by themselves tho... That's too much, even for me. Candy corn has its place as a peanut enhancer and that's it
  20. Hey now, I don't give it away cause I know it's decisive, but mix them shits with peanuts, it's like a baby ruth bar 🤤 edit: more like a payday, not baby ruth. Got my candy bars mixed up
  21. You can't. Applying to Universities is a complete shit show, unfortunately. They trim a lot of fat by eliminating a bunch of applicants by ACT and SAT score, then after that it's all subjective. Grades really aren't a great rubric for picking a good student, and schools know this, but also know that a good student isn't going to be rocking a 3.0 or less in high school unless the school is widely known for it's difficulty, or if you're taking a lot of college classes (pretty sure that college classes have GPA concessions tho, cause you can definitely get over a 4.0 in high school) The best you can do it write a good cover letter and get good letters of recommendation. Well the good news is most people can't. Say hello to student loans. I always recommend attending a state school and avoiding small private schools cause they're ridiculously expensive. At the end of the day, you gotta do what makes you happy tho. Not really, it is considerably more work than high school tho, especially public high school. You'll have to know how to study, read efficiently, and take tests and complete projects. A lot of American High Schools will give you a degree if you just show up, complete your homework and in class assignments. The margin for error in college is a lot less. I would say it's more tedious than high school, and concepts will be more complex, but you can navigate OS parrying and kara cancel DPs into super and shit and when it's the right time to use them, so you're pretty bright. Overall, you probably won't be able to get by or even excel just by being smart like a lot of people do in high school. You'll most likely have to actually put in time and study, which causes a lot of "high achieving" high school students to drop out of college or switch to a "easier" major. What are you planning to go to school for?
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