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Everything posted by Mr.Cipher

  1. So I could borrow a PS4 for this weekend. It's the showcase PS4 I use in our store, that has been collecting Dust since CoVid started. Question is, if I should.
  2. I know Capcoms FG divisons track record and their attitude of putting in the lowest amount of effort possible with the attitude of "our community will complain, but they play our games regardles, lets continue like this!" Which is whats going to happen anyway. Pro Player getting paid to play the games so they can try and keep the games alive trough that in the end.
  3. I left a lot of franchises I loved behind, because I thought they couldn't be saved anymore and would just go down the drain, never to come back from the sewers. At this point, I just hope that SF6 fails, crashes and burns. I rather remember the series glory days, than think about what it has been...... currently. Westernising things will just make it worse. Japanese games, have a specific appel and style, that if you try to westernise it, usually falls flat on it's face. I think Capcom should have swallowed their pride and called ASW to help them find a new Style for SF6 one that would still have allowed to sell DLC costumes, since Capcom loves doing that. Instead of fixing the game. Sadly they will focus more on eSports now than ever. It was what dragged SFV forward the past 6 years and it will be shoved down your throat with SF6. Be Ready for Season and Battle Pass beeing announced 6 months before release! I for my part just stick to what I like and try out new releases, maybe there will be something that actaually hooks me again. Maybe DNF will. I know Strikers...... hey Kunoichi looked nice.
  4. How dare you not be excited for your lord to give you leftovers from the main dish? You shall repent for your sins commited toward your lord Capcom. Buy their latest CPT Pack to support the Pro Tour!
  5. Merryweather was playing With Koefficient Yu-gi-oh the other day, my god thats an S--Tier voice he got. At least I think thats the same person.
  6. Yeah I have a flyer of that Pizzaria. If you can prove that you're evil, you get discount.
  7. Fun fact, he wears a similar armor pre battle in 02UM
  8. Make some noise! LOUDER!!!!! Not to sound like a nitpicker but, can I have a skin where he has his suit on?
  9. Testament is a Gear, so he isn't human anyway. Unlike the Valentines (and Dizzy) who all had a human.... well as human as Sol and Aria were at that time, parent, he has none of that. There is nothing inside of these .... lets call them pants for now.
  10. Marketing perhaps. Problem is a lot of these productions turn out to be garbage and a lot of it is just political propaganda in the end. Worse of all, it is very often american propraganda that they try to push all over the world for some god forsaken reason. If modern productions are to reflect society, we sure have steped back a lot since the past. I thought racism was illegal in most countrys, but apparently being racist is what modern media wants. Anyway as I said, if they have the talent to play the role they should go for it. If they just get picked because they have the right amount of pigmentations in their skin, well thats actually against the law but apparently thats fine. 12 years ago feminism was the hot shit. Yeah, I wish I could just go somewhere these days without gender discussion or people talking about skin colors. Sadly this gets pushed almost everywhere because modern media has Göbelz as idol.
  11. Because they do the exact opposit of that. They hire because of their skin color, not their talent, so the companys can pretend that do the productions care about minorities and diversity. If they would hire because of Talent or them being the best fit for the role, then people would still complain, but it wouldn't be as blatant as "Amazon is proud to introduce the first black dwarfen princess into the Tolkin Universe!" Worst part is actually that she has no beard. Nowadays there is no word on why actors get taken for their Jobs from companys outside of their skin color. Which is why I keep saying that your points don't matter in this. Because while you are right and this is how it should be, this is not how they do it now.
  12. I know you purposly dwell in the past, because you cannot comprehend the difference between past and present and that things change. I can repeat that talente and acting skills don't matter, but you will continue to ignore that because you think the 90s equal modern times. So, have fun I guess, you're still not in the right no matter how hard you try.
  13. Yeah, thats great. Now tell me why Noodle Sauce is better than Tomato Juice. Doesn't matter that this isn't the topic at hand and I switch randomly topic and points at will. I do not think that you understand this, then again living under a rock and shouting "lalalalalalalala" is what you're best at. I've read your edit and as I said, it doesn't matter for modern times, neither modern media. As I said talents don't matter, only whats inside the pants and if you have the desired skin color. It is important to push a political narrative, not have good content or even quality (or be true to the lore in other cases). Why else would you get shoved that shit in your face all the time? Because thats not the criteria of choice? Now continue being ignorant. You can pretend to be high and mighty, but you are not even close to correct in this area.
  14. Thats great Pertho. And nothing of that matters for the topic at hand. 20 years ago isn't today, where the first thing you get told about characters is their skin color. Talent or being fit for a role doesn't matter, Gender and Skin Color gets brought up first. Last Star Wars Triology, new LOTR Series, they didn't tell you how they picked the actors because they are perfect for their roles. They told you that they will make Black Hobbits, Black Dwarfs and Black Elfs. Not just that, they made it even so that he isn't as old or experienced as Slayer, thats why he still has trouble to control his Power at times. What is represented by his Blood Gauge.
  15. Ah don't worry, judging by Capcoms track record, you gotta have stuff like this in SFVI
  16. I would point your stupid ass towards Netflix new LOTR series, but your dumb ass will just try to change the point again. So kindly fuck off.
  17. Way to dodge the point old man. You would be good in a Twitter Mob.
  18. Sure do you want to have you represented by someone who reminds you in every conversation what his skincolor is? This argument is as stupid as calling Capcom racists for having black people as enemies in a game set in africa.
  19. Capcom has the great ability to listen to the worst people possible and make the worst decisions possible. Western Companys listen to Twitter Mobs to be anti-racist and not offensive to certain groups (woman, trans, lationa etc etc.) and then them listening to this piss these groups off, because they listen to these groups. The west has this nice idea that there should not be good looking characters in games, so all the women are ugly, there are black people just to have black people and there are asians just to have asians. Heck they make entire characters whos purpose is to remind you what skin color they have. So they are anti-racist by being racist. The weird idea that women are offended by sexy female characters in games is also the greatest BS that was ever constructed. Ever played an MMO? If you met a girl in one of those games, they usually either play cute waifus or super sexy ones. Why? Because surprise surprise women like playing good looking characters. Heck as my gf was choosing a character in BB she picked Nine because she said she got nice boobs. Japan for the most part still rejects all that shit, because of their laws regarding art. I mean Japan literally puts constantly Gay couples into animes and games and no one cares, because they don't rub their sexuality 24/7 into your face, in fact most people find this stuff more often cute than anything else.
  20. Japan does a lot of shit that drives america crazy or would anyway. The good thing is, Japan usually doesn't give a fuck and tells them crazy people to go f themselfs.
  21. So this is what I wake up to? Gender talk and some crazy bitch thinking Trump would genocide the alphabet soup? I think I stay in bed for the next..... month. Wait DNF comes June 28? Hmm, thats cool.
  22. You know what also keeps people engaged and keeps the playerbase up? MAKE A GOOD GAME THAT IS FUN TO PLAY AND WORKS! When someone comes with engagement and keeping the player base up, I start thinking about Blizzard spouting that nonsense. And what did it end up with? WoW is now almost dead and the rest of the playerbase who still plays WoW hates Blizzard with a passion because the game is ass and there is no content.
  23. Introducing a F2P style System into your full price game isn't an attempt to get some goodwill back, it's an attempt to frustrate people into buying with real money. Yeah at the beginning in 2016 it was very easy to get FM, especially if you had a little Mod that allowed you to finish the Survivals in one Battle. But after that, they gutted the System into the ground, introduced ads into a full price game and were holding their hands out even more. Now imagen if they would have pushed trough with their premium currency system. I can already see you having to buy 490 Zenny Packs for 5€, while a costume costs 500 Zenny. Ups just short, better buy another one! EA has done this for years, but they also got surprise mechanics on top of that. If they would have wanted to get goodwill after the DLC Fiasco, how about you don't put finished characters into a game and then want extra money for it. Sounds like a start.
  24. At least in Bamcos case they don't want 5€ for your character not to look like an idiot most of the time. Or you can pay 5€ to have Guile comb his hat. I'll rather pay for the characters, the FM System was bad, at least they scraped their premium currency they had planned. Imagen a premium currency in a full price game, that only launched with the most barebone features..... they really took inspiration from western Studios for that. Could have picked better ones, but the bottom of the barrel is good enough I assume.
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