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Everything posted by Mr.Cipher

  1. Tell me what you like and who you play in other games.
  2. @Mattatsu My timezone should be ZET, it was around 1:30am as you replied. I usually am around till 1AM, usually a bit longer when I have late shifts, like I currently have.
  3. It's more 5 hours than 4. Hit me up on Steam, when you're free.
  4. Strive is the most boring FG I've played in the past 6 years and that includes SFV. I have no clue what a Hyperfight Ultra is, sounds like a SF2 Version tbh. BBTag was great, it getting Rollback is also great. CF also got Rollback. BBTag got shit from the wrong people for the wrong reasons. SamSho costs basically 200€ on Steam. I am not going to pay that amount of money for a game with SNK Delay Netcode that has 5 people playing it. While I am at it. Whoever designed the new Melty Blood needs to be beaten in public with a stick. I've never seen such a shitty carnival of mechanics thrown into a pod to make such a giant mess. I rather fight C-Roa all day, than play that phantasm of bad ideas. I am sure DNF will follow the recent trends of "we need to make everything restricted and one dimensional!" Pls don't allow characters to move faster than a immobile snail and are only allowed to press Punch 2x before the opponent gets pushed halfscreen away! And all of this "good for newbies!" mottos are the most horseshit that is around since the last decade. Not one of the FGs that came out since that shit started managed it to actually tackle that problem. All they made was to make the games more restricted and easy.
  5. Modern FGs just aren't fun. I have hopes for DNF but they are super slim. I expect them to have removed all the crack and weed they consumed for the Beta to be removed for the next version. So we can get another SFV. Well at least I can always go back to CF and AACC these days.
  6. And you have to still play me in BBCF! Watch me wave my fist in anger!!!
  7. No, it is that Japan only knows 2 hair colors. You're either blond, brown/black haired or come from an anime game.
  8. Damn I didn't think that far, cancel culture is way more complexe than I thought.
  9. Silly Dark, Men showing skin and muscles is totaly ok. Now if it was a woman doing this, it would be offensive, racist and all the other forms of -ist.
  10. Kim without pants is coming in, so SNK won't have to even try to animate his pants.
  11. Well the Beta is on the Retail Game, you have to opt in for. But the Beta will also stay up until the changes get implented into the Retail game. Go into your Steam Libary, Right Click on BBCF, go to Properties, Beta, then select the publictest and there you go, BBCF with Rollback.
  12. Ain't a big hurdle to jump over, but I leave it to Capcom to fail even that.
  13. Well it is in anime games present in every DP and Super Move. But I am pretty sure they put that into SFV, because of how much they loved Crush Counters at the begining of the game.
  14. Fighting Games suck at actually teaching you how to play Fighting Games. More News at 11.
  15. Auto Combos and 1 Button Specials incoming! Get into the trenches boy, we are about to witness a new war with a potential SFVI reveal.
  16. Not even Aoko in a Bikini can safe this game for me it seems. Played Arcade, did the trials, tried to find a match for half an hour online. Got one, was on par with SFV online. But hey at least I got something out of it. And now it's time to go back to AACC.
  17. I think this is the first time I am looking forward to something from Type Lumina. Triple Jump shenanigans here I come once again!
  18. Holy Hammer, like I would ever pass on Strikers as..... astehtics.
  19. Volt is right, they fucked up the entire Story with V. Burn it down and remake it completly from the ground up.
  20. This doesn't break the Deal for me, just my heart.
  21. Story and Street Fighter. Ho boy, you're in it for a world of disappointments.
  22. FGs problems is not that they are inaccesable, their problem is that there is literally nothing that explains you how the games work. You get tutorials on mechanics and Combos, but no one ever tells you how to play the game. ASW Mission Modes come close to this, but it's still mostly wall of text with "Do that 5x correct!" Reducing complexety and removing things doesn't make the games more accesable, because the core problem remains. Lower execution requirements is always good tho <.<
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