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Posts posted by Scotia

  1. 18 minutes ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:


    I'll get the criticisms out of the way first. I think that sometimes, your words sound mumbled up or inaudible. Either because your natural speaking voice is so quiet and soft, or sometimes you just talk too fast. I know when you show that nerdy side, you sped up the tempo, which works with the excitement, but for the rest of the vid, I feel that you could speak a little slower so the viewer would understand. Also, I would recommend having a little more energy in your voice, or record the audio like you are giving a Presentation, instead of just reporting information.


    Other than that, I really liked the series. As a story and lore fan myself, this was a nicely done video that summarized all the character's moments in the SFIII story. Each one that their own focus time, and was either short or longer depending on how important they were. I love the sprite animations you added into the video. Especially since it keeps things fun and interesting instead of looking at gameplay footage or in-game artwork for a whole 14 min. 


    You have a pretty good sense of humor too, and i loved how you sprinkled that into the video. I just wished for more energy behind that.


    I feel there is so much more to these characters and their story than just this video can cover. But it does a great job of scratching the surface; just giving us an overal general background on the Lore as a whole rather than going in-depth like some other channels do. (DiGi Valentine, or SugarPunch Design Works)


    I can't wait for the next part, and for Chun-Li to make her appearence when you get to talking about her. I wonder, will you plan on covering all the other series of SF?


    Nicely done with it. I can imagine that it takes a lot of work for you on this video. But I really enjoyed it. Nice job

    Thank you, I appreciate the feedback! Yes I do believe my biggest area of improvement is the actual talking aspect of it. I'm hoping with experience I'll get better but I've had other people tell me before to make it sound like I'm not reading off an actual script lol. But yeah, I'll try and work on it. 


    Yeah I could definitely go deeper but like you said other channels do more deep dives into characters and stuff like that and I felt like a more general overview was more unique and that it was better to just stick to what the game tells us instead of going into side stuff from Fact Files that most people won't read lol. And yes I will eventually cover all the SF games but probably not individually. I think I'll do Alpha next once I cover some other games then maybe SF4 or 5 before just doing the whole series in one big video  (I don't really think SF1 or SF2 are worth one video each lol). Each video takes me about two weeks to do from writing the script to editing the video, so yeah it takes a while lol. 


    Thanks again for the feedback, I really do appreciate it!

  2. Hey, so not sure what the rules are here on self promotion so if this isn't cool let me know and I'll edit all this out. 


    I've started making videos on YouTube that cover the events of fighting game stories and my latest one is covering Street Fighter 3. Please feel free to watch it and let me know what you thought or if there was anything I missed. Thanks! 




  3. I think Gill's for sure takes place after SF3 given Urien knows Gill is the Emperor seeing as he doesn't find that out until SF3 itself. As for the others I have no idea, but it can't be too many as most clearly take place before or at least during SF3.


    This pretty much confirms that SF6 will move past 3 at the very least seeing as they're moving past it now, which is a relief. Had to suffer through two games dancing around it before we could move on 😭


    EDIT: Maybe the Neo-Shadaloo stuff with Ed and Falke takes place after SF3 seeing as we never get a concrete time period where that takes places and both Ed and Falke look considerably older when in the nazi NS uniforms

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