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Everything posted by DoctaMario

  1. Warrior Within was the one I think I played (got it the same time I got my first PSP.) It was cool but I guess I was expecting something else and never wound up finishing it. Maybe I'll have to give it another shot. I missed the 2008 PoP game. This new one looks pretty huge though, I'm definitely going to keep tabs on it. I also need to play Super Metroid to completion. I have a buddy who's into speedrunning it and I've never even finished it so it's on my short list of games.
  2. That Prince Of Persia game looks pretty interesting. I played the OG PoP on the GameBoy when I was a kid and loved it, but wasn't as keen on the stylized rebooted games from the early aughts, but this looks like a happy medium.
  3. I read a piece yesterday (written by a socialist of all things) about how blocking streets for protests works in Latin America because of things like what you mentioned here. He went on to say that here in the US, protesters see the public as an enemy to overcome moreso than a group to ally with and that's the impetus behind blocking the streets even though it doesn't work here. Was pretty interesting.
  4. It's not as bonkers as it sounds. When I was on Obamacare, my income often hovered around the eligibility cap, so if I made a little more, I'd have to work harder to find write offs or just underreport cash income or I wouldn't have healthcare. Also, poor people don't often know what kinds of subsidies they qualify for.
  5. I think I'd take the murderbots over a glut of terrible AI generated games 🤣
  6. I really think the proliferation of AI is going to be more bad than good. That we'll now get to wade through even more uncreative dreck is just another example. Someone had a Twitter thread about how she was sure they'd used AI to make that new Silent Hill mobile "game" and the results were pretty underwhelming.
  7. This is like a written version of one of those WTF AKUMA HAX posts from SRK 🤣
  8. So then what's the point of blocking streets like this, especially if it's going to drive people towards the opposing side of what they're supposedly protesting for? It needlessly antagonizes people who have nothing to do with the protest and just makes the protesters look like a bunch of misguided assholes. I'm not saying people should run over protesters who are blocking streets, but if they do, especially after giving the protesters fair warning, it's hard to have sympathy, hence the fuck around/find out part.
  9. The TN law makes clear that hitting them can't be intentional. Still, when you block rescue vehicles, when you block people from picking up their kids, when you block them from getting to their homes, you're drawing people into your protest against their will, and that isnt right.
  10. So many gamers are fucking awful people; just spoiled and entitled and thinking they're in the right at all times. I honestly feel bad for community outreach managers at game devs having to deal with these people.
  11. TN and a few other states put laws on the books that exempt drivers from prosecution if they run over "protesters" blocking roadways in some cases after all the 2020 shit. But obviously something like that won't happen in NY.
  12. I saw a news story the other day about how moving companies around Memphis are booked solid because people are leaving the city. I also saw another map that showed that Shelby county is losing lots of people because they're fed up with the crime. Btw did you ever have the ribs at Ron Dee Voo? I'm normally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about ribs but the ribs at that place are AMAZING. My wife and I got a half rack and I ate damn near all of them myself, they were that good.
  13. If you're talking about the Tengen version, no, they're two separate games. The Playchoice version is basically the NES version, although it may have a few tweaks to it to make it more of a coin cruncher but I couldnt say for sure. As for it looping around, it wasn't programmed to do that. The levels they're reaching aren't even things that were legitimately programmed for the game to be able to do, which is why the game is crashing and the score isn't going up. People are truly pushing the limits of this game (the NTSC version anyway, apparently the PAL version can go to an even higher level before the killscreen hits) Since this video, a few high level Nestris players have gotten the killscreen as well.
  14. Ok. My position on it is probably a lot more nuanced than you might think. Maybe we can have a conversation about it sometime in DMs or something.
  15. And obviously you're butthurt enough about it to make a separate post
  16. I read that thread. Yet another retard who probably knows fuck all about Tekken or its history but just wants to spout stupidity in public.
  17. He had some other tweets in the thread where it seems like he's either trolling or pretty mentally ill.
  18. This is the guy he was responding to. It makes so much sense now 😂
  19. Getsu Fumaden came out in 2022 I'm pretty sure. Been thinking about that game though, I might need to pick that one back up as I never beat the Normal difficulty.
  20. I thought it was going to be like the video in your link but imagine my surprise when he wound up doing a fucking cross body block. I'm still wondering how tf he got that much air 😂😂😂
  21. I think that when it's done right, protest/political music can be really awesome, like some of Rage's songs or stuff like U2's 'Sunday Bloody Sunday.' It's just seldom done right. Even John Lennon had some absolutely terrible and less-than-informed protest songs, though he has a few really good ones too.
  22. Rage IS a GREAT band, but I don't think most of their audience cares about the political side of their music which kind of defeats his point a bit imo. Hell, they're Paul Ryan's favorite band, I think that says something that they aren't as dangerous as they think they are and their politics easy to ignore in the context of their music. Imo a great protest song: Lyrics for those who would rather read:
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