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Everything posted by DoctaMario

  1. Huh! Interesting. I wonder when that VS mode they were working on is coming. I also heard they were going to do another Classic mode game but this time it would be paid dlc.
  2. You're talking about a game that's supposed to be a simplified version of GG so they're going to make it so that certain characters could be played even by smashers. Zato was a sitting duck in AC if Little Eddie got murked so it makes sense that a game with the design philosophy Strive seems to have makes it less punishing for making mistakes than previous games. I haven't been following the rebalancing, but are they listening to the community for ideas on this? Because that's probably the worst thing a fighting game dev can do. RE randomness, ST, and the SF2 series as a whole are rife with randomness. Again, it's not like these idiosyncrasies are exclusive to ASW.
  3. This is always where I've always been with Tekken. People say it's an easy game to pick up, but that's never been my experience. In Soul Calibur you can pick just about any character, hit a few buttons/directions and find some good stuff to start with, but every Tekken game I've ever played, barring T7's simple beginner combos, I've had to parse through the movelist to find useful stuff which takes a long time. And that's not even considering all the subsystems the game might have and various interactions.
  4. Athens is about 2 hours away from Atlanta if I remember right. Not a drive id want to make twice a day but your mileage may literally vary lol Might be a nice place to go on a trip with just your wife. As I said, I haven't been there in a long time but I'm sure there are still some real nice things about it.
  5. I'd agree that a lot of their games are over designed, but overall they're like any other dev in the sense that they have a couple absolute gems and a lot of stuff you'd never really play after it gets supplanted by something newer. Capcom and SNK only have a handful of fighting games they've made that are truly great games and that still hold up years later even though there are plenty of other ones that people still want to play for whatever reason. Some characters are just badly designed and no matter how many buffs you give them, their tools just aren't suited for the game they're in. That isn't exclusive to asw at all. sounds like the character You're playing is one of those, so why do you keep playing her?
  6. Strive players seem like the 09'ers of GG, just have no sense of where the series has been and are like babies playing their first fighting game. I think Capcom is more that company you're talking about than ASW but I guess that could also be because where ASW DOES just throw shit against the wall, there are a fuckton of subsystems in the game to potentially correct for it.
  7. I don't know if it's changed, but when I lived there Atlanta was supposed to be one of the best food scenes in the country. Even mid places couldn't survive long because there were so many great spots to go eat and high level restaurants weren't bank-breakingly expensive. And because there was a fairly international population there, you got legit versions of lots of ethnic food too. But even the bar food was really excellent there (I legit miss Vortex's fried zucchini, it was so good it was like God himself was back there working the fryer)
  8. "I don't want to be perceived as being mean to criminals so I'm going to kick the can to auto manufacturers because I can't be bothered to do the job I was elected for." Christ. Stuff like this is how we wind up with militarized police forces because idiots like these people let things go too far.
  9. This is such a smasher thing to say that I'm not at all surprised it was a Strive player who posted it
  10. Stuff like that is why I was ok with mechanics like breakaways in MK11. I know people want to just be able to combo their opponents without there being any chance of them escaping, but I think every game with long combos needs some mechanic to allow you to escape at a cost, and the cost of doing a breakaway was such that it was a "you done fucked up, son" type of move that could even be punished by an astute player.
  11. It prompted me to play some Golden Axe. Boy is that a series that hasn't aged well. I'll tell you what fantasy-style beat em up IS a real gem that I never hear too much about is this one
  12. It's actually better to owe because if you're getting refunds, it means they're taking too much out which means there's probably a bit of money they're keeping that you don't actually owe. It's nice to get the refund check, but when you think about what that actually means... We haven't done our taxes yet but I'm already thinking I should have bought more shit to write off.
  13. Wow, so it's definitely not a Konami thing but I'm wondering how this has been greenlit. Looks amazing though I'm looking forward to it already!
  14. I finished my first run of Last Faith this morning. Definitely one of the best metroidvanias I've ever played and I still highly recommend it. Think I'm going to go for another run with a different build now.
  15. I've been playing chess with him online this week and told him he ought to come over here and make an account since he hates the format of discord so much. Maybe he will
  16. My brother told me it was pretty good, but I never played it. Maybe I'll cop it when it goes on sale. I got the Takeover which had a great visual style, but the combat is like Double Dragon 1, just very basic and not enough to keep me engaged for as long as that game is. I only played 3 a couple times because of the one life and you're done thing. It's like a rogue like in a sense lol
  17. The tl;Dr is that he says SF2 is like a chess game in that you can force an opponent into a bad situation where their only options are bad ones which will, most of the time, lead them to hang themselves (mind games.) But because in SF3 there's an overriding element of the game (parries) that allow a player in that situation to potentially escape without really giving anything up, that the mind game in SF3 is basically just "I thought you were going to do A but you did B" and that parrying is, to the detriment of the overall gameplay, the best option in a lot of situations. They're an interesting read if you can hunt them down.
  18. There was a tweet someone made last week that that video about beat em ups Aries posted reminded me of, about how a lot of devs that make beu's these days don't seem to have a lot of deep knowledge of the genre. Like they don't know what makes a game compelling and fun to play especially even at harder difficulty levels vs one that isn't. Final Fight is one of the oldest beat em ups out there but even now, it still is one of the very best imo, even outclasses its sequels that were made later. The player characters are fun and can do a lot, the enemy design is interesting all across the board, and with the exception of maybe one or two levels, it never wears out its welcome. Same with Streets Of Rage 4, Double Dragon 2, and Turtles In Time. I've played several of the games in that video and the ones I've played with the exception of SoR4 are missing something that I can't quite put my finger on. It's one of those genres that seems like it would be a fairly easy slam dunk but for whatever reason, I've played a lot of pretty bland and boring beat em ups.
  19. I used to love 3s but the more I learned about it, the less I liked it, especially after reading the Viscant parry posts (which he was right about, and even as a chagrined 3s player the first time I read them, I knew he was right.) Still all 4 of those are great games and I still don't think Capcom has topped SF2
  20. My wife runs into people like this who have a hard time qualifying for loans because while they do make a lot of money, they spend it as fast as they make it so they have nothing in the bank.
  21. As the tools to design games get more and more democratized, you'll see more and more of this. It's what happened in music.
  22. I bet if someone paid you to read the rest of my post rather than just reading the first sentence and hitting reply you might have? Edit: just saw your other post lol. This site doesn't play nice with mobile I dunno, I think education needs to change fundamentally. The way it's been worked for awhile but we need to go somewhere else with it and parents need to do better and stop being afraid of their kids and/or so self centered that they're barely parents.
  23. You're talking like these kids are being loaded into forced labor camps and and made to work for for-profit companies for free. I'm not the biggest proponent of how the public school system operates these, but education is one of the only things standing between some of these kids as they are and them becoming basically feral. Paying them to do something they should be doing anyway reminds of that Chris Rock bit where he talks about dudes wanting credit for never having been to jail and for taking care of their kids as if those aren't base level behaviors. I'm not saying incentivizing kids a bit doesn't help, but paying them? I dunno. And while the whole "paying rapists not to rape" sounds alarmist and ridiculous on its face, it's the logical conclusion of having low enough expectations to believe that paying kids to do something they should be doing anyway is the way. Because what they get as kids is what they expect as adults.
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