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iStu X

MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by iStu X

  2. Piper is crazy good. From what little I’ve seen of her on the main roster they really watered her down and made her a joke character. But that was when she first debuted on the MR. So I don’t know if that’s changed. She was booked insanely strong in NXT UK until her feud with Kay Lee Rae. They both got overbooked into oblivion in their feud. Both of them got absolutely buried and looked fucktarded due to over booking.
  3. Cavill is holding the Superman costume hostage until WB agrees to bringing him back as Superman. 😂😂😂 GOAT status
  4. I just need to do strength conditioning. My job requires a lot of heavy lifting but I gave noodle arms 😅 Im also just trying to firm up my core in general. I’ve lost over 80 pounds but my body doesn’t look how I’d like it to. I don’t wanna be ripped like Jesus or anything but I definitely wanna be tone.
  5. That is a shortened version of my name, yes.
  6. I love how childishly salty you get over silly shit. 😂 Have a juice box and take a nap
  7. Some day we’ll get a new one. 🥲 (I also feel hella old because Etrian doesn’t seem like a 15 year old franchise)
  8. Yeah…Ray Fisher as Cyborg was one of the few bright spots in Justice League.
  9. I’d laugh my ass off if Cody goes back to WWE now that HHH is out of power. It would just prove that Cody is the whiney edge lord everyone knows he is
  10. Just scroll up a bit next time you, silly bitch. It wasn’t even 5 posts before yours
  11. *Points at avatar* Same. I’m glad he’s still rocking it in the current run.
  12. Here’s the thing though: Ni No Kuni 2 as a game is fantastic. But the god damn the ending just takes a shit on any goodwill the game builds with you.
  13. Maybe. I think as long as he stuck to the brave gate and Dream gate division he’d be fine. If they tried to put him in the twin gate or triangle gate than I agree. I doubt he’d be able to keep up. AEW has a more bloated roster than WWE at this point.
  14. The thing about the Eternals is they’re a very small group and rarely seen, even in the comics but, and I can’t stress this enough, they’re extremely important in the marvel universe. I think the reason why the movie has been so divisive is because it does more world building and expanding than anything else. It’s a marvel comic more than a marvel movie. So this far into the “phases” the movie seems a little out of place. It feels like a movie that should have been towards the beginning of the MCU. (Imo the Eternals should have been introduced after the first avengers movie). For me the movie should have been presented as In sort of a “what we’re showing now is SUPER important but not until later. Keep watching to find out”. Which it did, but I feel right thing wrong time. But it will likely pay off. For instance how Adam Warlock was shown at the end of GotG V1 but nothing has been mentioned since but You have to remember Adam is one of the most important and most powerful characters in the marvel landscape (he’s literally an allegory for Jesus Christ). So while I’m sad they didn’t introduce him leading into infinity war/end game since he’ and thanos are so interwoven I feel him being done soon and dealing with the multiverse will be more interesting as we’ll likely get the evil version of him from the future, The Magus. Back in the topic of the actual movie; I personally absolutely loved the Eternals movie. Top 5? Naw. But upper mid definitely. It was super close on cracking my top 5 though. My main gripe is as mentioned at the beginning of this, the Eternals are extremely important characters in the marvel landscape. so I feel as much lore and universe expansion they bring to the table and crammed into the movie it should have been covered as a mini-series rather than trying to cram in all into 150 minutes.
  15. So my schedules keep changing basically day-to-day and I’m not going to try to navigate my personal life around a job that has a manager that doesn’t know what they’re doing. my time away from working is infinitely more important than my time while working. I’m not going to try and rearrange my schedule every time my manager gets a wild hair up their ass and decides to change the schedule. I don’t care about the job that much and I’m definitely not in a tier in the company to care enough. I don’t have the time, energy or patience to deal with that shit and no one ever should. Especially since I help both of my parents (who are both disabled with my mom basically bed ridden) with everyday stuff every day. Plus you know, my own personal life and things I do in my spare time. Let me clarify something though, I don’t mind when schedules change. Shit happens, they may need more coverage on x instead of y. It happened a lot at GameStop and I even did it myself at the hobby shop. BUT I was always given forewarning or gave people forewarning in some form or another. With my job now theres no employee group chat, no employee app, nothing. I wasn’t even told until I came in yesterday that my schedule for next (this) week was totally changed. And you know how I found out? A god damn sticky note on our tact board. Even better the schedule from just two days ago was changed again and no one bothered telling me. I was supposed to work 12-830 originally and when I came in I looked at the schedule and saw I wasn’t supposed to come in for another hour as they changed my schedule from 1-8. I also argued with my manager today because she moved my lunch up two hours. When I asked why she said “because I asked my manager if ti was okay” and I asked again “yeah but WHY did you move them? You haven’t given me a reason.” and she basically brushed me off and told me to go to lunch. AND THEN BEFORE I WENT TO LUNCH ANOTHER MANAGER CALLED ME INTO HER OFFICE TO TALK TO ME ABOUT MY “ATTITUDE” BECAUSE MY MANAGER SAID I WAS UPSET AND PUNCHED A CLOTHING RACK AS I WAS WALKING TO THE BACK! They were talking to me like a fucking ASMR asking constantly “if I was okay” or “if I needed to talk”. I told them stop with the soft talking tones and talk me like an adult and ask what you want directly or we’re done talking. So they did and I basically told them why I was pissed (sorta) and they still couldn’t come up with a good reason why they did what they did . so since my break yesterday I’ve been filling out applications and emailing resumes whenever I get a chance. I’m not “anti-work” by any means. I love working, a lot of my coworkers are awesome and I don’t dislike this current job. But I HATE bad management and when people disrespect my personal time and try to take advantage of the time I’m willing to give them as an employee
  16. I feel like Ali would do really well in Dragon Gate or Noah. I’d love to see him team with Naruki Doi or Yoshino. But he’s also like…super dedicated to his family (as one should be) so I doubt the time commitment of being in Japan would mesh well with that.
  17. Looking for a new job. Wooooo (I haven’t quit my current one and they’re lucky I haven’t)
  18. So okay Ni No Kuni 2 Throughout the game and between chapters Evan (the actual main character) keeps having these ethereal talks with a blue haired little boy but he never gives his name. As you travel You also learn about a man named Ferdinand who long ago did what Evan did. Which is unite the world under one banner and one cause. Well, in the ending you learn the little boy you keep having conversations IS Ferdinand BUT it’s also revealed that he isn’t an ancient ruler that once United the world. You learn that not only is he from the future but he’s also Evans son. It’s explained that as Ferdinand grew up he realized he could send his mind essence or whatever the fuck into the past. So as the game has been progressing and the conversations you’ve had together you learn that it’s actually Ferdinand asking his dad for advice on how to rule a kingdom and finally fulfill the dream Evan and Roland (President of Isekai) had set out to achieve. When Evan asks how come he was told about Ferdinand by the Librarian (a minor but semi-important character). Ferdinand explains that she is a librarian in a loose sense but she is actually a Seer who saw Evan and Ferdinand’s future and wanted to make sure Evan had a clear idea of what he wanted and the path he wanted to take. That way Ferdinand could actually exist and accomplish what Evan couldn’t in his life time. So once all this is explained it jumps to the future where an adult Ferdinand gives a state of the nation address basically celebrating that he finally achieved his dads dream of uniting the world. You also learn that once Roland (President of Isekai) gets transported back to his world that the what you thought was a missile was actually a firework. As before getting Isekai’ed he was on his way to his own state of the union address thingy to celebrate the fact the world had finally United under one banner and one cause just like he helped Evan and Ferdinand accomplish in their world. it then pans out from his limo and you see more fireworks go off and the credits roll. I hate it but at least I’ll always have it’s amazing prologue.
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