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iStu X

MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by iStu X

  1. I am now officially unemployed and it feels great. A huge mental and emotional weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Having bbq ribs and a baked potato for dinner. Gunna pair it with this awesome cherry cider I have. And for desert bought myself a personal cheese cake to celebrate me quitting.
  2. I saw Akira 4K remaster at my local theatre a few weeks ago and I was the only person in the theatre seeing it.
  3. New Mutants is coming to Disney+ 12/11/20 edit: just kidding apparently. Gotta wait until sometime in 2022
  4. Unfortunately a death in the family also brings out the worst of the family. My dads side of the family did the same thing when my great grandma died. They took everything worth value before we flew down for the funeral. Only difference is they didn’t keep it. They pawned it all off. My sister was the only one that got something from my great grandmas house. It was this cute little soap dish my sister had loved since she was kid.
  5. The fact the patch to fix unity was almost twice the size of the hame itself should tel you how fucked it was lol
  6. Ridge Holland will be out for six months to a year.
  7. It’s a lot like Puzzle Fighter but with indie video game mascots and an anime character here and there
  8. Comixology is doing BOGO on all marvel titles until Monday. Just use the code “MARVELOCT” at check out. the only restrictions to the sale are no bundles no pre-orders no titles released within the last month (9/16 specifically)
  9. Honesty I like the chonky robot mode more
  10. Anyone have the full Draft Results?
  11. Much appreciated. Check your PM box when you can.
  12. How would I transfer over my Nintendo Switch thread OP content from the other site to here? Seems like HTML works much differently here. I worked really hard on that thread and would like to continue to support it here if allowed.
  13. I don’t know if that article covered it but
  14. We have a coffee emoji reaction now. that addition is better than anything srk has done since switching to discourse
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