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iStu X

MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by iStu X

  1. It was happening on Safari. It was very odd. It stopped shortly after I posted that.
  2. Uh, this is happening on certain links and images. Can’t figure out why
  3. No. It definitely happened. 😂 She-Hulk defended him in court as he was being framed over some collapsed buildings or someshit and afterwords they knocked boots after he was proven innocent. It was during Chuck Austen’s universally hated run of the X-Men in the late 90’s and very early 2000. A run that was so universally hated that he was (and still is) black listed from the comic book industry in its entirety. It’s still considered one-of-if-not the worst runs ever written in all of comics. Not just X Men or marvel. But ALL comics. Chuck Austen’s run is also why Marvel basically gave up their left nut to have Grant Morrison come in and take over for Austen after he was fired from the title. Anyways Dan Slott actually brilliantly retconned it during his She-Hulk 12-issue mini back in the early 2010’s to where She-Hulk and Juggz did indeed knock boots but it wasn’t 616/Main Marvel Universe She-Hulk. You find out in the run that to other versions of characters that the 616 Universe is one of the best vacation spots in the multiverse. So characters from across the multiverse often visit it to wild out and do shit in the 616 they can’t do in their universe. So it wasn’t 616 She-Hulk who defended Juggz and did the nasty. It was a different marvel universes She-Hulk. review of Chuck Austen’s run for those interested
  4. It’s been a long and exhausting week, fam. I’m glad that it’s finally starting to wind down. My dads viewing was on Friday. It was actually really nice. When I saw him in hospice towards the end I really saw how much cancer had destroyed his body. I knew he had lost a lot of weight but I think hospice said he wasn’t even 95 pounds. Which means he had lost about 60-70lbs since first being diagnosed in 2020. When I saw him at the viewing he just looked like my dad but before his diagnosis. The morticians did such an amazing job. He looked a healthy weight. His clothes fit him. He didn’t look like he did towards the end. He just looked normal. He looked happy and he looked finally at peace. It was really nice. My nephew who turns 5 in April was a trooper too. My sister and her husband tried to tell him his “pawpaw” was gone the best they could (rainbow bridge stuff) and he seemed to grasp it. He asked to see my dad a few times during the viewing. He would also tell people “My pawpaw is over there. Be sure to say hi” as he’d point to the casket. The actual funeral was today. My dads cousin who is a retired air force officer presided over the ceremony. My dad was cremated and had his remains transported to the military cemetery by the local Purple Heart chapters truck which my dad absolutely loved. My brother in law who is also a retired veteran as well as a Purple Heart recipient was the one who held his urn during transport. I was originally asked but I felt it was more appropriate for my BIL to do it since they shared that honor. We also got a police escort to the cemetery. All the other military pageantry like the folded flag, gun salute, so on happened as well. It was really nice. We kept the bullet casings from the gun salute. 9 in all. Despite how I felt about my dad I might ask my mom if it’s okay if I get one melted down to make a ring. I’d likely never wear it as a ring but maybe put it on some sort chain or string to wear it as a necklace. Who knows. Tomorrow is kinda my one day of reprieve Even though I’ll be running errands most of it. But they’re fun errands. If that makes sense? 😂 Wednesday and Thursday I’m house sitting for my friends so they can do an overnight trip for their anniversary. Friday a friend is coming over and we’re gunna Pokemon it up. Then Saturday morning my girlfriend is driving down and I’m going to spend the weekend with her.
  5. The Switcher 3 will also get a massive update when the next Gen updates roll out
  6. Which I can’t fathom why. Like — how the fuck is some pseudo celebrities alleged dick game worth talking about?
  7. Game of the year for me will likely be Dragon Quest Treasures or Pokémon Scarlet
  8. I knew it’d be a complete blowout with water winning.
  9. Eh. I would have just waited tbh. Sony tries to talk big about their first parties but their prices for them drop fast. As do most titles from companies not named Nintendo. gaming can be super cheap. Just gotta know how to shop and have the patience for those price drops. that said, I’m a day one adopter for a lot of games and I don’t fault people when they do. Why would I? I’m also maybe slightly biased as I have zero interest in Dad of War 2 Boy Boogaloo. I’ll play it at some point but likely when it’s bargain binned.
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