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iStu X

MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by iStu X

  1. Ah. I misread then. That stuff I could easily see yeah. Man, it’s almost like I was right in everything I was saying about the bucks. Like them constantly acting and carrying themselves like petulant children. They’re are an embarrassment to wrestling.
  2. Wall of text homie. Spread that shit out a bit
  3. Anyone who really thinks The Bucks, Omega, Page, etc are the origin of spreading the bullshit between Punk/Colt that’s been going on years before either joined AEW is kidding themselves. 🤣 That shit has never had anything to do with them and still doesn’t. There’s no reason for them to do anything like that. Did they help stoke the flames? Sure/Maybe? Did they start them? Absolutely not.
  4. It’s honestly sad. If you don’t like the adaptation just move on and let the people that do enjoy it enjoy it.
  5. In Chikara they were in different business related stables. Claudio was in Swiss Money Holding and Edwards was in Sweet and Sour Incorporated
  6. Why’re you getting so butt hurt over your own theoreticals that would make you upset. I don’t understand.
  7. daniels was likely there to keep the peace as much as he was to help Punk. He’s been a friend, mentor and sometimes father figure to Punk since some of his first indy shows.
  8. Also, @MillionXi hate to break it to you but nothing that has been adapted has ever ever been a 1:1 to the source and never will be. Being upset about it is honestly really silly and looking for reasons to be mad.
  9. Bucks, Omega and Punk all need be fired, honestly. If Tony has to gold parachute all of them out so be it. The company would be better off.
  10. Straight into my god damn veins. I’m so excited for Gen 9. Holy. Shit. Mela is
  11. It’s legit in my top 5 favorite Pokémon ever. Its just a chonky little Kaiju with a lot of sass and snaggle teeth. It’s the absolute best.
  12. I also remember these bonnet/shower cap things being super popular in the late 90’s through the late aughts as well. I’d see them everywhere. Like BB Hoodie said, it’s for afro integrity and to minimize up keep . It’s just them coming back.
  13. He looks like he just came from a trump rally
  14. I’ve only played II and V. Tbh I don’t remember much of either.
  15. This is always what it is with him always playing the victim and/or the martyr. It’s fucking tiresome. It’s not just a gimmick like maxx constantly defends it as. He’s just a genuine piece of shit that isn’t happy unless he’s complaining or making himself to look like the hero
  16. It’s the same issue TNA had once they got their cable deal with Spike up until their cancellation on Spike and rebranding elsewhere. All the establish talent got their credibility thrown in the dumper once the wwe cast offs started showing up in droves. from guys like AJ being their corner stone to being in squash matches against people in their 50’s. Disgusting. it’s sad that so many AEW fans are fine with letting it happen when it’s literally the same shit they use to bitch about when it came to legends coming back to the E and make fun of TNA for doing.
  17. I’ll forever hate tintin cause just before my first Evo in 08 I had bleach my hair and when I first met valaris he said I look like tintin and everyone in our group called me that the entire weekend. the disrespect.
  18. Legit the best line in the series with the best delivery.
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