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Everything posted by Shahenzan

  1. I cosign this Even though shooting games don't usually resemble how guns work irl and the actual intricacies of them as games go pretty deep, they are intuitive on a surface level Fighting games are arbitrary as fuck on a surface level lol. You are two dudes in a diorama box, the inputs for moves are not the kind of things most people would ever guess... you need to start digging almost immediately for things to make sense and a lot of people just aren't about that lol
  2. funny I felt the exact opposite Having his wife or son DIE feels like a cheap, heavy handed way to make him change This angle they're going with, that he's become bitter with his lack of perceived improvement and drove off people close to him because of his obsession, is way more interesting to me. It makes it clear that his situation is his own fault, and in all the time we've known Ken we haven't seen or heard a lot about his faults Its a great angle for exploring someone's dark side, shits all over ryu wrestling with whether or not he should hit dudes hard or reeeeeally hard
  3. theres also a part where luke seems to automatically switch to parry lows while parrying a jamie special HMMMMMM
  4. yeah those can be good soul calibur has a history of fun create-a-character single player modes so i very much believe its doable for a fighting game
  5. World tour is the story mode and the arcade mode probably Considering how wack sfv story and arcade modes were it can only strictly be an improvement...right?
  6. RE engine is well known for running good even on low tier hardware. DMCV and the recent RE games do pretty good even on base ps4, so I'm less worried about it though it could end up being an issue
  7. enjoy it while it lasts when they drop a beta everyone will go full DOOMER (unless capcom comes thru extremely hard which is within the realm of possibility)
  8. Capcom doesnt care about that, I bet you one chicken sandwich that Gief makes it into launch zero problems
  9. Modern control scheme reminds me a lot of xrd simple mode, unless it has some actual game breaking capability attached i don't see anyone choosing 1 button specials over total control
  10. So supers are a separate gauge with stocks that's used only for supers, and ryu already has 3 supers. Are they going to make you pick a super or are they all usable at once... The drive gauge refilling over time is interesting but if I'm reading it right the whole thing is available at round start? Woof lol
  11. Don't think I didnt catch this capcom
  12. yeah yeah i know, dead game no rollback cool changes though
  13. Compromising the competitive integrity of an event, especially when there's money on the line and when the intent of the event is to be welcoming to new people is pretty bad. You could even say it runs counter to the whole spirit of the fgc which imo is/ should be fair competition. That's absolutely worth not being welcomed Now whether rules related to what happens to people who do things wrong are being applied consistently/ fairly/ openly that's a different story...
  14. It's messed up of them to refund infil a week before the event when they could have just not accepted his registration in the first place and explained why. That being said, it makes total sense to ban him given what he pulled with the bracket rigging. The domestic abuse stuff I think he could have come back from since it's difficult to justify punishing him for things that have nothing to do with the FGC, but once you show you're willing to damage the community that you want to accept you this outcome isn't surprising.
  15. B and it's not close 40 hours a week, 160 hours a month, 1920 hours in a year, for 100,000 dollars difference? If you're a normal human up for 16 hours a day, you spend something like 5840 hours a year awake. Yes I will sacrifice 100k a year to make a relatively middling amount of money and have a whole fucking third of my waking hours back under my own control
  16. Several characters in melty blood type lumina have unblockable moves. They're balanced by being slow, not generally giving combos, and losing to shield lol
  17. Man koei really barely makes stuff worth playing anymore huh Only thing you just mentioned that sounds worth money is the ninja gaiden collection. Even dynasty warriors blows these days smh
  18. From what I seen yipes focuses on the games he has the most fun with. I see him doing strive and mvc 2/3/ infinite, and some dbfz sometimes Don't know if Capcom left him behind as much as he would rather do stuff for games he likes over sfv
  19. In an article talking about the new story chapter dropping at the end of April, asw has revealed a front runner for the next season of characters You know bedman Now meet Bedsis
  20. Funny story, NA and Asia disagree heavily on many things in regards to tiers in that game. But they agreed on two things: Miyako was the best and Saber was the worst lol That said even after the nerfs I bet Miyako is still strong, that character is too gorilla to die from those changes
  21. Idk about all that You can totally still os a buttons into shield just now you can delay heat to beat it and there's a special penalty on whiff buttons into shield. It's narrowed reliable offensive options down from heat os, safejump, bait shield to safejump and bait shield. It is definitely the same game, maybe even less what people wanted now. If anything I feel like the balance changes feel better than the system changes, Miyako nerfs truly bring me peace
  22. Especially impressive when you consider everyone who plays type lumina apparently hates it lol Melty boys registering just for the culture, what is going on with mk players???
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