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Everything posted by globe

  1. Well it's a win for the Giants, but it was sure ugly. Glad Daniel Jones injury wasn't too major so he should be good to go for next week. God damn the Raiders got destroyed and the Buccaneers may be next.
  2. Been playing Pikmin 3 Deluxe, pretty fun. Honestly I think this series (by Nintendo) would benefit the most with a mouse. It might be because I'm playing with joycons so that might be the reason why it doesn't feel super precise. Either way auto-lock is used like 95% of the time. Maybe I'll test it out with Dolphin emulator with the first two games with my completely legit ripped copies. I have read that the Wii ports were better with controls and some people can't even play the Gamecube ones again. I have an odd relationship with Pikmin, I remember watching a commercial for the second game and really wanting it. I rented it at Blockbuster and my older brother ended up liking the series way more than I did. Bought it and I still remember the day he got 100 Purple pikmin to lift the dumbbell.
  3. Real shame what happened to Burrow. Hope it wasn't anything too serious and is healthy for next season. Bengals, time to get some linemen you have a franchise quarterback here. Don't want another Luck situation to occur.
  4. Great video about persevering the McDonalds training DS game. Kind of a spoiler, but how the hell can an airport with probably two flights every other day misplace a luggage.
  5. I don't what's up with the Giants and injuring players this season mainly from the NFC East. Wew that Saints and Buccaneers game, AB must be a curse or something lol.
  6. Well that game was sure more entertaining than I thought it would be. Not bad Giants.
  7. Brother sent me these photos. Didn't know Joker came out already. Also these SEGA two packs, remind me of the two packs they did for the Gamecube for Sonic Adventure and Super Monkey Ball.
  8. Want to watch a 2 hour documentary about chess and AI? Of course you do
  9. Guessing most of that money is going towards the licensing because wew as someone whose used those Crunchyroll forums for a decent amount of times, that site is a pos. And the people who run it don't care about it.
  10. There's probably enough for another 12 episodes. Come on Togashi hire an artist or at least hire some assistants. Don't do another Yu Yu Hakasho and rush the finale. It'd also help his health as well.
  11. Got my hands on a LeEco LeGFS-201 (which has the same body as the Mad Catz E.G.O) and it's actually pretty nice. Good size, good weight, customization seems to be easy. I can understand people hating on Mad Catz for not going with an original design, but at least they chose a good Chinese OEM case. Although using that """universal""" PCB is pretty lame, also the price tag is pretty wack.
  12. Shadow dropped Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase (last one of 2020)
  13. I must say this new season of Strike Witches really does capture the same feel of the first two season. Panty shots and all. Pretty impressive considering the 10 year gap between them.
  14. @beesuityeah it's Yukia Mitsumine from imas shiny colors. No imas game for the Switch tho
  15. It's kind of funny that the an old jp Fire Emblem game is getting a translated release before Mother 3. I know Fire Emblem is a smaller flag ship title for Nintendo now, but wasn't the Earthbound and Mother (Earthbound Beginnings) release for the Wii U at least somewhat successful? Maybe Mother 3 is the next game in line for the "limited release" foolery.
  16. With the streaming license comment, I'm sure the guy wanted to target the bigger streamers (the ones who are actually making good money), but wouldn't adding a license only benefit them more? Some game companies already pay big streamers to play their game (Genshin Impact being a recent example) so why wouldn't they just give them free licenses? Small streamers would have to buy the licenses and for most of them it probably isn't worth it then their viewership will go to the big streamers. Although I do agree that streamers were dumb just casually playing their spotify playlist and thinking nothing would happen.
  17. Well that was the ending I was expecting. I would be upset, but I'm already use to it already.
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