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Everything posted by Lantis

  1. I remember watching that scene and thinking it was kind of fucked up how they murked the kid
  2. I like how they pick the most unflattering picture of a Wendy hamburger LOL
  3. No. 2 ish in his ranking. Not bad I suppose. He definitely ranked MK 2021 higher than it should though
  4. Elon Musk wants to send people to Mars but can't figure out how to bypass a Microsoft login on his laptop
  5. That is like the worst name ever. Sounds like someone just strolled their hand across a keyboard and came out with that shit
  6. I second this. MM 2 is a great game, but I feel like the sequels improved on the formula, but everyone just decided to stick with MM 2 for whatever reason. It aint VGF but this track from MM 4 slaps so hard
  7. I only knew about Skull & Bones from those ads with Michelle Rodriguez LOL
  8. Can't wait for Yuffie to appear in FF7R... I can bench her annoying ass. Stay in the sidelines, you wench
  9. I always thought he would be better cast as one of the Augers from Night Trap
  10. How ironic that Taylor has now soared to super stardom status and Kanye keeps digging a deeper hole in his career. Karma truly is a bitch
  11. Pea soup is actually pretty great. But you will never catch me eating peas in their natural state though....
  12. Currently playing GOTG. It's a nice little game but sometimes I wish they tone down the banter a bit. I understand that a big selling point of the GOTG is the whole team rapport between all of them but sometimes I wish they would just STFU for a minute or two
  13. Those "rigged" conspiracy theorists should go outside and touch grass
  14. I bet that SB that had the Rams and the Bengals must have blown everyone's mind.....
  15. Are you being this oblivious on purpose? I can pick the weather guy from the local channel 5 news in Peoria, IL, but that wouldn't matter if Putin doesn't give them the green light. Do you still think anybody can walk to the Kremlin doors and ask for a shoot interview with Vlad without risking being thrown into a Siberian prison for life?
  16. The question you should be asking yourself isn't who would I pick but who would Putin pick? You think Putin allowed Tucker to interview him for his journalist acumen? LMAO
  17.'s Tucker Carlson There's a reason Putin chose Carlson to interview him, because Tucker is a complete tool. You think he would let an even remotely competent journalist to interview him and not throw them in jail?
  18. LOL no he doesn't. Putin was talking down and making fun of him the entire time
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