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Everything posted by Lantis

  1. I'm surprised they hired Brian Cox to make sense out of that clusterfuck of a story LOL
  2. If they get out alive from Buffalo, we can talk, but I don't see it happening Black Monday has already started. @Darc_Requiemmight finally be glad Ron Rivera got the sack LOL
  3. I don't think white collar crimes are considered "gangsta"
  4. Didn't Tekken literally have Bruce Irvin starting from Tekken 2? LMAO
  5. I also thought Pumped Up Kicks sounded pretty catchy until I actually started listening to the lyrics and started to realize how fucked up they were. I actually pointed this out to my wife and she claims that now I perpetually ruined the song for her LOL
  6. What is the obsession with making shitty horror franchises once a property becomes public domain? Winnie the Pooh also suffered the same fate
  8. Damn I remember having my Jetfire toy and always wondering why it looked like a Valkyrie from Robotech (I knew the truth years later of course)
  9. I take it back, Zata getting temp banned IS the perfect way to start 2024 😂
  10. Great, Zata comes back to Megashock. What a way to start 2024 🙄
  11. Yeah the whole Keith Lee thing has funny timing. If he was so injured, why even book him in a match to begin with? And Lee even said he was gonna work the Swerve match regardless but then were like NAH And the whole Y2J thing is disgusting too. Would be funny if the allegations prove true, considering how Jericho fancies himself a locker room leader and such. But considering how he threatened Shotzi after she poked fun at one of his AEW matches goes to show how insecure Jericho really is
  12. Pffft no one cared about Marvel back in the 90's. I doubt Disney had them in their radar back then. They probably could have bought them by pennies too LOL
  13. Trump will probably said he made Will Smith's career because of that one scene he did in an episode of Fresh Prince LOL
  14. Yup. Bold moves by Gunn by making WB lose millions of dollars just to give the DCEU the finishing blow and establish his universe. He better be ready to deliver results from day 1, or I doubt DC is gonna have much patience with him (especially after these last bombs)
  15. Not to mention all the reshoots they did. Once you hear those are taking place, you know the movie is just gonna be a convoluted mess. And AFAIK not all of those retakes had to do with Amber Heard
  16. Doesn't really help that most of the time the 3rd choice is just some dork who is running for the LULZ
  17. I definitely liked the first Home Alone house better (and apparently it's worth a lot less than the NY townhouse of Home Alone 2). The $2.3 million price tag is still pretty steep though 😅
  18. LOL that is what I always think whenever they bring Hunter Biden up "WE ARE PRO GUNS, WE SHOULD ALL HAVE GUNS! EXCEPT HUNTER BIDEN CUZ FUCK THAT GUY"
  19. The development of Wolverine will continue as planned
  20. I like how she ignores all the complexities around Gambit and Rogue's relationship and goes straight to Gambit's Cajun origins LOL
  21. Black is probably just running high on his one song becoming viral, but he should just sit his ass down. With that said, it's fair to say he'll probably have a couple more songs in the sequel
  22. Now this is a list I can get behind (except for Sonic, because of course those weirdos would)
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