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Everything posted by Lantis

  1. Yep, 98 was peak KOF for me. The young ins can have those fancy MAX cancel combos from the latest games
  2. Sports Illustrated basically got nuked overnight
  3. I just assumed they were experimenting on Kraid. At least that is what the planet ZDR seemed to me: a huge lab
  4. Yep, the shitshow cometh once again. It's hilarious how the political system can't seem to look past those 2 walking fossils
  5. LOL was that really his last minute pitch to get votes? Real glad he is out of the race
  6. The Eagles pretty much imploded in the second half of the season. The momentum of the first half pretty much carried them over to the playoffs. But you could tell from the last few weeks that they weren't going very far
  7. I think Justin has enough accolades and recognition to be bothered by that "one moment". It will probably be nothing more than a mild annoyance on a bad day
  8. Love how I buy a game online and they give me the European version. Now how am I gonna purchase the DLC without a European account? 🙄
  9. Wouldn't be surprised if those "smart" cars would also lock the doors and drive you off a cliff
  10. My wife has some strict personal rule not to take a dump at work due to hygiene/personal etiquette reasons (kinda like Finch from American Pie). Sometimes she will come home during lunch breaks just to take a shit 😂
  11. That reminds me that I'll be getting FF XV this weekend too. You better not spoil important shit @iStu Xor I will end you
  12. Seems like Ruffalo just wants to protect the Amazons but doesn't know which despot to ask for support LOL
  13. I'm surprised they hired Brian Cox to make sense out of that clusterfuck of a story LOL
  14. If they get out alive from Buffalo, we can talk, but I don't see it happening Black Monday has already started. @Darc_Requiemmight finally be glad Ron Rivera got the sack LOL
  15. I don't think white collar crimes are considered "gangsta"
  16. Didn't Tekken literally have Bruce Irvin starting from Tekken 2? LMAO
  17. I also thought Pumped Up Kicks sounded pretty catchy until I actually started listening to the lyrics and started to realize how fucked up they were. I actually pointed this out to my wife and she claims that now I perpetually ruined the song for her LOL
  18. What is the obsession with making shitty horror franchises once a property becomes public domain? Winnie the Pooh also suffered the same fate
  19. That chick almost looks AI-generated BEATS BEATS BEATS BEATS BEATS BEATS BEATS BEATS BEATS
  20. Damn I remember having my Jetfire toy and always wondering why it looked like a Valkyrie from Robotech (I knew the truth years later of course)
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