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Everything posted by Lantis

  1. Pea soup is actually pretty great. But you will never catch me eating peas in their natural state though....
  2. Currently playing GOTG. It's a nice little game but sometimes I wish they tone down the banter a bit. I understand that a big selling point of the GOTG is the whole team rapport between all of them but sometimes I wish they would just STFU for a minute or two
  3. Those "rigged" conspiracy theorists should go outside and touch grass
  4. I bet that SB that had the Rams and the Bengals must have blown everyone's mind.....
  5. Are you being this oblivious on purpose? I can pick the weather guy from the local channel 5 news in Peoria, IL, but that wouldn't matter if Putin doesn't give them the green light. Do you still think anybody can walk to the Kremlin doors and ask for a shoot interview with Vlad without risking being thrown into a Siberian prison for life?
  6. The question you should be asking yourself isn't who would I pick but who would Putin pick? You think Putin allowed Tucker to interview him for his journalist acumen? LMAO
  7.'s Tucker Carlson There's a reason Putin chose Carlson to interview him, because Tucker is a complete tool. You think he would let an even remotely competent journalist to interview him and not throw them in jail?
  8. LOL no he doesn't. Putin was talking down and making fun of him the entire time
  9. Sure, Disney produced a few bombs in 2023, but it is hardly a dent in the Mouse's armor, considering its' parks generated revenue for the first time in a long time. With those insane numbers, $1.3B almost seems laughable
  10. I wonder how much money Disney actually spent on marketing, considering how many movies flew over most viewers' radars
  11. I've read somewhere that Taylor Swift assisting Chiefs' games has actually generated them a revenue of over $300M during this season alone. So KC is hoping that Kelce and Taylor better stick so they can keep taking in that sweet Swiftie $$$$
  12. Speaking of The Brave Little Toaster, I may have to return to this scene again I dunno why this simple scene with barely any dialogue at all is so emotionally powerful. It was sad to me then, and even now it brings me sadness
  13. Because she's making young people vote Voting should only be for senior citizens dammit!
  14. How ironic that the same people complaining about small warnings at the beginning of old Disney movies are probably the same ones complaining about same sex couples in new Disney movies
  15. It seems that social media literally exploded with
  16. Probably all the Niners fan stashed away from the 90s still waiting on another SB win LOL (kinda like the Cowboys nation)
  17. Yeah, what some studios consider "seasons" is pretty wild. The number of episodes can range from 6 to 100. It's funny how you are on episode 182 sometimes and it's still "season 2"
  18. What surprised me the most as an adult is how short some 80's cartoons actually were (most of them never got past their first season of 13 episodes) and since I wasn't aware of the whole concept of "syndication" back in the day, I wasn't aware that some of them had already been cancelled years ago and we were just getting reruns
  19. Capcom's D&D series was definitely a highlight as well
  20. Well leave it to the Lions to have a complete meltdown in the second half LOL
  21. Well those screenwriters better pull out some Vince Russo-type shit cuz the Lions are decimating the Niners. That rushing game is tearing SF a new ass
  22. If Mahomes can get to a SB by going through Buffalo AND Baltimore on the road, he can have my respects
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