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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Me to, that movies pretty good, and I think time will vindicate it with new watchers who don't have the twist spoiled for them in the fucking trailers, god the marketing for that movie was shit.
  2. TOTK isn't getting DLC they told us this already.
  3. First 2 chapters of my FF7 Rebirth Hard Mode attempt. I'm only doing the main story content, none of the side questing content or anything unless its required by the main content. Too much content for me to try and handle really.
  4. It's cute you think it isn't number 2 on the
  5. This is an issue for the "Souls" games in general, the amount of people who include Sekiro in that category is pretty painful and people are calling Stellar Blade a Souls game now to, and like yea i see the influence but fucking nooooo!!!!!
  6. Depends on what that something, like people do deserve food and shelter just for existing, none of us asked to be born...But yea I think a lot of people are wickedly entitled, male and female, I just don't blame 2 hour cartoon movies for it I guess. I generally look to who raised them instead. Generally their parents are entitled to.
  7. People didn't enjoy that game flow. Look man I'm not telling you your wrong for liking Bloodborns PVP I'm just telling you the stuff you like the general community hated. They hate healing as it is, make it fast and give us 20 of them isnt gonna make them suddenly like healing more. Elden Rings Estus Flask is called a Crimson Flask of Tears. And yet they do it all the fucking time.
  8. I disagree on the giving the finger part, that rarely happens and is pretty blown up. I've also seen reactions from fans that don't deserve an ounce of respect from anybody and is quite disgusting.
  9. To me "Give the audience what they want" is just code for pandering to the audience. Giving them what you know they will like cuz that's super easy and most of the time that leads to some pretty shallow and shitty media imo.
  10. Because it's so fucking fast it's really really difficult to punishment and a fuck load of pepple really hated that. You get 20 suoer fast heals, makes rhe fights drag out for a long time, people didn't like it. Fuck people bitch about healing with Estus and that shits slow as fuck and easily punishable, so yea they loath blood vials. I still get hate mail from people for using Crimson Flasks when invaded in Elden Ring, as if their personal house rules mean fucking anything to anyone.
  11. Depends on the movie. They don't all have the same message. None of them have the message that you have to have a prince sweep yoylu off your feet and he needs to be this tall and make this much money and have this many serfs. Like no Disney Movie pushes that message. Like do you really watch I dunno, Tangled and walk away thinking "Life is only worth it of I become a Princess at the end" or was the message that the people youre supposed to be able to trust the most don't always have your best interests in mind? Beauty and the Beast message is don't be a greedy selfish asshole and help people in need even if they are horribly ugly ass old women. To think beyond yourself and see the people around you. Pinnocio's is don't fucking lie (bad adaptation of the book whose themes and messages are deeper then that but oh well.) I can't think of a single Disney movie whose message is actually "You deserve a prince and a castle and millions of dollars!!! It's as dumb in my opinion as acting like dudes who read comic books where taught by comic books to objectify and devalue women. Its just not true. You have to willfully misread the vast majority of comic books to walk away with that idea. It just reeks of not having an actual answer for the ills you have issue with and just blaming the pretty picture box because thats easy. It's why politicians do it. Real "It's videogames fault!" Energy if you ask me.
  12. Blood Vials and Gem Grinds (especially gem grinds) made no one care lol.
  13. What a shallow reading, no wonder everyone's kids grew up to be shallow and self centered they all watched a bunch of movies and somehow walked away with the wrong message lol.
  14. See we where always up front with out parents. Didn't have to sneak people in. We did thay shit away from the house.
  15. I grew up in a trailer, my dad could put his foot through my door without even trying. No need for a key lol. Shit I could have kicked my door down without issue and I was like 10 when I got that room lol. My parents never really had to do that shit with us tho. Maybe my youngest brother but I didn't live there anymore by that time.
  16. Celebrating being shitty bullies is a hell of a flex bro lol.
  17. Yea if my Dad knocked and I didn't open the door within a reasonable time there better be a good reason, only ones i can think of at the moment are sleeping or jerking off lmao.
  18. Spawn Wave Darc, not News Wave. Eithbthat said I wouldn't believe anything today until at least 2 outlets report it. Until then it's a joke.
  19. But Chad's actually funny... I've always been able to close my bedroom door, even lock it whenever I wanted. I find it weird when parents are distrusting of their children to the point they can't even close doors. That shits super odd and I feel like seeds the bed for trust issues in future relationships.
  20. Ya but money's never a factor mentioned, the love they have is born of factors outside of wealth and class. That seems like such an incredibly shallow and purposeful misreading of every Disney Princess movie in order to side step being a bad parent and not teaching quality morals and media literacy. I dunno man, this is like walking away from Starship Troopers thinking the movie supported fascism lol.
  21. I don't remember any Disney movie saying he's gotta have a big bank account to be worth your time.
  22. Congrats Reg, its been fun reading your chase for first place. Lots of drama lol.
  23. Unobtainuim is a real world used in the real science community. is a term used,other than not actually existing. So no it's not stupid. It's a real.word that describes reql situations lol. I liked Avatar and have found most of the people who shit on it do so by dunking on the actual real science in the movie they dont know anything about, or by saying it's just Dances with Wolves in blue paint and I can easily boil your favorite story down to its tropes and basic narrative points to, that isn't hard. I'd you haven't met anyone who liked those movies it's because you're purposefully ignoring the people who liked them. They made billions of dollars and got lots of praise, both of them. If you didn't like them that's fine, but stop trying to fool yourself into believeing that everyone else hated them to. They didn't. Way of Water made 2.3 Billion Dollars. If people hadn't liked the first one they wouldn't have gone to see the second.
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