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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Man i was giving him the benefit of the doubt and thought he meant actual peanuts froma circus. I forgot sbout those horroboe waxy ass peanut shaped candy foam things. Like biting into a memory foam matress l.mao.
  2. Yea I wouldn't put it on Pizza. I don't like Anchovies on my Pizza to begin with...
  3. Licorice is alright and I don't go to the Circus so no circus peanuts. I like Tuna but I like fish quite a bit in general. I don't like when people drown the tuna in Mayo tho. People use too much. Just needs some mayo. Heavier on the pickle relish people. Chop up some celery to give it some more crunch and man you have a good sammich spread right there. Put that on a deli roll with some letuce, tomato, and some cheese. Shit that's good. i want a tuna sammich...
  4. The fuck, 27 minutes long...can I get some context @Sonichumanbro? Lol
  5. Cosplaying as Candy Corn....smh maybe Pertho was right.
  6. I always thought this was an incredibly stupid saying. Bad sex sucks. No one likes going home with blue balls.
  7. How dare you insult the Baby Ruth and the Payday this way. This slander will not go unrewarded.
  8. I tend to just play those on Emulators, but those are fine as Repros to me to. I wouldnt be against buying a "Trials of Mana" Snes cart for example.
  9. I like Repros for modded roms but not really into them for actual reproductions. I get the appeal tho.
  10. Wait man really? That's a terrible handle lmao.
  11. I miss Vynce. I never managed to get his gamer tag sadly.
  12. Yea the whole clip is fucking dumb as hell. Rudy a big ole dumb dumb. I got Vampyre through but i haven't started it. Everything I hear about it has been really positive so i hope to dig into it soon. Probably should before Cyberpunk comes out cuz if that's half as good as it looks then the res to the year is fucking done.
  13. I wasnt much a fan of the first one, but this second one sounding fucking gdlk already.
  14. He was trolled by Sacha Baron Cohen into going into a hotel room with a woman. At the moment the claim is the woman said she was underage and Giuliani went anyway. They filmed and there is a moment where he leans back on the hotel bed and starts fiddling with his pants. It obviously looks like he is about to whip out his pecker, but he says he was tucking his shirt in. Shortly after the "shirt tucking" Sacha runs is yelling that the girl is underage. Its a hella stupid look for Rudy no matter how he tries to spin it. Tucking in his shirt, no ones buying that bullshit bro!
  16. Ketsui would be cool, but I'd rather see more of CAVES obscure titles. It was great for ESP to finally have a home release, and it would be great to see Ibara get a modern release that isn't all fucked up visually like the PS2 release is.
  17. I bet if one where to argue this in court they could win on posting video with no commentary as the gameplay itself is Transformative. I cant play Battle Garrega the way Kamui can play Battle Garrega.
  18. If I where an investor, I would follow Michael Patcher and do the exact opposite of everything he says. I'd be fucking loaded.
  19. And im am full on Bi and i dont talk about dick this much.
  20. You really need to tone it down talkin about other dudes dicks. Its getting weird.
  21. Crimzon Clover is fantastic. Shmups of the decade imo, and im not even that big on Bullet Hell, but CC is fucking satisfying, rewarding, and just over all a great time. Has a wonderful Novice mode to, an easy mode that actually prepares you for what comes next.
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