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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. I've never had much of an opinion on it either way honestly... Always kind of imagined it as fucking her so hard her ass cheeks clap which visually is pretty funny in my head...>.>
  2. Fucking christ its TETRIS.....Fucking Teteris man Fuck whoever that publisher is.
  3. Oooh another one, but im going to cheat and say the entire Legacy of Kain series instead of just one game, because the core series (Blood Omen 1 and the Soul Reaver games) narrative through line so hard with each other i would consider them one experience over all, even if they are 4 games in total. Yea I said 4. Fuck Blood Omen 2
  4. Any game with an emphasis on exploration and discovery. So any Souls like DarkSouls 1 or Bloodborne, The best Zelda games (ALTTP, Majoras Mask, fucking Breath of the Wild) of Witcher 3 or something. Something with a big world full of wonders to discover.
  5. That's exactly why it's such a frustrating term. It's used to describe games that are nothing like ALL THE TIME. I've seen people call Zelda or Souls games Metroidvanias because open world-ish design and rpg mechanics, or earning tools that open up areas for you. It's uses the broadest, vaguest, most "I have 0 talent for describing things so I'm gonna describe things by directly referencing otherthings that are similar on the most surface of levels."
  6. It takes more. The wax gets you higher for less.
  7. That 3 grams of Daimonds i showed you lasted me almost the entire month 😲
  8. Was gonna post that but my phone crashed when i tried to use an emogi *cry* But yea man you can drive the mechs. Looks gdlk.
  9. Please tell me you are joking...This is like my brothers girl naming her male kitten Molly cuz its what she was on at the time lmao. Cute kitten.
  10. Yea agreed. Its a completely useless term that for some reason we have let run rampant for close to 20 years now. Its the "Its the Dark Souls Of..." of 2D Adventure Games.
  11. Nope. Its Metroid with a dash of Souls. It uses Souls "Drop your currency on death" system, the Bonfire Checkpoint System (Bus Benches here) as well as the style of mood, atmosphere and story telling style in that the world is dead, everythings depressing, and you need to piece the narrative together through bits of dialogue, environmental hints and lore and shit. Otherwise the gameplay loop is Metroid where in you explore and fight to find abilities and skills that expand where you can explore and fight. If you want an Igavania i recommend Bloodstained Ritual of the Night instead. That will scratch that Igavania Grind itch. Hollow Knight got none of that. Why i dont like the term Metroidvania. Its too vague and non descript to accuratly describe these games to the people looking for them. Hollow Knight and Bloodstained get dumped into the same genre even tho one is an adventure game and the other is an adventure/RPG. I know we are only tacking one more genre onto the word Adventure but that fuckin RPG tag makes it a completely different experience and game imo.
  12. If by that you mean abilities that expand your move set for combat and exploration then yes it has that. It doesn't have Gear outside of Charms that are accessories that can be mixed and matched for unique performance output and they aren't drops, you find them or buy them from the town shop. No armor, no weapons (You can upgrade your weapon tho) no exp points to lvl up with.
  13. More of a Bug Metroid. There is no loot or exp system, thus disqualifying it from being an Igavania...imo anyway. Only game Ive played that actually captures that "Souls" feel that everyone tried to imitate but tends to fall short on. Not Hollow Knight. Its really good. Quite hard. Pretty rewarding.
  14. Poking away at Soul Reaver 1 on my Vita. Might dedicate more attention to it now that CP2077 was delayed again.
  15. Eh it is what it is. I'm not really gonna think anything like that till I have it and play it. CDPR does have a history of delaying shit. This is a new one for sure.
  16. That hoodie is hilarious but i don't think i could ever spend money on one. Definitely couldn't spend money on one.
  17. Bulding entire new profiles like this its some kind of video game create a character. "I need higher cheek bones, just push the slider a bit more to the right."
  18. Mutha Fuckin Mission Impossible Masks in this bitch lol.
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