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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. I bet if one where to argue this in court they could win on posting video with no commentary as the gameplay itself is Transformative. I cant play Battle Garrega the way Kamui can play Battle Garrega.
  2. If I where an investor, I would follow Michael Patcher and do the exact opposite of everything he says. I'd be fucking loaded.
  3. And im am full on Bi and i dont talk about dick this much.
  4. You really need to tone it down talkin about other dudes dicks. Its getting weird.
  5. Crimzon Clover is fantastic. Shmups of the decade imo, and im not even that big on Bullet Hell, but CC is fucking satisfying, rewarding, and just over all a great time. Has a wonderful Novice mode to, an easy mode that actually prepares you for what comes next.
  6. Oh My God yes finally Crimzon Clover getting a console release. Fucking finally. Awesome. Hype as fuck! R-Type Final 2 is neat to I guess lol.
  7. That was dumb because record labels have shown 0 hesitation to bop people for "stealing" their stolen art.
  8. How does one cancel a quote? I tried reloading the page; comic back to the page, deleting the quote...cabt figure it out. Anyway I personally trend to view most licensed music as product stolen from the artist so I don't really have much sympathy for record companies. They need to fuck off and let people use music in their shit, doesn't really belong to the license holder anyway imo.
  9. I really despise how they moved his specials to a separate button. I am pretty sure you can get the X Ultimate Armor in the last stage of Sigmas Caslte its just a bit nerfed from the code version. Might be thinking of X5 tho, its been a while.
  10. Both of these armors can be found in game without using a code. X1 and X4 are my favorite. Zero is a damn dream in X4. X is tons of fun in 1. After X4 Zero falls off hard until the Z series where he fun again, but depending on the game his abilities can be hidden away behind dumb as fuck grade scores that are super fucking hard to meet for most people, especially on a fucking portable.
  11. Man that Spike gif is a mood. Sums up my entire life lol.
  12. Edlegard is who i chose, but i cant seem to stick with the game for more then an hour.
  13. Videogame channels can be some of the worst when it comes to just heated as fuck critisism. Video i saw the other day "Shenmue 3 is bad and i have wasted my life." Jesus dude, like fucking what?
  14. I mean im kind of an OG comic book reader and im hella sick of the current models.
  15. Yea its why i am glad everything involving Tommy Weisou has gone the way it has. Dude made a baaaaaaad movie BUT he made a fucking movie, from start to finish. Thats a movie. What an accomplishment. What have you done? Make a stupid hour long critique of said movie where you demonstrate a complete lack of understanding about what goes into making something as monumental as a movie, while repeating the same talking points over and over in order to draw out this crappy video where all you do is shit on people for having ambition and drive but perhaps not the talent or budget? I get pissed every time I see a Mauler video pop up in my feed. Fuck that fucking loser. How a dude can whine about a movie for longer then said movies run time is some real shit. I dont mind legit critism and analsis, but a lot of these Youtube Critique channels are just rude as fuck, and dont actually provide any kind of analitical insight. Just "I didnt like this, this was bad, I could do better." No you couldnt. Shut up.
  16. I played the first TR Reboot and loved it, bought the update and everything. Then i borrowed the second one and quit half way through...i dunno it was....boring. I didnt find it even half as compelling as the first one. I played the intro to the 3rd and that was it. Id say the TR Reboot (the first one) is better then UC1 and 3 but lesser then UC2 and 4 imo. Not gonna rank the other two as i never finished them.
  17. Stand Alone. I actually hate Retroarch. Removing it from my Vita was one of the best decisions i ever made for that device. Its ugly and annoying to deal with, setting it up is a pain, and the GUI is fucking BAAAAALLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSS
  18. Lmao deadass. He be straight stone faced while she's bouncing on the dick making noises she never knew she could. They be practically thanking him for such a good lay. Must be awesome to have a sex game like that Too bad Hanzo will never know. Also that Youtube advice is fuckin brilliant. Is something ive been working on culling from my feeds for most of the year, Star Wars did a number on my feed, and for a while allit was people bitching about shit they claimed to love but very clearly hate and have pretty much always hated. Striking that kind of dumb negativity from my feed has been one of the best internet decisions i ever made. Had a "Netflix Castlevania is just plain bad" video pop up in my feed. Struck that shit out and requested to never get content from that creator again. Felt good.
  19. I joined SRK in 06, and not because of Evo moment 37 either.
  20. Since the 8.0 update it seems the OS has been moving a lot slower then before, and its harder to start a party chat while a gameis running. I think myPS4 is gonna crash every timei send my bro a chat invite while playing MHW since the update.
  21. I watched that and cringed at "Search Action" but that could easily have been an involuntary reaction to the term. I dont like it but i like it better then Metroidvania.
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