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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. 3 days. Fuckin Ice Cube. Shit man seems the nation just saved Donald Trumps ass cuz Ice Cube would shoot his ass when he comes up empty pockets this time. No Bankrupcy Court in the hood.
  2. I...dont understand Animal Crossing.
  3. Wow it's just a nicer looking flag in every way.
  4. I'll express myself however i want. Its the only thing they are working on that i care about so i would prefer they focus on it. My comment stands. That's cool bro. I hope everything turns out alright for you guys. Like i hope it just blows over ya'll with a light shower. Wishful thinking but my best hopes regardless. "But if you get your feathers flustered beause someone reply to some stuff you post, then why post it on a forum? Lol" I'm not flustered. Im just saying the direction you are coming from isn't something I am concerned about.
  5. Ok. Whatever bro. Look I don't care about this clearly as much as you do. The main thrust of my comment really meant "Make games I give a shit about." Those spin off VTM games i dont care about, neither does Million and neither do most people. Make games people want to buy. The rest of your comments may be true but i dont give a shit either way which is the thrust of this you dont seem to be getting. I understand exactly why small studios do side projects and i dont have a problem with that at all, i would just like them to be side projects people actually care about. No one cares about these side projects while bad news about VTM2 keeps coming out.
  6. Yea a big Puyo Chain is always fun and satisfying. I really like Lumines but a lot of that might be the stoner in me just happy to zone out to pretty colors and organic tunes.
  7. Yes Which is probably why they should focus more on their big project instead of these tiny side hustles no one is really buying. \ All the more reason to focus on it instead of these other projects that are clearly distracting them from their main one. I agree with all your points, but for this studio its doing more harm then help imo. You are welcome to disagree.
  8. As a Puzzle Game Doc Mario aint that great. Not saying its bad cuz its deffinitly not, but it aint Tetris or Puyo Puyo. Rather play Bust-a-Move honestly.
  9. Hey i was only upset at CP2077 because it had gone gold, they said they where done and it was ready to go then took it backl at the last minute. People have a right to be upset about that, which is basically what CDPR has done for a good chunk of this games development. While I would rather a game take the time in the oven it needs to be as good as it can Im also not fine with being jerked around for almost a year and some change. Ive already paid for the product, lots of people took time off they cant get back. (Not me but others.) Being upset over that isnt just a matter of being an adult baby. Theres some real PR issues surrounding that particular delay.
  10. Its actually more like you as an individual average out to the 5 people you hang out with most. The people you surround yourself with shape who you are. Which is basically what you just said so tomato tomato lol.
  11. Gooteks is a fucking mess. What happened man.
  12. I was more or less just happy to have a new "true" CV game. I've looked at Wallachia a few times. It's on my radar but I'm more interested in Vigil right now. Might try to scoop that in the middle of the month.
  13. I dunno. Was hoping for your opinion. Everyone I've talked to about it (only a handful) have said it's great tho.
  14. Im looking forward to Bloodless. She has potential to be fun. Did you ever scoop Curse of the Moon 2? Think I'm gonna give up on waiting for the physical and just buy the digital. Waits been too long at this point. Even starting to have doubts it gets any kind of physical at all.
  15. They need to realize no one really gives a shit about these and instead focus on VTM2, the game people actually want but they keep delaying and having issues with. Stop with the side hustles and focus on your main you fucking goofballs.
  16. @Volt I get you apprehension to Orgeons drug change but keep in mind we have been doing it the other way for over a 100 years and the drug problem isnt any better. So why keep doing it the old way that's proven not to work and is a huge drain on said tax dollars? Who do you think pays for these guys to go to prison for years and years and see to no beneficial "profit" from the exchange? We, the tax payers are the ones who front that bill so they can go to fucking private prisons where some asshole is making bank off of us by doing shit proven to not work. Shit gets old man.
  17. I only smoke weed so....Im good. Edit: We just passed legal weed by 59%.
  18. No one is acting like it isnt trash behaivor. We are just wonderwing why you wont let it go, keep bringing it randomly when it has little bearing on the convo, and why you are harassing Lantis about it when you know he cant do anything. We all agree it was fucked up. I'd say Lantis has other shit to worry about what with GPK telling Trumpers to commit suicide by bombing rallies in The Lounge Thread.
  19. Dwaynes not thay kind of Narcissist asshoke.
  20. I'm reminded of Tyson posting a tweet about the internet has made everyone to comfy talking shit because there is no threat of being punched in the mouth and he was applauded.
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