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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Makes you wonder how Koga isnt a shriveled old prune like Impa by the time of BOTW
  2. My family is hillbilly red neck as fuck, you waaaaaaaay off point bro. Edit: I didnt take offense or anything, I know it was a joke, this is just an observation I find funny and interesting about how cultures interact with eachother. I find it funny and kind of interesting how often the "SRK" community complains about their experiences being erased from conversation or whatever, and then turn around and do the same shit to white people. "You're closet brown." Naw man. Im hella white. White people beat their kids, this isn't new or unheard of. Like how is this all that different from the kids at school telling Darc_Requiem hes not really black because he doesn't talk like his peers? I had a friend about 15 years ago that this was a huge issue for, he was a nerdy black kid who loved to do Stop Motion Animation, and I would see this guy get tore up by his peers for not being "proper" black.
  3. What does being white have to do with it? White as rice over here and my mother used wooden cooking spoons and my dad used old reliable, the belt.
  4. Congratulations DoctaMario. May it be long a fruitful!!!
  5. So just a Hand Wizard? Dangerous_J the only one using these new Super Powers for good I see.
  6. That whole day had me messed up. I never seen so much shilling for Marx before. Christ almighty. Yea I support socialist programs like medical, cop, firehouses, yada yad....but a Socialist government system whose end game is Communism? Fuck outta here.
  7. Wasn't aiming it at you specifically, more noting a funny trend whenever a new GG character is announced. That's all.
  8. People always say "Doesn't look like Guilty Gear" then I look at the old GG cast and wonder wtf they are talking about lol. Same happened with Ram and Elf. People 've like "They don't look like GG characters, she's wearing a wedding dress!!" And then I look over at the cross dresser in a nun outfit and have a small but healthy laugh lol. Even the characters they have in the roster aren't the ones who usually wear all the chains, buckles and shit anyway lol.
  9. I think Giovana looks cool at the moment. Won't really judge off the trailer tho, it didn't show a quarter of what she can do I am sure.
  10. The real joke is thinking we are stupid enough to think asking Wiz for anything would get anything done. Joey isn't going to do anything that doesn't earn him money plain and simple. We arent stupid Preppy.
  11. Trackball is the only way to play Asteroids.
  12. My brother preordered me Cyberpunk 2077 for my birthday. Fucking dope.
  13. No. This is a discord for discussion, not for image dumping.
  14. I always try to enjoy a game for what it is, but deffinitly felt the gameplay was fgetting super stale. Black Flag worked for me because I could ignore the silly Assassins plot and be a pirate instead.
  15. Its cool it didnt happen to you, but i happened to tons of people, enough to be a real problem, a big issue. I havent played the new style ones, but the ones around the Black Flag Era where hella lost in what they wanted to do and be about. That series went off rails a while ago. I hope to pick up Odysee for cheap sometime soon and see if the ship ever got righted. Black Flag ws awesome.
  16. Politic thread has evolved to defending Marxism. Ima be done with that thread for the day I think. That's too much for me.
  17. Eh I didnt mind Pepper that much. Was bit left field but was also kind of expected and predictabo, like i saw it coming so i didnt mind too much.
  18. Thanks for posting this. I am tentatively excited for Strive. A lot of the changes have me side eyeing it, but at the same time it still looks really fun and GG-like so Im still down. I NEED them to show Jam tho.
  19. I thought Iron Man 3 was ok, but Iron Man 2 was a waste of time. Hella weak villain, awful pacing, and the movie stops for like 20 minutes to shill Avengers. Meh.
  20. Cave OSTs are fucking fire Pertho. In fact Shmups have some of the most slamming music you can find in video games. Great track choice, Espagaluda 2 is *chefs kiss*
  21. Hey guys. Sorry i got home from work, forgot, and passed out. Here is the link for the Discord server some of us use.
  22. Will do when I get home. Dont have access to the Discord at the moment, but will in an hour or two.
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