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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. I just fired this game up and saw the character you're talking about. Couldn't be more thrilled he gets under your skin this fucking badly lol. Hope the next characters even more flamboyant and over the top, just for you.
  2. No surprise I'd get a thumb down over the laziest most uncreative and boring mods hahahaha
  3. Well those do tend to be the shittiest mods.
  4. Then stop doing it. They exist, have for thousands of yesrs. They are real, I'm sorry that shit gets so fucking under you skin, but grow the fuck up and move on. Sorry their existence doesn't conform to your version of reality.
  5. No i get that, but without actual knowledge of her medical, whats the point in making comments about her ability to lose weight? Like I'm not even referring to a huge issue, like lots of people have trouble losing weight, even without Thighroid problems and shit. I'm not trying to make excuse for her, I'm simply asking why we as a society are so quick to shit on her while having very little knowledge about her personal medical problems. It's not like we are watching her YoYo like Oprah who can't keep the cookies out her mouth while touting weight loss programs. She makes fucking music. You know she wouldn't have voiced her feelings on her weight issues (a personal struggle) if people would stop attacking her for being fat. I understand it's low hanging fruit and shitting on her weight makes those people feel better about themselves because they didn't get to play a Crystal Flute or some bullshit, but like really, I think them dudes need to grow the fuck up. She's a music performer, not a porn star, her job isn't to make your dick hard, it's to make music. The fuck her weight got to do with...anything? But children won't leave it alone and she felt the need to comment about something she's honestly being harassed over. Her weight loss or lack there of is, frankly, no bodies business. Society gossips about famous people the way my grandmother gossiped about her neighbors while at the nail salon. It's way more embarrassing then Lizzos weight. Edit: Wasn't coming at you specifically, hope it didn't come off like that.
  6. I download them then host them on the dead SRK Discord. I hate Gify with a passion.
  7. How do you know she hasn't done all that? I dunno man you talking like you know her personally.
  8. Not saying your wrong but we don't know her medical history either...
  9. F&F started it buy selling a bogus product not even they believed in lol.
  10. Bro it was Fresh & Fit saying they wanted to fight and then they backed down when Preach was like "Let's do it, I don't even need to be paid, let's go." 🤣
  11. Yea, basically the gist of it. If you didn't have a husband you needed your father, the whole system "Ball & Chained" them to men to function so it's hard to say what things would have been like if they could have cut the chain like they can today. As for the rest of the post, yea, it's good to be well rounded and have your hobbies and interests, no one wants a boring partner who just works. It's why a lot of women married to rich dudes are bored, all he does is work, it's why he's so rich.
  12. That's not really the point I'm making, I'm pretty sure it's not the one Axeman is making. The point is the numbers are skewed because they couldn't easily become independent, so we can't really know what the landscape would have looked like if they could, which really means that the comparisons they constantly make are disingenuous in general, remember they are the ones bringing up those decades, not me. We are only discussing this because they make the comparisons regularly. I don't expect my girl to be anything like either of my grandmother's, and she doesn't expect me to be Don Draper lol. That's them. And a lot of men aren't moving like what? What do you mean making an impact on their community? I'm not sure the expectation here? Am I supposed to be doing something?
  13. That describes Myron lol. He can call dudes out but when he's called out he acts like a petulant child. Kinda disrespectful to have him in the same scentence as Kevin... Neither of my grandfather's where remotely like these "high value" clowns and my grandfather's where from both spectrums. My dad's father had a 4th grade education, could barely read or count, but he worked hard and he didn't disparage people. My mother father was a tenuered professor of the geology department at the U of A, wrote the text book they still used and was highly respected in his field and he would find these two to be absolutely pathetic individuals. Axemans on point to, how many women in abusive relationships with drunks and shit had to stick it out because no fault divorce didn't exist yet, it only first appeared in the States in Cali in 1969, and then the entire system was stacked to make it near impossible for them to live without their men. These dudes compare two wildly different worlds with wildly different rules for society, while failing to measure up to the standards of back then in the first place.
  14. One would argue podcasts have done the same for average as fuck dudes with shitty mindsets. Like thats an easy scapegoat imo.
  15. Broken clocks right twice a day. I don't think it's worth digging through the pile of shit to find the few golden nuggets.
  16. Yea, the way you feel about the Gorrilla shit is how a lot of people feel when they talk about women, or how men "should be " or the number of other topics they are embarassingly wrong about. It's not a bad rub, it's a line in the sand, these dudes are vile bro. They just finally crossed your line, thats all. Frankly it was only a matter of time.
  17. Bro I just watched a clip of them calling Aba & Preach monkeys. Like literally Donkey Kong and shit. Racist as fuck. Has nothing to do with cups of tea, they are not good dudes. At all. In fact they are really shitty people, exactly no one should try to be like them. Myron behaives like a massive fucking child and can't handle being called on his fucking bullshit. That's why he so fucking bitter. Dude isn't even half as strong as he pretend to be. He's made of Drywall. Just strong enough to support his mindset but not strong enough to actually hold the house up when a strong wind blows. Edit: Man you know it's bad when Sneako looks uncomfortable as fuck...
  18. Fresh & Fit are disappointing individuals in general, so this isn't remotely surprising, to me anyway.
  19. I've had the most luck against the Thunder Gleeoks. The electricity can be annoying if all your weapons are metal, but otherwise it's a pretty basic fight, while the Fire and Ice ones require proper food or proper gear equipment since they do proximity damage. I haven't really upgraded any if the environmental gear yet like the Rito or Goron set so fighting the other two elemental Gleeoks has been a challenge for me. I haven't even tried to throw down with a King Gleeok yet.
  20. I never noticed a real difference between hardware but I didn't play them concurrently like that. Yea I think it's Miyazakis tightest experience so far. It's very well thought out over all.
  21. Lol that boss is designed specifically to mess with your visual. You know the reason From hasn't "fixed" the camera is because they don't think there is anything wrong with it. "Can't fix what isn't broken."
  22. I find it really funny that in actual Halo Lore this would be reversed.
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