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Everything posted by RSG3

  1. Yea her racial fluidity isn't my issue at all, it's that she looks like her legs are two feet long and she's all torso, it's weird. She's built like Babe Ruth lol. Otherwise she seems pretty cool. Whole movie looks really cool.
  2. Carmen Sandiego 80s April O'Neil BTAS Selina Kyle/Catwoman Hello Nurse Detective Elisa Maza
  3. He sounds like Jackie Chan, his VO. I still don't like Aprils design, her body shape looks fucking odd.
  4. I think this mindset would benefit the DC Studio as a whole. They all need to stfu till they have something to actually talk about.
  5. @VirginDefilerLook if you want a real answer to that question it's because I don't accept "It was a shitpost, it was a joke, it was a prank bro, I was just trolling" as a shield against the responses people get for the things people say and do. We are talking about real people in real situations doing real things, so "I'm shit posting" isn't a good shield imo. It's an incredibly weak and flimsy shield in fact. Like it's one thing to make a joke and another to behaive the way these people do, over cans, or a statement, or a fucking rainbow. Grow up. They are just pissed off they're not being pandered to exclusively anymore. "They went woke and pander to the gays!" Yea because they already spent 100 years pandering to the fat lazy red neck football watching dick head who drinks Budlite. They captured the market already, time to expand and make more money else where. Like Zats right, it's fucking marketing spill. It's just pandering to a new fucking demo to get their dolleridoos because they dominated the primary one already. It's fucking Capitalism, they believe the myth of infinite growth so they have to expand their markets past the Football crowd. They don't give a shit about the gays or the trans or the bis or anyone, they never gave a fuck about the football crowd either. They care about mooooney. Gay people have green money to. I shit on them because they think Anhauser-Busch gave a fuck about them and thats pathetic & embarrassing. I stopped believing that shit when I was like 10, 12 years old. Grow the fuck up.
  6. Maybe you all shit post, but my posts are made of 24 Karat Gold and smell like sunflowers and daffodils. 🤣
  7. Because they are stupid and have nothing better to do with their lives then whine and cry and bitch about shit that doesn't effect them and they barely understand. Bud barely lost money. Nike barely lost money. None of these companies have lost significant chunks of money over this. Those billions are pocket change to what they will make in the long term long haul. Go woke, go broke is a huge massive fucking joke.
  8. God Super Scope 6 is like 5 bucks and Earth Bound....most deffinitly is not. I'd be pissed and going through every channel I could to fuck him.
  9. That's what I keep telling these people. " Why are they pandering to the gays?" Cuz they got you already. You buy already, they want to expand their reach and make even more money. Duuuuuuuuuuuuh. So weird so many people don't get this, even weirder so many of them think any of these companies give one single fuck about them, gay or straight they don't care. They just want you to buy their shit. They don't care who you fuck or how you dress, your monies green like everyone else's.
  10. I've deffinitly built a few gliders and before take off went "Wait......I'm gonna save first..." Lol
  11. Bullshit, they didn't even know the can couldn't be bought. They didn't know one fucking thing about the promotion beyond who the promoter was, and you had to go look for her promotional material because it wasn't a wide spread campaign. First world losers inventing first world problems to have a bitch fit over. Absolute losers of the highest order. Right up there with whoever whined about YouTube asking if you actually want to post cuss words like one click and it posts anyway hahaha.
  12. Kind of a Capcom thing, the DMC franchise seems to run on this to. The odd numbers are the bangers and the evens are the trash (tho 4 is decent.)
  13. It's not forced on you, you just click "Yes I'm aware, post anyway." First world problems.
  14. I know, it's been really ass. Sounds like you still have two whole sets of tools to use so you aren't actually all that fucked. Again I agree that a contigent of people will bitch and whine about the game after 5 months, but again thays completely normal and expected since it happens to every game.
  15. I know and you described a lot of games just now so I'm still not sure what your point is. It's easy to get blown out in tons of games, that's pretty standard for a fighting game. Like I agree with you a lot of people will turn salty on the game once everyone figures out how to really play it...but that's how it always goes... I dunno will be kinda interesting. Been watching jpn players and they just full send it, they don't seem to give a shit about being in burn out.
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