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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. Technically the interviewer and the interviewee should both have the onus since it's supposed to be give and take. Emphasis on "supposed to be". The person asking questions should be trying to get info about whatever is that they think would be important about the subject or what they think they're readers would care about regarding the subject. The person answering should be give answers about the subject in question especially if its something that they're trying to promote and in the hopes that any answers they give will help generate buzz. In the case of Stellar Blade unfortunately for better or worse everything seemed to have more of a major focus on the character's look. I don't believe that this was just something that lays at the feet of the interviewers because one of the very first things that people will notice in the first introduction of this character in the reveal trailer is obvious. (Also by the way man Eve went through a hell of change from then to now eh?). And It's even more obvious when the rereveal happened that they're doing it to get your attention. I'm not gonna knock the hustle cause sells. This discourse is doing exactly what it's supposed to do and its generating buzz for both the journalists who want to point and scream "look at the oversexualization of this character!" all the while Shift Up doesn't do anything to steer the conversation away from it because it's keeping the game in people's minds. I mean if I'm in Shift Up's position from a business perspective and I think my game is solid...why would I want to tell the press to not talk about the game when it's generating buzz like this for positive or negative? All the supposed "criticism" about Eve has a high chance of actually working in Shift Up's favor since it'll get people who probably were "meh" on it to try the demo and probably discover the game may actually have some substance instead of passing on it.
  2. Hellblade II has its own discourse surrounding it cause supposedly the game is roughly 8 hours or something? Only glanced at some of it that showed up since it was part of a bigger overall recurring discourse regarding length of games and whether that makes them better or have more value or whatever.
  3. Toriyama's influence and legacy continuing to spread
  4. This is so fucked. I"m glad most cops are required to wear camera's now because what in the actual fuck. Was this cop hopping the footage would get scrubbed? I don't know what the thought process here was.
  5. Bayonetta plays up the sexy better than Eve does since it's baked into her personality. I'm not getting any of that out of anything I've seen out of Eve from any of the gameplay or story bits that have been seen thus far. I mean if it gets people to drop $70 on the game then I can't knock the hustle. Sex sells but if that's the main draw and the gameplay and story substance to go with it then it's really not going to matter in the long run. I will be very curious to see what the full game shapes up to be once it's in everyone's hands and the dusts settles. I'm not expecting this game to set the world on fire unless there's some crazy tech or story beats that really set things off and that may not necessarily be a bad thing...especially since this is Shift Up's first serious high budge game. I think I'll be more interested to see what they learn from the feed back and development of this game for the next one. Vids
  6. Yeah I need this. Ran into the aerial gunships last night and holy shit do things go south if you don't take them out.
  7. South Park being on the nose with social commentary again
  8. Vids Also remember a few months ago that Nintendo had an event that they had to cancel due to threats? Looks like they may have got his ass.
  9. Kanye is one of those people that someone could say did and said some of the most wildest shit and you wouldn't doubt it. Edit: quote from rollingstone article
  10. I really hate that this conflict can't be talked about in any sort of nuance and if you put out that you'd want to seen both sides stop being shit to each other then you get called pro/anti palestinian or pro/anti Jewish regardless. I'm not going to say I envy the Pres position in this either cause at the start of this you couldn't really fault Isreal for retaliating for what Hamas did but then its pretty clear that they've been going overboard and you try to point that out people start yelling without listening. The right thing to do would be to stop giving them aide since they keep killing innocent people but the moment you do that its gonna piss off the other side right before an election. Did I ever mention that I hate politics?
  11. He's trying to dichotomize (....not sure if this is a word) the difference between people saying its a game for men but getting preorders bonuses for dressing up a woman...which doesn't really work and if you think about it for a while it ends up going full circle to potentially being offensive.
  12. This makes this beyond sus imo. How you coordinating with IDF and still get your people blown up?
  13. Know I don't think I was there for that. Things were dicey with just us 3 for a minute and then you came in and eased things and we started cleaning house. Last mission before you showed up we had robots and lasers every fucking where. Also GGs! Edit: Joel is about to hit us with another faction in the next few weeks. The moment we clear out the Automatons more than likely.
  14. No they haven't actually. Don't know if that's on a list of things to get to in the future since they were more concerned about Dragon's Dogma and plus with the visual style that Vanilla has it you'd think most versions of the game shouldn't be too taxing since their artstyle does most of the heavy lifting.
  15. Posting because of relvancy to a prior post Extra
  16. I personally never had a problem but I wasn't doing anything shady in my room so if my door was closed I never really got bothered with. My sister was a whole dif story. She was constantly eroding any trust my parents could have for her as a teenager.
  17. This pretty cool. 2 devs including the CEO of Arrowhead playing Helldivers and talking about the game with youtuber. They talk about some interesting stuff in terms of thought processes on making the game and game feel.
  18. Eeeeeeehhh....its going to depend on the child and where there room is in relation to the house. If they're on a 2nd floor or higher then % chance for shenanigans goes down but if they're on the ground floor and have a penchant for being rebellious and lying? Nah...I'm saying this as a brother od a sister who I have no doubt had someone sneaking into their room at night on the ground floor.
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