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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. I really hate that this conflict can't be talked about in any sort of nuance and if you put out that you'd want to seen both sides stop being shit to each other then you get called pro/anti palestinian or pro/anti Jewish regardless. I'm not going to say I envy the Pres position in this either cause at the start of this you couldn't really fault Isreal for retaliating for what Hamas did but then its pretty clear that they've been going overboard and you try to point that out people start yelling without listening. The right thing to do would be to stop giving them aide since they keep killing innocent people but the moment you do that its gonna piss off the other side right before an election. Did I ever mention that I hate politics?
  2. He's trying to dichotomize (....not sure if this is a word) the difference between people saying its a game for men but getting preorders bonuses for dressing up a woman...which doesn't really work and if you think about it for a while it ends up going full circle to potentially being offensive.
  3. This makes this beyond sus imo. How you coordinating with IDF and still get your people blown up?
  4. Know I don't think I was there for that. Things were dicey with just us 3 for a minute and then you came in and eased things and we started cleaning house. Last mission before you showed up we had robots and lasers every fucking where. Also GGs! Edit: Joel is about to hit us with another faction in the next few weeks. The moment we clear out the Automatons more than likely.
  5. No they haven't actually. Don't know if that's on a list of things to get to in the future since they were more concerned about Dragon's Dogma and plus with the visual style that Vanilla has it you'd think most versions of the game shouldn't be too taxing since their artstyle does most of the heavy lifting.
  6. Posting because of relvancy to a prior post Extra
  7. I personally never had a problem but I wasn't doing anything shady in my room so if my door was closed I never really got bothered with. My sister was a whole dif story. She was constantly eroding any trust my parents could have for her as a teenager.
  8. This pretty cool. 2 devs including the CEO of Arrowhead playing Helldivers and talking about the game with youtuber. They talk about some interesting stuff in terms of thought processes on making the game and game feel.
  9. Eeeeeeehhh....its going to depend on the child and where there room is in relation to the house. If they're on a 2nd floor or higher then % chance for shenanigans goes down but if they're on the ground floor and have a penchant for being rebellious and lying? Nah...I'm saying this as a brother od a sister who I have no doubt had someone sneaking into their room at night on the ground floor.
  10. "Pay....Pay!? PAAAAAYYYY!?" That woman getting combo'd into the SRK was the most anime "....It's my turn" shit lmao
  11. I don't even think Disney movies really are responsible for that mindset since Disney had pretty slowed down their output of princess movies within the past few years and if they did they weren't being waited on hand and foot. We got Princess and the frog from 2009, Tangled from 2010, Brave from 2012, and then Moana and Frozen within the last decade. I can't say that any of these movies really held those themes with the closest probably being Tangled maybe but that's stretching it. I feel like this mentality is mostly being self fed into it by the older generation putting out videos on social and the younger generation lapping it up...This feels more Andrew Tateish than anything. I don't have any concrete evidence to support this aside from anecdotal from what I've seen on my feeds.
  12. Congrats Lantis! If you every want to talk or have some insight into dadhood we got ya lol.
  13. Oh look a another female character designer likes thicc curves....imagine that.
  14. Putin has way more important shit to worry about right now so it's fucking hilarious that he'd be like "My country needs video games. PUT THIS AT THE TOP OF THE LIST!"
  15. ^ This could be interesting...looks like it's using combat similar to Spiderman/Arkham but with the use of guns. extra
  16. I saw that IGN quote in my feed about "the CEO has never seen a woman" which would be super fucking awkward thing to say when the dev purposely told people and put up a video that showed they scanned a woman as a model for the character. Also from some of the music I've heard while watching gameplay here and there of the game, the OST for this game sounds pretty interesting. I may have to fully check it out later. I'm putting this up because this isn't GI's opinion of what the greatest game of all time is...this is based on the opinions of people who voted which makes this far more interesting.
  17. Damn....R.I.P. His career seemed to be JUST starting to gain steam since he got that role in Gen V.
  18. oooooo.... You know that moment of dread when you get tagged by the Torque bow in Gears?.....yeah...
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