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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. I'd like to say I hope he doesn't sell 3/4 of his stock and he ends up being stuck with them unable to return but people are too thirsty out here. He'll make his money because the impatient people enable him. Edit: This is also a perfect example of why you can only mitigate scalpers but you can never truly stop them.
  2. Watching some of a playthrough of Ghostrunner and this game is like Mirrors Edge/Cloudbuilt with the protagonist being Genji from Overwatch.
  3. Switch nearly breaks record for October sales, comes in 2nd under the Wii
  4. It's been so long since I watched that show that I can't even remember. I know Heero had a hook up but I don't know who was Supplying Trowa. I don't envy the dude who had to resupply him.
  5. Heavy Arms had to be the most expensive ass Gundam on the show. Dude would leave with 6 armies worth of ammunition and unload it all in 5 secs.
  6. People are impatient. So some are willing to spend 3-4 times the price on an item to have it immediately instead of paying retail in a month.
  7. Director of MH movie already writing for sequels Bruh...can we get through the first train wreck first? Sony Exec says it will take 3 years to transition from PS4 Scalpers for PS5 are out in full force Anyone who buys a PS5 at near 2000 dollars needs to have their spending privileges taken away.
  8. Same universe where people bought N.W.A. records and then broke them as a form of 'protest'. Same universe where people buy games specifically to make a video of them snapping the disc in half to voice their displeasure over something that they got nettled over. I mean I could go on and on....this is pretty much par for the course really.
  9. I'm actually working a desk job now...just at home. I'd def have stuff like that out if I didn't think someone would mess with my stuff like the people who clean the building.
  10. Gamechops put up a reminder about Zelda and Chill 2 for fri
  11. This dude sounds like he needs Karma to clap his cheeks.
  12. 'You guys ready for next gen!! Both of our consoles will can run 120 fps' *Neither console is able to run a last gen game with a consistent 120fps* OFF TO A GREAT START!!! Also to be clear...I actually really don't care about at all. I just find it funny that this is feature that was pushed for the consoles and it isn't consistent on a last gen title. Only thing I want personally is consistent 60fps if thats the target...anything else is gravy. They actually talk about some of the difficulties in capturing some of this footage with their current equipment in this video.
  13. Yeah it does get a ton of attention and that can be contributed to the catchiness of the original arrangement. We already know that though lol. If I think its a good mix/arrangement I post it up regardless of how much popularity a source track gets.
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