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Everything posted by Sonichuman

  1. Most games don't have intros like that anymore and it's kind of disappointing. *grabs his cane and sits in his rocking chair* yessirrreeeee...Used to put the game in the console and read the manual while the intro played to further hype me up for playing. Used to be my ritual for anytime I got a new game. Soul Calibur II is def up there for really done intros. It STILL gets me hype. If we're talking about intros then gonna throw a few others in there.
  2. I noticed the dips but it didn't get in the way of me having fun with the game.
  3. I was wondering when DF was going to talk about this Extra Hoping its smoothed out for the full release but the frame issues has me worried about how bad the game will run with 2 player split.
  4. Trying to get caught up on some of the matches from Spain...and I don't know who Gropis is but his Beerus is awesome. Shanks was having issues with that orb pressure he was doing.
  5. VGM Friday I thought I had posted this earlier but apparently not
  6. Edit: realized that it said Vol. 2 but actually was the exact same tracks as first one that was released.
  7. I can't think of many if any SNK games that animate strangely. From most of the sprites and 3D models they all seem to have an understanding of how the human body moves and animates for at least 95% of their animations. I can't say that about the 3D MK series. The only one that I can think that comes close to that is MK4 (if only because that game was far more simplistic in its moveset especially in comparison to the later games) off the top of my head with Deadly Alliance (this was the beginning of them using mocap and they were making a big deal about it with the different fighting styles) coming after that and then it just worse from there. It's just really crazy that some of the animations for the characters look that janky after *checks* 18 years of them doing 3D animation with mocap. That's why I'm at this point I think NRS either doesn't care or just believes the jank is part of the charm of MK.
  8. I wasn't even including Shaolin Monks since that game is uh...well...amazing in all aspects lol. I'm well aware of the inconsistences and I'm pretty sure SOMEONE over in NRS has seen the A.B.I. tutorial video that criticized them over it. As annoyed as I am at it, I've just come to accept that they don't care 'enough' to fix it. Maybe they just think that having some of this jank is part of the charm? ( Its not busted...ITS A FEATURE!!)
  9. MK animations and the stiffness and no center balance has been a thing of progressively getting worse since they went 3D. I honestly think that NRS just doesn't care at this point and so long as they keep making money like they have they probably feel a need to do so.
  10. That eye on the villain's forehead...hmmmmmmmmmm...*strokes chin hairs* What if this is like the reincarnation of Ghirahim? Unlikely though but the eye def makes it seem like he has a direct relation to Ganon.
  11. Eh...I haven't been nearly as fast with me working from home and the kid taking up my time. You probably would have posted before me if I was working normally today.
  12. Also Meg the Stallion cosplayed as Mileena for those interested
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