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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. Morrison makes sense since they seem to be releasing couples together
  2. They Def coordinated the clothes for the smarks.. I appreciate that
  3. Yup timberland has wanted to do stuff with her music for years. Like have new artists do covers and things like that but his hands were tied for like 20 years
  4. aew found a new way to get cheap heat. instead of insulting cities you cut promos bragging about wwe accomplishments lmfao
  5. Redragon plus Cole or future shock plus Bobby. Future redragon Red future shocking dragon
  6. Rumor has it that the Briscoes are backstage at aew. If they signed... Fucking chaos
  7. I'm almost sure he was filming both movies back to back lol. Story wise I get it... He's supposed to be a whole different person disgruntled mentally unstable i gueas
  8. It seems like that's the end goal for this all. Spiderverse. The ending of that trailer screams they may save the mcu but most likely he gets sucked in to the portal. This movie needs to end with two specific people miles and spider Gwen. Sony would be dumb to only bring in one cash cow.
  9. 16 yr old Peter would 100% make fun of a bad guy's name... Shit 30 yr old Peter would too lol
  10. Looks like the ending of the trailer implies we are doing some sorta spider verse as the next big saga. I don't think it ends here
  11. I thi k my toilet is poorly decided. I swear if I'm on it for longer than 5 min my legs falls asleep... Nothing else I sit on does it only my toilet
  12. not sure if its true. saw it in the chat when they were running casuals but didnt actually watch the tournament yet. he was actually my pick for winning this from the names.
  13. That's so dumb. I've never heard of them ever doing this before
  14. Wtf? Why is it so soon? Don't they have to give you notice so you can tell work and stuff?
  15. I actually would like to see punk have a long term or semi long term feud with Kingston. I think Kingston getting that win over punk would do huge things for him. I don't want it to be some young kid unless they are prime and ready right now. But no one's ready for that stage just yet... They are staging s few people for prime spots like Dante Martin later
  16. China's quickly becoming one of my favorite mma countries
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