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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. tony khan putting his foot in his mouth lmfao. my groupchat just informed me this went down and if he didnt apologize i woulda thought it was some sorta vince mcmahon heel gimmick lmfao.
  2. Nothing will be funnier than the flash series that had an actual Canadian wolverine who had to run between teams for the various crossover events.
  3. Marvel shitposting group said a bunch of the og cast died last yr
  4. I... I got nothing..this lawyer either is the most terrible lawyer in history or had the most amazing grades of any lawyer who ever lawyered.
  5. He was somewhat of a prodigy. He got signed with roh 1-2 years after going pro.. Never heard of that happening except in a few rare cases like the Briscoes.
  6. Pat is just 100% himself. He isn't playing a character, pat is literally a character. It's a reason why he used to get in trouble in the NFL constantly. He knew hwi he was and didn't fake it. Most in prowrestling are playing a character often something they were wish they were.
  7. It's more a bad thing against the community. So if you screw them you get to only do it once type scam. Some may get screwed but in general gofundme does have ways to do some shit.
  8. It's the charisma... Charisma just carries
  9. He actually sent me $100 for it 30 min ago. I kinda don't want it as stupid as it sounds. It makes me feel like my art wasn't good enough and I shouldn't take it til I feel my art is better.
  10. This was the Comission I was asked to work on. They wanted to be turned into anime characters but I guess ended up not liking the direction of it. It is what it is. I just do some personal stuff for a bit to get the bad taste outta my mouth
  11. I was ready to throw hands if they shitted on my absolute favorite guilty pleasure movie.
  12. So I've been working on a commission for the past two months for a friend. I checked in every two weeks just to double check if they liked what was going on and they told me they did. Today they decided to cancel it on me... And now I'm just like fuck. All that energy, I put off other projects to do this. Fuck
  13. Oda revealed a long time ago the races he felt the cast would be. Like a decade or so ago. Luffy and usopp look perfect for the role. Zorro Will prob be good once they do him up. I think people also gotta remember these characters are supposed to be 16 or so in the Manga. They are still young teenagers.
  14. Lmfao I was waiting for them to drop the merch
  15. Lmfaooo I'm in a Twitter thread where black people are hyping up hitlers paintings. What in the fuck 🤣🤣🤣
  16. Canon wise they put in hints bardock wasn't like other saiyans in broly movie. He was noted to be weird and more of a Thinker than others of the warrior class. He showed more care already
  17. I had no idea blue exorcist was still going... Time to play catch up. Loved the anime sucks they didn't continue it
  18. Most of his fans are young and dumb. Common sense goes out the window when youth is involved as well as crowd mentality. This isnt even the first concert where his actions got people hurt. Sued in the past by one fan who got paralyzed by a crowd at his show. He is the caterer of his fans and ultimately the leader in the end. Again the fans are at some level of blame
  19. Because he's encoured this for multiple pasts concerts. Also tweeting about encouraging people to sneak in after the event is sold out. He's in a leadership role and Def seems to have been aware of what was going on during his set of before.. Had continual pauses in his show that showed he knew something was going on but kept doing the show. Obviously the crowd deserves some blame but ultimately they are nameless people not in a role of power to control the crowd
  20. Today in small town hilarity. I'm on the south side of Boston... Basically the side Ben Affleck pretends he's from in every movie. Me and another are shooting the shit tellin horror stories and tips and he goes I'm a movie star. I'm like what? He's like I'm in films.. Mind you has the most Boston accent. He tells me he's in gone baby gone as a character with 1 line. I had to really hard hold back my laugh. But I bet it works at the bars on girls.
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