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Everything posted by bakfromon

  1. No one's talking about how Ryu isn't using a Metsu Shoryuken against Sagat to scar him? Because the Shoryu was supposed to be a forbidden move like Gouken's moveset suggested. Are we all accepting the fact that Ryu wasn't possessed by SnH during his first fight against Sagat and had just landed the SrK as it was meant to be used?
  2. It's funny because he hit the softest ground ball he could then stretced to reach first base but even so he's going easy on the other team. I think it would have been way easier for Sin to just teleport around all the bases to get a homerun of course you couldn't show that in one frame of artwork easily
  3. These characters are walking stereotypes who heavily borrow from their own culture. It wouldn't make sense for them to just up and borrow the name of an animal from another continent because it sounds cool. We all know Capcom just got their spotted cats mixed-up. They clearly meant Leopard instead of Jaguar because Leopards habit the same jungles as Tigers.
  4. Honestly it sounds like JP experimented with upgrading himself with Psycho Power. It doesn't sound like he was a normal officer or in high command and it doesn't sound like he was an experiment like Decapre and Ed. JP makes it sounds like he augmented himself like how Seth did when he installed the Tandem engine into himself like his original biography stated back in 4. Johan is the SF version of JP Morgan.
  5. This has been known since the days of SF2. His name is Blanka because the natives of Brazil named him that because they initially seen his white skin when he was abandoned as a child. He initially used the plants as pigment for his skin by rubbing himself continuously with green leafs and grass. I'm assuming now he just uses paint although I suspect this is a transiteration issue and the Japanese version just mentions he uses dyes or pigments as a way to color his skin green. Anyway this is nothing new and the Twitter response to this is hilarious. Clearly nobody knows SF backstory on there.
  6. Those are definitely memories since Sakura is still in her school clothes and Gen looks like he's desiged in his Alpha attire. Dan's Dojo is actually in Metro City too but it's not open yet. He's probably still having phone issues because his phone number isn't listed on the sign.
  7. If only you could actually read what it was saying then it would probably be more of an interest to you... Actually not really it just mentions that JP was in charge of financial affairs for Bison so he was Shadaloo's accountant. Makes sense why he's laundering money. "私は、あの男の下で、金融関係を 取り仕切っていました" Under that man, I was in charge of the financial affairs.
  8. I'm pretty sure you mean she's hitting you in the face with her foot which you'd probably enjoy too so I guess you'll take it however it comes.
  9. Bro you should have expected this. Remember Street Fighter EX3? Remember Ace from that game?... Of course not because it was forgettable. Anyway the custom character is exactly like Ace from that game where you could pick different moves for them but none of them could share the same input. Capcom literally played the waiting game and repackaged Ace from SFEX3 made him customizable and then built an adventure mode around him. The market changed but Capcom really didn't🤣
  10. Apparently he is a really strong enemy in WTM he ranks level 90 so definitely very challenging
  11. I'd say 4 years then because if the tournament JP holds is annual which I'm starting to think it is (why hold a special cultural tournament bi yearly) and the first one is in the comic then you would have an additional 4 years til the 5th one JP didn't kill Kalima like we thought and she is the missing NGO employee mentioned in Ken's arcade intro and she has graying hair now. Mel also looks to be older now almost as if he's a teenager. That's because he's around 9-12 in the comic if you're using a 6-8 year timeskip from SF3 when he was 3-4yrs old. Now you add another 4 years to the comic and you have Mel at 13-16 years old.
  12. Yea they cappin they Capcom after all. Lily is at best a freshman in Highschool. If T.Hawk finally saves Juli(a) in SF4 which at the latest takes place in 1994 and SF6 at the latest takes place in 2008 then she's at most 14. 19 is like they're way of saying Mel was 5-7 when he saw his dad fight in the English version of the comic when in Japanese he said he was 4-6. She's supposed to be the new high school aged girl like Sakura and Karin were originally. She even acts like it you can tell she's supposed to be young. Also if JP'S tournaments take place annually and he's already on his 5th when in the prequel comic he's only just introduced them then there's 5 years between the prequel comic and SF6.
  13. Lore absolutely matters it's why people are so are so invested in the lore of MK and Tekken and why they're so considerate and consistent with it for the most part. SF6 is getting good reviews because it's a well crafted fighting game with tons of extras to please the audience. Those extras will overshadow what's presented in the lore because at heart SF isn't technically about that. It's about how the game feels as a one on one fighter. What WTM does incredibly is bring the world of SF and combines it with the world of RPG and Beat em up. Fans have been waiting for the day they could actually explore the world of SF like they could Final Fight. In fact WTM is a very good bridge between both titles and something that is long over due. After all Final Fight was originally titled Street Figher 89 and was intended to be a sequel to SF1. It's cross over to a beat em up genre ultimately prevented them from doing that so they were separated by them changing the name slightly and keeping them within the same universe. Now in SF6 we have a sense that they're back together within WTM. The thing is that if you're a SF fan then you're obviously going to be pleased with the interaction with all your favorite characters and newcomers. The thing is the casual SF fan doesn't know anything about it's deeper story save for the ones who are really invested into it like the ones in this thread. SF6 has been aiming for more casual interaction by changing certain control schemes for long standing characters (Honda's Hands) and adding an easy operation mode (Modern controls) which is something they've haven't done since CvS2 for the Game Cube. WTM definitely caters to casuals first wholeheartedly. It's a very simple story which is easy to understand and you feel more a part of it because of your avatar. It's probably why people have given it such good reviews. Yet, make no mistake the people who know SF story and have seen a good storymode that follows established canon of a fighting game are livid. Just go look at some of the comments in the Youtube section for the WTM cutscenes and compare them to ASF from SF5. Some people are calling BS and rightfully so.
  14. I've been saying this for months now since they announced this mode although I've been hopeful.
  15. Hate to say it but I don't think this will advance our canon discussion in the slightest.
  16. A personal wish of mine given that we have a criminal thriller mystery type story with Ken and JP and the way WTM is built with the 2 main hubs and everything else side hubs is that there's a crime solving aspect like the old PC Carmen Sandiego games. JP's alt costume gave me this idea for some reason with his hat and trench coat. Besides the friendship building you would do with the World Warriors there would also be some optional mystery solving regarding JP and who he is. Given enough clues you could find around the world map your character would initiate the World Warriors into their own investigation into JP and his business in Nayshall and eventually a secret ending involving a showdown against him
  17. All this talk about crotch line in pants makes it sound like you just want to see a virtual 🍆 print.
  18. That's not actually Hugo but Andore Jr.1 Not sure why they put the number 1 after his name. I'm guessing the red hair and pants was the give away that this was Jr. It's Carol from Captain Commando! Another cameo of an enemy from the past.
  19. Idk man Cammy's new cat charm on her phone looks a bit like they're more than just friends. "Thinking about you J" Juni mentioned it's a charm she gives Cammy in the text.
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