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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. Slim chance: I would love for Dotemu/tribute to do an X-men beat em up. While I liked the 1992 game, it wasn't as awesome as SOR2/ turtles in Time with regards to gameplay. Also, basing it on the failed 1989 Pryde of the Xmen pilot when TAS was going full throttle with the Jim Lee aesthetic made it feel somewhat outdated even in its heyday. Either I would like a modern comic aesthetic or 1991 Jim Lee/TAS aesthetic. Latter would probably more enticing casual folks like Shredder's Revenge is using the 1987 cartoon stylings.
  2. Do you guys think Capcom will release a Ultra SF5 next year when 6 drops? It seems like easy money.
  3. The first Decepticon Commander Class - Legacy Motormaster Review!
  4. Put him in the same cell as Suge Knight. He can witness thug lyfe up close.
  5. I still cant believe Karyn Parsons (Hilary from Fresh Prince) didn't get to be in many movies. She was in the film Class Act with Kid n Play, but not much else. Shame.
  6. Transform and have a stroke kiddies!
  7. You know you're getting old when.... Someone says "drip" referring to clothing and you think of a pussy dripping you can remember when girls wore more skinny jeans than men a deluxe Transformer was only $10 (In my area from Beast Wars to about spring 2012) you get excited when buying dress socks with new patterns You've voted in at least 5 US presidential elections You can remember when Cis and Trans were only used in Organic chemistry Your car is the only one with a cassette deck You've seen all the movies in the theater of the following series: TMNT , Mission Impossible, Jurassic Park, Matrix, Bad Boys You can remember using 5.25 floppies, 3.5 disks, Zip drive, Cd drive for data. despite being more inefficient today, you miss going to a Blockbuster or physical video store to rent a movie or game. Youv'e never sent a dick pic to a girl even your gf/wife
  8. Since I'm not a hypocrite, I will say something positive. Dark Forces 2 came out 25 years ago. It was one of only 3 or so PC games I ever owned We got our first PC in Jan 1997. I had briefly played DF 1 at a cousins cousin house circa 1995? . I really loved that you could get either dark side or light side powers depending on your actions. Force lightning force choke. for dark side. Healing and speed IIRC light side. It may seem cheesy to modern people but the full motion cutscenes we're pretty good looking. Jerec the blind Dark Jedi killingKyles dad in the prologue and the actors mannerisms were cool. The voice acting was pretty decent IIRC there was a zero gravity level when you're in the shop that was memorable. It was one of the few SW games I've ever owned and played. I used to get smoked on multiplayer but it was fun. The other SW games I played were my friends SNES Super SW/Empire/ROTJ.
  9. You guys like shitting on something you claim to love. I hate Michael Bay tf but I don't complain about it as much as everyone on here . Infernoman, City Hunter is 100x better than Trump who lost! Hahaha
  10. KOF 14 launched that same year as SF5 and had 50 characters on the base roster. It was also used to poke fun at SF5's shortcomings.
  11. A new episode is out.. Why aren't you guys having your menstrual periods? I demand entertainment!
  12. Magneto undergoing reverse aging is really something "performed" on him by another entity. Exhibit A: Uncanny X-men 104 (Vol 1) As Claremont's first run began, the "all new all different " X-men were being manipulated by and battled the Shiar agent Erik the Red, he returned Magnus from being a baby to his prime (30s?) and set him against the X-men. Exhibit B: I didnt read this one first hand, but essentially after many mutants lost powers after Scarlet Witch decreed, Magnus works with the High Evolutionary to regain his powers. His youth (20s) was restored by this action as well. Uncanny X-men 516 (vol. 1)
  13. @MillionX when you're bored, watch this... Review of a Third Party "Acoustic Wave" - Masterpiece level Animation Style G1 Soundwave (approx $260) 9 inch height.
  14. What if Eliza left him for Sean? Then he became godlike and they put him in the game. Insert Brazzers logo.
  15. @MillionX What are your thoughts on SF6? No Rufus or Abigail so far lol
  16. Bison has been in 2, Alpha, 4, and 5 "series". By putting him in the next game, it just minimizes the impact of whoever the main boss/villain is. I hope they have a wholly new main villain/final boss for this game.
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